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Performance Poodles




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Listed on this page are a few of our Performance Poodles. Some are Conformation Performance and others are Sporting Performance. Sunset strives for versatility in their Poodles and although we do not have all the pictures from our Poodles Performances, our Poodles are very accomplished. We will continue to add to this page.

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Our latest Sunset/Te-Awa Show Accomplishments.

Fashion is a small but very loving girl who is co-owned with Heather Bryan from Prodigy Parti Poodles. Heather showed Fashion to her first wins. Hopefully she will finish as a UKC Champion at her next show. We are very proud of this young lady.

Bentley is Fashions up and coming son. As a youngster he has done really well in the show ring. He is co-owned with Heather Bryan, by Sue Walz of Marsan Poodles of Eugene, Oregon. He will go to Sue to finish his AKC Championship in the spring.

McCloud is a very nice boy bred by KitSue Poodles, of Luther, Oklahoma. Bred from a Sunset/Te-Awa son of Star and a gorgeous Kit-Sue girl. He is co-owned with Heather Bryan, Prodigy Poodles and Sandi K. Savedra-Dixon of Sunset/Te-Awa Poodles. Heather showed McCloud very successfully at the Phoenix, Arizona UKC show. Watch for this young male to finish his Championship.



Dion has 45 points towards his UKC championship. We hope to finish him in the very near future. Dion has a Parti gene carrying mother and a solid black father.



Shania was shown for AKC championship. Her and Dion are brother and sister although they are a year apart in age.

Zoey is owned by Kitty Bradley, of Colorado, and is a very accomplished girl. She has her MX, MXJ in AKC Agility.

These two kids started out the right way. Both won BOB in Matches at young ages.

This is Karlee at ten years old having fun at Charlene Dunlap's Canine Horizon's, home.

My True Love

Karlee will be 12 years old on March 18th 2006. She has always been my special companion. Her mother Tilly was the best sporting dog we could have had. She instilled the drive and desire in her offspring and Star and Tux, Karlee's son and daughter have the same retrieving and hunting drive of Grandma Tilly.

Karlee is retired now but she has always been the main helper in our Poodle family. She assisted the other Mum's in whelping pups to the point of climbing in the whelping pen with them. She has always been a calming force for a new Mum. Karlee has taught so many babies how to walk on a leash and she has taught potty training along with many other house hold manners that all good socialized Poodles should  have.

She has not worn a leash but one time in her life and that was get a rabies shot in Petco several years ago. Having never been trained Karlee has always had the insight to understand all that I have asked of her or all that I am thinking. In our life we get few of these extra, extra special companions that are so beloved that we cannot imagine what we would ever do without them. Karlee is very much one of the special ones. We cherish each day we have her and hope it will be a long time before we ever have to say good-bye. Karlee's main asset other than never having an ill day in her life is her fabulous temperament, she never has a bad day, a bad moment and always embraces life with an abundance of love for all she does and meets.


All of the Poodles on this Page have at least one parent that is a Parti gene carrier.