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Be Proud Of Us!!!!!
Just One Of Those Days
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Life Of A Military Wife
27 August 2005
So Much You Wanna Do
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: The sound of dad channel surfing
I finally get my hubby's photo album on the site. Chell and I have been wanting to get pics of Jason and Allen together and we can't seem to find any. They have been best friends or at least for the last 11 years I believe. And we can't find one picture of them together. What happened to those pictures boys, huh , huh, huh? I know that there were at least two. Our tag team champs!! And mine and Bryzzie's Double Dragon brothers. Knowing you guys, you don't remember the Double Dragon thing, which is cool, cuz that was a long time ago. So for now it looks like its going to be separate pictures for you two, that is unless we find some that we can crop Well I love and miss you guys sooooo much. And Stephan misses his "ARMY DUDES!!!!"

Posted by hero2/jason_allen at 2:26 PM MDT
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25 August 2005
I miss him
Mood:  sad
Well its been soooo many days since I've heard from allen and I am about to go crazy!!! It kills me, coz I don't know how hes doing, if hes okie or anything. This is the part that sucks. You cant just pick up the phone just to say I love you when you want to, you have to wait for that phone call and it never comes when you need it to. You have a shitty day, but he is too busy to call and brighten it. I understand that hes workin, but I still miss him and want to hear from him.
On a different note. My tummy is going crazy. I am getting really nervous about moving to another state. I dont have a hard time making friends or anything, but it seems I always make male friends which isnt always a good thing when your married. Girls tend to hate me and it takes aloooooot of warmin up before they can even tolerate me so I know its gonna be a long while until I have friends there. Atleast I'll have my best friend, tho I know he wont always beable to be there for me. Hey what can I say, its just another day in the life of a military wife. I signed up for this shit so know I must deal with it! I love you Allen!!!!
xoxo ~ chell

Posted by hero2/jason_allen at 10:19 PM MDT
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18 August 2005
The Things I Do
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Just One Of Those Days
Its just been one of those days! The day started off great....then SHE happened! Don't me, you just don't wanna go there. I wish I didn't have to....well I don't, but you know how it can be someone just wants to push that envelope. Then you don't wanna take anymore shit and then that's the end of all common sense! It really bites, that there are people who get the best of you, but there is nothing you can do, to take back the fact that you went down to their level. But things have been taken care of and there will be no more HER to happen to me. All I have to say is she better let me get my shit!! Its messed up that she decides that its gotta be her way. The way that she's always telling me that my husbands says that I'm not what he wants and that hes only with me because of our son. It really doesn't help the situation. She says I spend all of his money. That I'm a fat worthless cow, but what else can you do? Some women, you can't live with most of them and you can't get away from can't win!!! Well thanks all for letting me vent my frustration. Hope you all have a better day then I've had!

Posted by hero2/jason_allen at 1:16 AM MDT
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16 August 2005
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Our Laughter
Topic: Be Proud Of Us!!!!!
Hey Boys!!!
Look what we did just for you!! It took a lot of dammits, but we did it!! We wanted to show you guys how much you're loved, by those who are here, while you're away!! WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS!!! SO BE PROUD OF US!!!!

Yes, we know, we're spending too much time together. Muahahahahahahaha Be afraid, be very afraid!! **Hugs and Kisses**

Posted by hero2/jason_allen at 11:20 PM MDT
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