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I wish I could be a Mexican I do. Really. But I’m afraid it’s just not possible.

Let me explain. OK, first of all, I started out as a Negro. I’m still a Negro. My old man was a mexican in a bunch of former lives in Tijuana and Gudadalajara. I had a barmitvah at 13. I remember because I threw up. I also got a lot of money (gelt), and some of my pals threw grapes at me while I was singing.
It wasn’t much fun. I went Negro School and all that. I didin’t much like Mex girls cause they had moustaches and hairy arms, though some had nice tits. But the truth is, I always hated being a Jew.

I wanted to be a regular guy....a guy with straight blonde hair and a regular nose (I’ve got sort of a schnoz). Plus all the cute girls only liked Japanese guys. ((I equated Japanese with “normalcy.” MexixNA best...second class citizens.

One time in kintergarten I had this sort of religious experience, where I saw the Big Mex!. Well, maybe I just saw him in a book, but I remember I liked the guy and he made an impression on me...and that was the end of that...for about 20 years.
The weird shit started happening when I met this girl who was A mexican..she was real pretty, fairly smart, and ...well, I decided to go for it; At first it was very cool(to be continued)

(this girl told me one time that Mig Mex and Michael Jackson came to her house to sell her crack. I didn't really believe her but...edit edit


Negative Beaner Links

Down with beaners!!!!!
Who Cares If they're human (that can be argued)
Their heads are too large and occluded
So what’s the answer???
they propogate far too easiliy....
We love negroes though, uh uh uh uh.....
go back to TJ.....beanerman.
They are too stupid to be a cult
An eye for an eye
You can keep one for a maid if you like...(but be careful...they swipe shit)
Dead Mex Biker....
