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Active Server page is a technology developed by Microsoft group in 1996 for use on their IIS server. Active server Page (ASP) is a mix of HTML, scripts and ASP code that enable the user to build dynamic and database-driver web sites. Microsoft describes it as "a server - side scripting environment that the user can use to create and run the dynamic, interactive, high -performance Web / server applications." While standard HTML is only a display language, ASP allow the user to connect the information displayed on the page based on user interaction. 
Also, Server-side ASP is interpreted by the server and the information is returned to the browser to display. ' Therefore, ASP is cross - browser compatible if used as server-side scripting - in other words, if the script is interpreted on the server, is server-side. The one notable exception here is Lynx - ASP uses cookies, and Lynx doesn't. Depending upon the user target audience, however, this might not be a problem, as the percentage of Lynx users is quit low. There is also client-side scripting, which is interpreted by the browser. So, Active server Pages (ASP) are a way of creating pages on the fly. With a little bit of programming skill and a working knowledge of ASP.



To write ASP, you will need a tool to help you. The following is tools which will help you in this: 

Text editor (Notepad)
ASP/VBScript is just like HTML, simply text markup stored in a plain text file. As such you could write your ASP files using a simple text editor.

HomeSite v4
4 can colour coding your markup. Recognizes VBScript, Cold Fusion and other languages and can do things like automatically complete tags once you start them. Also has a very neat global search and replace facility.

Visual Interdev
One of Microsoft's family of "Visual" products. You will find color coding etc, but also integration with Front Page, the Front Page extensions and a whole world of information on VBScript, JScript, HTML etc.

FrontPage is a WYSIWYG editor for HTML, but yon can insert snippets of ASP here and there, but nothing too complex. So if you already make use of FrontPage, and don't want to move towards Visual Interdev, it could be all you need.

its a free editor with lots of little bells and whistles. It has been supplied by one of the 
guides readers.



To develop an ASP the user must be understand the component of ASP that are use in writing an ASP program. These terms are:

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
HTML includes various "tags" that are explained by the web browsers and marked up to display text and graphics appropriately. The minimum HTML tags for a web page follow (note that tags are enclosed by "<" and ">", where a "/" is included to turn a tag oil): 

( Here is text that will be displayed '

Scripting (JavaScript or VBScript)
There are two kinds of scripting, client-side and server-side. That simply means that the programming script is either processed at the local computer by the browser or at the web server by its operating system.

Client-Side Scripting 
Some of the source code for web pages are client-side scripting. The script can be written in the following format: 
<script language="vbscript"> 
client-side lines of scripting code goes here 

Server-Side Scripting 
ASP relies on server-side scripting to dynamically generate HTML documents and send them back to the browser. There are two ways to include this in an ASP file. First adds a qualifierto the code syntax as follows: 

<script language="vbscript" ruo·t="server"> server-side lines of scripting code goes here </script>. 
The alternate method of using script within an ASP document is to enclose the scripting-code in "<%" and ""/»>". Examples: 
Welcome to Kent State at <% = lime %> on 

This would dynamically create an HTML document to send back to the browser that would include the system tune and date of the web server. If users viewed the source code, they would see the following (assuming a time and date): 
Welcome lo Kent State at 12:30:12 on 11/10/98 

Here the user do not sec the server-side scripting code, only the HTML docmnent it gene ates. Note that both client-side and server-side scripting can exist in the same ASP file. The scripting languages that used in ASP files are JavaScript and VEScript.

Structured Query Language (SQL)
it was developed by BM in the early 1970s. SQL is a nonprocedural language used in database management systems to define and manipulate relational databases. And it divided into two components:
Data Definition Language (DDL): Used to create databases and tables, as well as modify the structure of an existing database.
Data Manipulation Language (DML): Used to insert new records in a table, update existing date, delete records, and select data from a table or tables within the database to create virtual tables called record sets. In addition, there are build in statistical functions to count, summarize, group data, etc.Much of the SQL performed in ASP pages is related to selecting and analyzing data.



ASP has some advantages which are:

Open Language Support
Active Server Pages are compatible with any ActiveX Scripting language. They support VBScript and Jscript. They can be scripted in any scripting language as long as a scripting engine is provided. Also, multiple scripting languages can even be used in the same ASP File.

Compile Free
No manual compiling is required for Active Server Pages. To prevent the need for manual compiling whenever a change is made, just in time compiling automatically recompiles the ASP files upon the next request, and loads it into the server cache. ASP files are updated immediately on the web.

Data Sources
An Active Server Pages application can integrate with any ODBC-compliant database including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, Informnix, and DB2 databases.

Browser Independence
They provide a browser-neutral approach to application design. All of the application logic to generate dynamic content can be executed on the server, no one has to worry about what browser is used to view the site. Browse see the result of an ASP file as a normal HTML page.


Ada Lovelace

Charles Babbage

George Boole

Blaise Pascal

Admiral Grace Murry Hopper

Niklaus Wirth