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This is a special page devoted to Jesus,
my best friend.

If you don't know Jesus this is a great place to find out all about him! I learned a lot about him from a book Mummy and Daddy gave me. It is called Who is Jesus? by Kathleen Long Bostrom. Here are some of my favorite parts of the book that will help you know Jesus too!

"I'm Jesus, God's son and I want you to see that the bible can teach you a lot about me.
I came from my Father to show you the way, to live as God wants you to live every day. (John 13:15 I have given you an example to follow.)
I came to the earth as a baby like you so you have a birthday and I have one too. I came down from heaven as God's only son to show all the world that God loves everyone.
My life all along was a part of God's plan.
I loved to tell stories to any who'd hear. They followed me closely wherever I led, so eager to hear every word that I said. I traveld a lot walking mile after mile.
I picked out twelve friends who would travel with me wherever God sent me on land and on sea.
You too are my friends if you do as I do and love one another as I have loved you.
I prayed to my father in good times and bad He listened to every concern that I had. When you pray to God you should pray in my name for my love and God's love are one and the same.
I died on a cross so that others could live and know there is nothing that God can't forgive. The day that I died was a sad one indeed, but then God gave me a new life now I live again!
So if you are willing please come follow me, then you'll be my light and will help people see that God's love is so great it will never run out!
Now that is good news to tell others about.
Love, Jesus

Here are some other things I know about God. He never sleeps, so He is there whenever I need Him! I can talk to Him about anything and that He loves me. I hope you will choose Jesus as your friend. He is the best friend you could ever have.

Do You Want To Know My Friend Jesus?
Click here to read about the day He was born.

To read more about Jesus and His plan for your life!
Click Here To Read More.

Jesus can live in You!

How light works. It stands out in the darkness. Depending on its brightness, light can make the darkness around it disappear altogether. Light is so important that it was one of the very first things ever created when God made this world. The following Bible verses will explain. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Genesis 1:3 Not only was there light, but the light was GOOD. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. Genesis 1:4 Sometimes the bad things that happen to us in this world are called “the darkness.” God sent someone into this world to bring light and take the darkness away, and that someone was God’s very own Son, Jesus Christ. In the Bible Jesus tells us: While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. John 9:5 It’s nice to be near a light when there’s darkness all around you. That’s why God invites us to believe in Jesus and walk next to Him and His light all our lives. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 Sin is darkness too, and it is inside all of us. Sin is anything we do that is not approved of by God. Lying, cheating, and being selfish just the least little bit are all sin, and sins deserves to be punished. But because God loves us so much He gave us Jesus to take away our dark sins with His light. When Jesus died on a cross, He was taking our punishment in our place. Then He rose again to give us new life. When we trust in Jesus, God forgives our sin and makes us His children of light forever. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. Ephesians 5:8 You can tell God in a prayer that you believe in Jesus and you want His light inside you.

Linus thinks that the Great Pumpkin is a lot like Santa Claus. Every year, Linus sits in a pumpkin patch on Halloween night waiting for the Great Pumpkin to appear. According to Linus, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch he finds to be most “sincere.” The Great Pumpkin then flies through the air to deliver toys to all the good little children around the world. The problem is, the Great Pumpkin lives only in Linus’ imagination. There really is no such thing. Linus is acting kind of silly. Some people think believing in God is kind of silly too. They say that since no one can see God, how do you know He’s for real? Well, there is a great answer for that. A long time ago, God sent His Son to earth as a baby named Jesus. Jesus grew up into a man and many people saw him, talked to Him, touched Him, and came to believe in Him. These stories are all in the Bible and are written down in history books as well. One day Jesus did something really amazing. He died and came back to life again, proving He was God. Even though we can’t see Him, we can still talk to Him by praying. We can still hear His voice by reading His Word, the Bible, and hearing it taught in church. We sometimes learn about Jesus by listening to amazing stories of how people’s lives are changed after they meet Him. You probably don’t believe in the Great Pumpkin, but I hope you do believe in Jesus. He is very real, and if you want to, here’s how you can know Him, too. 1. Admit that you are not perfect. You make mistakes and do things that God does not want you to. This is called “sin.” Everyone sins, and that keeps them apart from God. The Bible says: There is a problem—your sins have cut you off from God. Isaiah 59:2 2. Know that sin deserves to be punished, but that God loves you so much that He came up with a way to take care of that for you. The Bible says: God so loved the world that he gave his only Son… 3. Believe that God’s Son, Jesus, was punished in your place. When He died He took your punishment and everyone else’s with Him. Then He rose again to eternal life (eternal means forever), which He will share with you if you ask. The Bible says: ...everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 4. The moment you believe in Jesus, He takes away all your sins and you are forgiven. You now have Jesus living in you and you will be with Him forever. When you believe, you can tell God in a prayer like this: Dear God, I know I’ve disobeyed You and broken Your rules. I believe that Jesus died to take my punishment and rose again to give me a new life forever. I want Jesus to live in my heart forever. Amen.

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