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Naito Tora

Full Name: Naito Tora(middle unknown)

Honorary Title: Vampire/Fighter

Age: 17 when transformed, approximately 218 by 2001

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 119

Hair color/length: Waist length platinum-blonde(well, it's waist length when braided)

Eye color: Midnight Blue

Companion: Makoto(destroyed), Mel(he's still breathing)

Strange Distinction: Numerous Scars all on her body

Okay, in case you don't know, in Japan people are introduced family name first. So her name is actually Tora Naito, or, translated, Tiger Knight. In America, a few people call her Tigera. Tora was born in Japan, and grew up there. When she was 17, she was attacked by bandits, slashing her skin and giving her numerous, tiger stripe like scars. When her love, Makoto, came back, she was near death from blood lose, and then Makoto revealed his secret. He was actually a vampire at least five centuries old. She was made into a vampire and disappeared from her family. A century later, Makoto was killed and Tora vowed revenge. Now she's on a quest and somehow ends up in New York City, in winter 2001. And it's her first time away from Japan. BTW: A big thanks to Aragonite, the person who created the main image/figure of the pic above.

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