Lion of Judah Christian Apologetics
Refuting Traditional Gender Role View, Supporting Biblical Equality


Sites Against Traditional/Complementary View;

Sites in Favor of the Biblical Equality / Egalitarian View

I intend to add more material in the near future!

Christians For Biblical Equality

Many resources available

God's Word to Women

Many links, articles, etc. available:

Egalitarian Christian Alliance

Many resources available

The following page covers 1 Timothy 2:12 to 15 and Ephesians 5:22 , as well as other verses and related issues:

Male and Female, an Article from "The Intelligent Christian"

Features excerpts from book; many topics covered, including a demonstration of why embracing the egalitarian view does not lead to condoning, or having to condone, homosexuality:

Slaves, Women, and Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis By William J. Webb

Deborah of the Book of Judges and the Gender Role Debate

Is Deborah a positive case for the Biblical egalitarian view? ~ and other issues addressed

Servant Authority, by Sandy Simpson

Unfortunately, the author of this piece believes in the false teaching of Conditional Security


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