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Another CD please!!!

I have added this page in hopes for another cd to write about...*HINT* *HINT*!!!
As I am sure most everybody knows by now, the Smashing Pumpkins are breaking up. Holds for crying.........Billy Corgan announced it May 23rd that they are indeed breaking up after their tour commitments. Billy (I feel weird just putting his first name, I don't know him!) said that they have enough material for like two CDs but don't expect a double CD. (Although that would be cool!) They are also going to film VH1 Storytellers later which will be awesome. And there MIGHT be a short US tour thingy but no promises. OH I HOPE THERE IS!!!!! And hopefully they will play around DC;) *HINT* *HINT* So, although this sucks big time at least they aren't quitting in the middle of a tour or leaving us empty handed. And I for one am glad they have so much music out there because I will never get tired of listening to it:) Just like the Beatles (and I am in NO way comparing the two!!!!!) have a ton of albums the SP have like seven CDs plus the box set and if they release more at least we won't get bored. (That was me doing the whole glass is half full thing:) I kind of think the glass is too big! haha! ok....I am still keeping this "Hopes" page because they will () release more stuff. Adios!


5/31/00-Oh man! I just read that they are not going to do a farewell US tour, *sniff*. I really want to see them live again. I am trying to go to Summersault but its a long way from here to Canada-wish me luck! I hope they release that other cd by the end of the year!
8/31/00-Well, I haven't heard too much recently. Actually, I have...but none is verified. So, if I do hear something I will let you know.
9/10/00- The Pumpkins have been up to no good again! hehe, well something good has come out of this mess. The SP apparently released 2 12" vinyl albums and 3 10" EPs to 25 friends and fans and told them to distribute it to the fans. In this day and age that means mp3s. It is called "The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music" and everything is new excpet for 2 songs. If you want these songs then try some of the other Smashing Pumpkins websites where there is info on how to get a burned copy or get it through Napster (although I didn't say that, hehe) or those other places. Goodluck, what I have heard is really good!
I read that Billy Corgan said that he will continue to release songs onto the internet. I guess something is better than nothing!! *note to self...get a CD burner*
The Band?

I will finish this part later. Why bother, they are breaking up. ok, i will stop wallowing.


Beginning of SP stuff
Pisces Iscariot
Siamese Dream
Machina/The Machines of God