In Loving Memory of

Ryan Dominic DeAndrea

7-22-1982 ~ 3-16-2005


      Christmas “2007”


As Christmas morning nears,

I know my eyes will tear.


You are my perfect memory

so deep inside my heart.


Please let the snowflakes fall.


As we all know that snowflakes

are kisses sent from Heaven.


Please let a gentle breeze blow

the kisses to all you love and miss.


Let every bell and wind chime ring

as a sign that you are here.


You are my perfect memory so

deep inside my heart.


Rest in Peace dear son of mine.


Love, Now, Always and Forever,
















~The Empty Chair~

This year when Christmas boughs are draped,
And cards around the doorway taped,
And cookies baked, and green wreaths hung.
And carols in the crisp night sung;
This Christmas cannot be as fair
For in our home, there's an empty chair....
Dear God in Heaven, bless with peace
We feel that Christmas joy has ceased,
For we still grieve and cannot bear
The stillness of that empty chair.
Instill in us a second sight
To see in death a lasting light
Which reassures that though she died
She now kneels before the manger side
To celebrate the blessed birth
More grandly than she could on earth.
And may the visions of your care
Bring hope enough to fill that chair
So Christmas carols may be sung
And Christmas bells may still be rung
And Christmas peace replace all fears
And Christmas joy be felt through our tears.....

~ author unknown ~

















Click here to see Ryan's Gifts













These pages and all of the graphics were designed exclusively for Ryan and his family. Please do not us them, 0r try to copy them.

Copyright © 2007 Judy's Web Design and Graphics All rights Reserved.

~Copyright disclaimer~
All songs through out my website are for my evaluation(s) and/or music listening and educational purposes only. All copyrights holders still retain any and all of their rights. Please support all recording artists by purchasing their CD's/Tapes.
 No financial gain is made by the music in this website;
just music appreciation


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