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Kris Esan

Full Name: Kristana Silver Esan

Honorary Title: Grand Admiral/Gundam Pilot Zero Six

Age: 14 as of AC 195

Height: 4'9"

Weight: 83 lbs

Hair color/length: Platinum White, floor length with Duo-ish bangs

Eye color: Silver

Companion: Quatre Raberba Winner

Strange Distinction: No color in hair or eyes, I think that's strange enough

Ohayo! This is Lana. I figured I would be nice and do Kris's character profile since she's doing everyone else's. On January 14 or so, AC 183, there was an explosion that killed many humans, among them, two parents and a small child. The small child, Krista, somehow lived and was found by Dr. Nathanial Night December 23, AC 183. Being the only small child in the space fleet, much less a girl, Kris was raised as a tomboy, but yet Dr Nathanial tried to make her stay a sweet little girl.... yeah, right....

Anywho, Kris was raised on the ship, started her training as a mobile suit pilot/deadly assassin at the age of five and it went on from there. She met her fellow Gundam Pilot, Kento, when she was ten, and it sorta went on from there(think of a big brother, little sister relationship). Kris made her way up the ranks and became the Admiral of the ship she designed, the Silver Flight, and became Grand Admiral of the space fleet of thirteen ships.

I was nice enough to do this for Kris, I just don't understand how she can do this a dozen times.

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