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Have you heard the story about the lobsters and the cage? The story goes that when lobsters are caught in large numbers there is no need to put a lid on the container. Whenever one lobster attempts to crawl up and out of the cage, one or more of the fellow lobsters will reach out and pull the offending lobster back down into the crowd. Sometimes it seems we humans have the same mentality. Better to stay in the crowd than take a chance and escape the confines of our cages.

In order to live authentic lives and thus be able to reach out a hand to others, we must first break out of this group mind. We must find a way to listen in a deeper way to what is being said to us. Sometimes, it is easier to do when we are encouraged by another person who is willing to listen deeply to our stories. Verna has been commissioned by the Divine to do this deep listening and then offer tools of encouragement to make the journey easier.

Individual Consultations

Verna offers spiritual mentoring to individuals who want to use creative and intuitive tools to live a life of Integrity and Divine Purpose. Verna listens deeply to the message of the heart and then invites us to do the same. Using the energy of the earth and our inner wisdom, we are encouraged to listen to the beating of our own hearts and the sounds of our own breathing. We are encouraged to slow down and tune in. When we allow this deep listening into our lives, we find the silver thread that ties us to all of creation. We let go of all that is not serving our true nature and are led to discover what God wants us to know about the wisdom we carry.

Celebration and Ceremony

In this secular world we live in, we may have forgotten the mystery of life. Our scientific discoveries have jaded many of us from seeing all of life as sacred. We may have lost the sense of wonder and gratitude that earlier civilizations carried with them.

In order to reconnect us to this sense of wonder, Verna offers to design or facilitate celebrations or ceremonies that mark or honor the various experiences of our lives. Honoring these moments also allows the soul to be heard and the ego to rest. Tremendous healing is then possible. We can let go and let God.


Saying good-bye to your old home
Moving into a new home
Ending a relationship
Beginning a relationship
Considering pregnancy
Getting pregnant
Giving birth
Any birthday, and especially the “Major” ones
Starting a new career
Wanting to start a new career
Leaving an old job
Illness in the family
Receiving a major diagnosis such as cancer, etc.
Days of major treatments such as chemo, etc.
When major medical treatments are completed
Letting go of old ideas or expectations
Releasing of cherished routines, such as letting go of our driver’s licenses
or moving out of our family home into an assisted living facility
Death in the family

This is just the tip of the ideas of when to create a sacred ceremony. Take a moment and look at your own life. Where are you holding on? What have you not blessed or accepted? Do you want to consciously acknowledge some part of your life? Wisdom Works will hold the space so that you can make the changes you want to make and honor your life in a more sacred and healing way.

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