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Friends of Fallen Angel

This branch of my page is dedicated to all of the friends that have helped me and that I have met and have had fun talking to. Some of my best friends are on the net and maybe that is where you will meet yours. In this page you will find different types of messaging services and chat rooms that are all approved by me and I think that they are all good places to meet new people. I personally recommend ICQ's messaging and personal chat service. I think it is great with there people find page you can meet new people with the same interest, thoughts and hobbies as you. To contact me ICQ just get it then find me. My ICQ number is in the finding me section of this page. I am always on you just have to give me a message and I should be back to you shortly. I would also recommend Powwow to anyone who likes to play games over the net. You have a few games to choose from. You can even talk to people via mic and speakers.

Also if you ever need help building your own web page goto A Great Friends Page and see what you can find there. And if you just want to see a real dumb page goto A real Dumb page. The one furthest from the camera on that pic on that page is a real bad pic of me. Sorry to frighten you!!!

Redrum's Home Page

Manda's Home Page

Beanz and Yoxzen's Home Page It's pritty Schwoxzie!

Fondle's Home Page Welcome to Hell

Wild Horse's Page I happen to love this one but you know how I am (or maybe you don't)

Dreama's Page I think this is my favorite.

Nikki's Home Ready for something interesting?

Gene Field's beautiful Pix of Tuolumne Meadows.

Lucie Field's Genealogy page.

By ICQ 12935757. I'm always here hiding so just give me a beep!

Or My E-mail Address

If you have the AOL IM's then you can find my by looking for "Fallen 213"

In IRC I go by "Odysseus The Fallen"

Getting ICQ or the "I Seek You" Friend Making Network
Ok now I understand that a lot of you have trouble getting ICQ because there page seems to be a little difficult to understand. Well I have helped about SIX people get ICQ and they are very happy with it. I have helped people in Austrelia get this program. I love it and I will help anyone who is willing to Mail Me and tell me that they need my help. I can help you through it all. Also if you have any questions about ICQ you can go right ahead and ask me that to. I will answer all mail that I get.

What Is ICQ.

The AOL Instant Messanger and what it is.

Yahoo Chat

Get mIRC here. Another good chat program in the IRC world.

Probably one of the best over the net chat and 'talking' communucation programs Powwow

Thank You
Fallen Angel

Updated February 14, 1999