Swollen Members: Mar 07, 2002 Article

Swollen Members Don't Stop

By ChartAttack.com Staff (Actual Writer not Specified)

We’ve joked before about how Vancouver’s most endearing hip hop duo Swollen Members tour a lot, but things are starting to get truly ridiculous. In a good way. First we told you that the tall dark Prevail and the tiny blonde Mad Child were on tour with Bif Naked and Project Wyze. Then we told you that they were going on tour with Nelly Furtado. From there we announced the Battleaxe Warriors Tour, which will feature SM and other faves from the Battleaxe roster including DJ Murge, Abstract Rude and Code Name Scorpion. Oh, and they’re also doing the MuchMusic Snowjob thing this weekend. Man, if Mad Child and Prevail still keep apartments back home in Vancouver, they’re wasting their rent money.

If constant touring is indeed the key to success in Canada, Swollen Members are on their way to being the next, er, Nickelback (or less pretty versions of Nelly Furtado). Not only are they squeezing extra shows in on their downtime (they just added a last minute show in Cornerbrook, Newfoundland on Saturday, March 9 and an in-store at the University Avenue HMV in Waterloo on Tuesday, March 12 at 4 p.m.), but they’re expanding their Battleaxe Tour dates faster than we can keep up with them. We’ve already announced the first leg of the tour, which will take the duo through Ontario, plus a full list of the Nelly Furtado dates, but now we have a list of shows for the second leg of the Battleaxe tour.

Even though they’ve been on tour since well before Christmas and you’ve had plenty of chances to see them already, if you haven’t yet, we strongly suggest that you take this opportunity to check out Mad Child and Prevail. We’re predicting even bigger things from these two, so it’d be best to catch them before they start touring the snot out of the States and reach superstar status. Don’t say we didn’t warn you…

[outdated tour information]

March 07, 2002 [ChartAttack.com]