A Minute

They say it takes a minute to find a special
person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love
 them, but then an entire life to forget them.

Can the stars be your balloons
And angel food your cake?
Presents wrapped in moonbeams
All the angels helped to make.

Birthdays meant so much to you
They were always a big deal
Birthday presents, lots of friends
And perhaps a special meal.

So I'll whisper a little prayer today
Asking everyone up above
To sing you a Happy Birthday song
And give you all my love.
~ Author Unknown~

In Loving Memory of
Ryan Dominic DeAndrea
7-22-82 ~ 3-16-05

Happy 25th Birthday Ryan

Twenty-five years ago a beautiful
baby boy was born.
He has green eyes, fair skin and
golden hair.
This child is special.
This child was so very wanted and loved.
This child brought so much happiness and
love to every life he touched.
This child’s kindness and generosity
touched many lives.
This child was a loyal friend.
This child made a wrong choice.
This child was returned to God.
This child lives in my heart always.
This child’s memory will live as
long as I live.
This child is my son Ryan.

Today is this child’s 25th Birthday.
On this day may the sun glow and the stars
shine in his memory.
Happy Birthday in Heaven dear Ryan,

All my love, now, always and forever,
Blowing Kisses to Heaven


Happy Birthday Ryan...we love you and we miss you...







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These pages and all of the graphics were designed exclusively for Ryan and his family. Please do not us them, 0r try to copy them.

Copyright © 2007 Judy's Web Design and Graphics All rights Reserved.

~Copyright disclaimer~
All songs through out my website are for my evaluation(s) and/or music listening and educational purposes only. All copyrights holders still retain any and all of their rights. Please support all recording artists by purchasing their CD's/Tapes.
 No financial gain is made by the music in this website;
just music appreciation


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