

Study this web page: A brief, easy to follow guide to Myths and Legends
and then do the following activities.

1. In your book, under the heading MYTHS AND LEGENDS, write out and explain the meaning of the following words:
a) Protagonist
d) Sage
e) Magical powers or weapon
f) Crisis
g) resolution

2. Write out the following definitions in your book: 

A myth is fiction - something which is untrue. Mythology often addresses the theme of good conquering over evil. Scholars of mythology usually define a myth as a kind of story which attempts to explain or interpret some aspect of the world around us.

A legend is a story from the past about a subject that was, or is believed to have been, historical. Legends concern people, places, and events. Usually, the subject is a saint, a king, a hero, a famous person, or a war. A legend is always associated with a particular place and a particular time in history.

3. a) Visit the following site and read one of the famous Myths or Legends from Ancient Greece.

    b) Then draw the following chart in your book and fill it in using this Myth or Legend.


MYTH / LEGEND:____________________________________________________
a) Protagonist
b) Villain
c) Quest
d) Sage
e) Magical powers or weapon  
f) Crisis
g) Resolution