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samurai.jpg (80770 bytes)

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alohasplat.jpg (20934 bytes) History

alohasplat.jpg (20934 bytes)Pictures

alohasplat.jpg (20934 bytes)Player Profiles

alohasplat.jpg (20934 bytes)Team Record

alohasplat.jpg (20934 bytes)Ronin Message Board


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Hawaii All Star Paintball

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Team Ground Zero

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Team Avalanche




(Motto: "A Force Rooted In Honor")Te Paintball in Hawaii. Acting as "ambassadors" of the sport, we help, encourage, and educate ot how to play the game safely and by being responsibl

Competition is what drives the sport of PaintNon Flash Version ball. The bsic philosophy is to create a healthy atmosphere and encourage the "Spirit of Competition" and the game of Paintball will flourish. To create the spirit of c

In Memory of Matt "Gizmo" Luber

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D&D Maui Tournament
Team Ronin Red Placed 4th

Ronin Black 5th

Ronin White 6th

3 - Man 4th

Thank You to our sponsors