
Spike chuckled at this strange man.

“Talk to me, huh?” he asked. “Why would I believe something like that?” The demon in white gave him a small shrug with his shoulders.

“You do make a valid point,” he said, “But I feel that we must talk.” Spike didn’t lower his gun.

“And why is that?” he asked. Ryan took steps closer to the cowboy.

“You have a death wish, pal?” Spike asked.

“I’m already dead,” the other man told him.

“Huh?” the cowboy asked. Before he knew it, Ryan stood right next to him at his left. He didn’t even see the other man’s movements. One pinch to the neck and Spike went out like a light. The demon in white smirked to himself and carried away his target. Nobody heard a single thing.

Around ten in the morning, Sakura knocked on Faye’s door. She backed up when it opened a crack.

“What is it?” Faye mumbled as she rubbed her eyes. The tenshi-chi looked at her with big eyes.

“Have you seen Spike anywhere?” she asked. The bounty hunter gave her an odd, tired look.

“Isn’t he in your room?” she asked.

“No…” Sakura said as she shook her head. Faye tilted her head at her.

“Maybe he went out for a smoke or something,” she mumbled. “Can I go back to sleep now?” The other woman nodded at her uneasily.

“Okay…” she mumbled. The tenshi-chi headed away in search of her boyfriend.

Around a little bit later, Spike awoke with a killer headache. What the hell?, he thought. The man looked around to see waves of yellow and purple.

“Did I die or something?” he asked.

“No, you’re still alive,” a familiar voice said behind him. The cowboy whipped around to see Ryan standing before him.

“You’re awake,” he said. “Good, now we can talk probably.” Spike reached around for his gun. Ryan smirked and shook his head.

“Looking for this?” he asked as he held it out in front of him. The cowboy rushed forward to grab the weapon, but the demon in white dodged each kick and punch with such skill.

“My, my, my,” he said, “Such a feisty one, aren’t you? I know just the thing to cool you down.” Ryan reached forward and grabbed the other man by the chest. Spike felt an icy chill race through his body. He shot a cross look at his opponent.

“What the hell did you do to me?” he hissed.

“Oh,” Ryan answered, “I just slowed you down for the time being. Don’t worry, you won’t die from the ice shot I threw in your body.”

“Take this fucking thing out!” Spike shouted.

“I will,” the demon in white replied, “As soon as you hear me out.” The cowboy glared at him. Something told him this wouldn’t let up until the other man had his way.

“What do you want to say so badly?” he growled.

“It’s about your girlfriend,” Ryan answered. Spike gave him a puzzled look.

“What about Sakura?” he asked.

“She doesn’t have long to live,” the demon in white admitted.

“Is that right?” the cowboy asked. “And why would I believe you?”

“You’ve noticed it too, right?” Ryan asked with such elegance in his voice.

“Noticed what?” Spike asked. The demon in white chuckled at him.

“Oh goodness,” he said. “You can’t see it, can you?”

“See what?” the cowboy asked.

“Her shin heart is invading her being,” the demon answered. Spike sat a cold glare at his opponent.

“What did you say?” he asked. Ryan gave him a huge, frightening grin.

“The shin heart’s power is eating up her soul,” he said. “She won’t last long. The angels are on their way to kill her.”

“And how would you know all of this?” Spike challenged.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Ryan asked. “It’s inevitable after all. Once a shin heart goes rouge, the poor tenshi-chi must be put down.”

“Are you saying that I should kill her?” the cowboy snapped at him.

“What other way is there?” the demon in white asked. “Her shin heart is unstable and has become a time bomb inside of her. All you have to do is take the shin heart and crush it. It’s much better for her to die by your hand then by the angels.”

“Her shin heart is unstable?” Spike asked.

“That is correct,” Ryan answered, “If this keeps up, she won’t be your precious Sakura anymore.” The last statement hit the cowboy really hard.

“She won’t be…” Spike began to say.

“Yes,” the demon in white replied. The ice blast started to wear off as he handed back Spike’s gun.

“It’s your call, my friend,” Ryan said in a tone of delight mixed with dread. The demon in white leaned in and kissed him as way to tilt the poisonous edge into Hell’s favor.

See You in Space, Demon