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Whales of the Sea

The great whale, is an animal that looks like a fish, but is not a fish at all. This large animal, surprisingly is related to humans in the group called mammals. These whales have a highly developed brain and are a very complex animal. Some whales, such as the blue whale, can grow up to 100 feet in length and weigh about 150 tons. Other whales may just grow up to about 10 feet in length. The differences between whales and fish can be seen clearly when they are broken down into simpler terms instead of just thinking that anything that comes out of the ocean is a fish. The following chart explains the differences between whales and fish.

Whale Versus Fish



Sideways tail fins

Vertical tail fins

Have lungs, so come to the surface to breathe

Have gills, which absorb dissolved oxygen from water

Give birth to live young

Lay eggs

Tend to young after they are born

Leave young immediately after laying the eggs

Warm-blooded (body temperature remains the same regardless of the environment around them)

Cold-blooded (body temperature changes with the temperature of the water)

Whales have a highly streamlined shape, which allows them to swim without using a lot of energy. A whale swims by propeling itself by moving its fluke, or tail, up and down. It has a smooth, rubbery skin that permits it to slip easily through the water. Beneath its skin is a layer of fat called bludder. Because whales have so much of this fat, they sometimes have more trouble staying cool than staying warm. This blubber can be used as food for the whale during times when there is no prey for the whale. The blubber is also lighter than the water around the whale, so it allows the whale to have more buoyancy.
Buoyancy is needed for the whale because it usually comes to the surface to breathe every 5 to 15 minutes. Sometimes, they can go up to 40 minutes to 2 hours without breathing. When they return to the surface, they breathe from their blowhole on the top of their body. Whales have no sense of smell, but they have wonderful eyesight and a well-devloped sense of smell. Whales also use their sense of touch and hearing.

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