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Genetic Testing



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Basic  Genetics

Many key factors come into play when a good breeder plans a litter. One of the utmost important things that are considered is the genetics behind the poodle. Everything about a poodle, the personality, color of the coat, looks, and movement all stem from the genetic make-up passed on to them by their parents. Selecting a breeding pair shouldn’t fall solely to the looks of the parents. It also needs to consist of deep study into the pedigrees behind them. The more knowledge you acquire before you breed a litter, the more likely you will produce a litter with the quality of poodle that you desire.

Another extremely important issue is the genetic defects found in the various sizes of the poodle breed. Each of the sizes has their own individual problems, and there are some diseases that are found in every size. There are various genetic tests available to determine whether or not a poodle has the disease or is a carrier, but as a breeder you need to take that to the next step when structuring your breeding program. While some diseases are dominant, most require both parents to be carriers for it to be passed on to the offspring. In essence this means you can have a poodle carrying the genes of a genetic defect, but this poodle won’t produce this problem in the offspring unless it is bred to another poodle carrying the same genes. By introducing a broader gene pool, you can diversify and breed away from the underlying genetic problems. Knowledge is the most valuable tool any breeder can obtain.

Below are some links to Web Site that you will find informative and interesting.

1) Color Genetics.                                           


2) Health Genetics:                                                                                     


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Sandi K. Savedra.......334-488-6614

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