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OK now it is really your turn to tell me if I go too far with animals. This is a page dedicated to animals and only animals. This is where I really need you to help. I want you to go on the web and find all the animal pictures that you can get and Mail all of them to me. I hope that you understand that I want e-mail and I havent been getting much.

For you to send me your animal pictures. That is the way to go. Please Mail Me pictures of your animals. Tell me a bit about them. If you mail it, it will show up on my page. I hope that I don't have a bunch of lazy people out there that think "ahh I will do it later", because remember, I am begging you!

where I put all the animal pictures that I can find on. If you send me stuff it will go before this. Now some of the pics were too big for me to put them on this page so I had to shrink them. If they are a link they are one of these that were too big. Just click on the pic to get the full sized version.


Click to see the full size pic.

Click to see the full size pic.

click here to see a bigger bird.

clicl here for the big picture.

click here

I know that you love this pic., so click

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