Media Study - Star Wars |
Click some of the pictures to hear
dialogue from the movie

This guide has
been written to help you study a feature film.
In doing so
you will look at the following aspects:
- The content
of the film - what it is about, and it’s social and media significance.
- Style,
structure, language
and it's
appeal to the audience .
- Also
presentational devices and visual images - how these create emotive and
persuasive effects, and relate to other media.
The following site might help you with some of
your answers:
Draw or paste appropriate pictures into your
book as you complete this media study.
Starting your work
a page in your book or folder for a title page. Design this
page around the title 'Science fiction' or 'Star Wars'. Complete this over
the next week.
1. On
the next page, under the heading 'Star Wars', write a brief outline
or summary
of the film - the plot of the story. Do not go into detail here (less than a page will
do). Mention also the various sequels to the film - The Empire Strikes Back , Return of the Jedi
and The Phantom Menace. How do these
connect to the original Star Wars?
In one paragraph, describe the setting of the movie. Explain
where the events in the story take place.
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Themes found in the film
- 3.
What are some of the themes found in the film? You might consider ideas of authority and
political oppression, and
independence or personal freedom. Also good against evil
and friendship and loyalty. Explain how the film explores these ideas.
(Three or four paragraphs)
- 4.
Explain the idea of the Force - what is meant by "May the
Force be with you"? (One paragraph)
- 5.
Compare this film to other sci-fi films (e.g.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T., Alien,
Blade Runner, The Fifth Element, Independence Day, The Matrix) (One paragraph)
- 6.
Comment on any interesting passages of dialogue -
especially those which establish the characters of Luke (Mark Hamill),
Obi Wan-Kenobi (Alec Guinness), Darth Vader (Dave Prowse), Princess Leia
(Carrie Fisher), Han Solo (Harrison Ford), C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) and
Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing).
(Two or three paragraphs)
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Presentational devices
7. Comment on the following:
- a)
Structure (sequence) of narrative. Are there any
'flash-backs', or does the narrative unfold in the right order of
events as they happen?
- b) Music and sound
- c) Stunts and special effects (SFX) - look at: the various
vehicles and spacecraft in the film, weapons, such as light sabres, use
of holograms (very novel in 1977), stunts and action sequences
- d)
Make-up/costume - comment on the way John Mollo (costume
director) depicts strange creatures (Jawas, Tusken Raiders, Jabba the
Hut, Chewbacca and so on)
- e) Acting - comment on the performances of Mark Hamill, Alec
Guinness, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Peter Cushing, Dave
f) Comment on the performance of
those (human actors) playing non-human parts: Chewbacca, Jabba the Hut,
C-3PO and R2-D2. How do they add to the movie.
- g) Direction - comment on the direction: is it hard to follow
the narrative, is the pace too slow or fast, how do the directors help
the audience follow the plot? - Why is there an opening scroll or 'crawl
text' at the beginning of the film?
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8.a) View and make brief notes from this
slide show
b) Comment on the
cinematography used in Star Wars:
i.e. the visual qualities and effects achieved through such
things as how shots are
composed-distance, angle, movement ;And the use of colour, lighting,
sound and so on. Also such things as:
- - the action sequences
- - the way the film presents scenes set in space
- - the presentation of strange locations - Tatooine, the
cantina, the Death Star and so on
(About one page - three or four paragraphs)
(for more help)
film was awarded the 1977 Oscar for Best
Visual Effects. )
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Significant achievement in cinema
Why is this (or is it not) a good film? To answer this, look
at audience - who the film was made for and how the audiences
responded to the film. Also look in more detail at the important scenes, including
any scenes which
make the narrative (story-line) clear, and the climax or resolution of the
narrative. (Two or three paragraphs)
10. Finish your response with a personal evaluation - what you
liked about the film, and why. Also briefly recap your findings on
the aspects of the film study, mentioned in the introduction at the top of
the page.
(In writing about Star Wars
you may use reviews from magazines or Web sites. You are allowed to quote
from these, but should show quotation with inverted commas. You may
express agreement or disagreement with what you find in these
reviews. )
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