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Moanalua Valley - Summit Low Back
December 16th 2001



I started this hiking day at 6:30 am when I got up.  First task on any morning is to feed  the dogs and prepare my oatmeal breakfast.  Then while mine is cooling I run the dogs.  After eating I pack my gear throw it in the truck and head to 7-11 for to buy lunch, a second breakfast, both imitation crab sushi and a cold drink.  At 8 o'clock I'm on the road heading for Moanalua Valley.  I arrive around 8:30 to find Bill talking with Mable from the HTMC.  Looks like the 'trail clearing' crew is making a loop hike on Red Hill Ridge.  Pretty soon George arrives.  That's it for the Pecos Hikers. Bill, George, and myself. 

   This hike is rated Novice/Intermediate by Stuart Ball.  It's an 11 mile round trip to the summit of the Koolaus.  There is a low back at the end of the valley and we'll only have to climb about  400 feet to reach it.

   To take this or other hikes in the valley, you must access Ala Aolani St. from Moanalua Road regardless if you are coming from Honolulu or Pearl City.  Drive to the end of Ala Aolani and you will see a small park.  You can park inside or outside the gate.