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Ashley's Poems Page

Hi everyone! I'm Ashley - I recently started writing poems and I thought I'd post them up here, so I'm going to. Most of my poems are about guys because one of my friends says that I am boy crazy and she ought to know, so most of my poems are about guys. The other few are ones that some people have given me ideas to write about. The links to my poems are below. Enjoy! Any comments can be sent to - just please don't email me about how horrible these are.

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Here are a list of my poems: Click on a title to go to the page.

My Final Goodbye
The Answer (continuation of Uncertainty)
Noreen's Poem
The Boyfriend I Wish I Had
The Perfect Guy
ESP Talk
The Change
The Date
And Your Final Answer Is? (continuation of The Date)
And How Am I Supposed To Take That? (continuation of And Your Final Answer Is?)
The Final Comment (continuation of And How Am I Supposed To Take That?)
Those Three Words Are Not I Love You
The Lost Friend
The Smile
The Question

The Picture Page - see pictures of the people that the poems are about!
My Real Life Story - See Where I Come Up With All This Stuff
