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Computer History

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What is Programming?

How do we write a Program?

What is a Programming Language?

What is a Computer?

What is ASP Active Server Page?

What is Virtual Campus?


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What is Programming?

Much of human behavior and thought is characterized by logical sequences. Since infancy, you have been learning how to act, how to do things. And you have learned to expect certain behavior from other people.
A lot of what you do every day you do automatically. Fortunately, it is not necessary for you to consciously think of every step involved in a process as simple as turning a page by hand:

1. Lift hand.
2. Move hand to right side of book. 3. Grasp top corner of page.
4. Move hand from right to left until page is positioned so that what is  on the other side can be read. 
5. Let go of page.

Think how many neurons must fire and how many muscles must respond, all in a certain order or sequence, to move your arm and hand. Yet you do it unconsciously. Much of what you do unconsciously you once had to learn. Watch how a baby concentrates on putting one foot before the other while learning to walk. Then watch a group of three-year-olds playing tag.

On a broader scale, mathematics could never have been developed without logical sequences of steps for solving problems or proving theorems. Mass production would never have worked without certain operations taking place in a certain order. Our whole civilization is based on the order of things and actions.
We create order, both conscious and unconscious, through a process we call programming. 
Programming Planning, scheduling, or performing a task or an event.
Computer A programmable device that can store, retrieve, and process data.
Computer Programming The process of planning a sequence of steps for a computer to follow.

Just as a concert program lists the actions the players perform, a computer program lists the
steps the computer performs. From now on, when we use the words programming and program, we
mean computer programming and computer program.
Computer Program
A list of instructions to be performed by a computer.

The computer allows us to do tasks more efficiently, quickly, and accurately than we could do 
them "by hand"—if we could do them by hand at all. In order to use this powerful tool, we must 
specify what we want done and the order in which we want it done. We do this through programming.

Ada Lovelace

Charles Babbage

George Boole

Blaise Pascal

Admiral Grace Murry Hopper

Niklaus Wirth