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About Us

About Us

My name is Simon and my wife is Lyn. We have a young son of 2 named Michael.

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Sorry! Let me update you....
Michael is now 6 years old. We are still homeschooling him.
He has completed 3 years of homeschooling preschool
and we had a big graduation ceremony for him for Kindergarten!
He now tells everyone he is a big First Grader!
I can't tell you how much we love homeschooling our son.
It has been such a joy to see his strengths and weaknesses,
his areas of great potential and where growth is needed.
We are all enjoying the luxury and freedom of having no school dictate our lives of learning.
Our job is to prepare him for his future.
We are preparing him not only for the work force and college,
but also to be a godly husband and father. His daddy is being a great example for him
as he shows him how to respect his mummy and treat her special:)
Homeschooling is the perfect choice for our family.
We continue to see the blessings each year.
We love this natural way of living our lives.
We could never have captured this special gift from God
had we sent him off to others to
teach, influence, and train with their ideals and worldly views.
We enjoy watching him get along in any and all situations
and with people of all ages.
We love nurturing and watching him grow.
We love knowing him and protecting him from negative influences.
We love watching him with wonder as he goes through each major learning milestone.
We love having him beside us as we impress God's word upon his heart
and teaching him to be like Jesus. Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Another year has flown by! Michael is now 7!
He is loving being homeschooled and we love it as well.
Michael has done really well. He is in Second grade this year doing 3rd grade work.
We are very proud of him and his love to learn. His favorite subject is reading.

Meet Mommy and Michael ~ click here!


See Michael and his family in below video!

More About Michael Below!

Find Michael in his very first audition!

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I ♥ church and I ♥ Jesus.
You can click here to know more about Jesus. ♥

My mummy stays home with me. She plays with me and teaches me. She takes good care of me. I LOVE my Mommy.

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