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You Know You've Been Watching Too 

Much Gundam Wing When . . .

Sorceress Fantasia

  • Your usual exercising outfit changes to green tank top and tight-fitting spandex.
  • Somehow, you manage to keep things in your spandex.
  • You can dig them out very easily from your spandex.
  • You learn the art of self-destruct.
  • You learn how to produce a gun from out of nowhere.
  • ‘Nimnu ryoukai’ and ‘nimnu kanryou’ becomes your two favorite phrases.
  • You say ‘Omae o korosu’ when irritated.
  • Especially if you’re not a Japanese or you’ve never learnt the language.
  • You refuse to cut your hair and insist on braiding it, even though it is short like hell.
  • You buy dozens of hair accessories to braid your hair with when you don’t have long hair.
  • You learn how to not be easily recognized with a distinctive braid.
  • You start to *love* black very much, even though your previous fave color was all those flashy ones.
  • You start wearing priest outfits.
  • You become a priest just to get the outfit.
  • You wear a crucifix for no other reason than just liking it.
  • You can play a duet with someone you have just known, and the music turns out to be really nice.
  • You figure out how many bottles of gel Trowa uses to keep his fringe that way.
  • You keep that sort of bangs and you manage to keep away from all the pillars and walls.
  • You wear choking turtlenecks even in deserts.
  • You actually don’t perspire.
  • To you, normal clothing is a turtleneck and long jeans, no matter where you are, hot or cold, rain or shine.
  • You learn how to do backflips only after you’ve watched the anime.
  • You split your favorite mask into two.
  • You play with wild cats and you pretend it’s lions you’re taming.
  • You don’t get hot in a desert when you wear a shirt, long pants plus a vest.
  • You have hundred sets of khaki pants and pink blouses in your wardrobe so that you have enough to wear every single day. (That’s DK!)
  • You tie your hair in a short ponytail so tight that it gives you a headache.
  • You wear Chinese martial arts outfits wherever you go.
  • You don’t actually have a belt, but just a black piece of cloth that can loosen anytime.
  • You run around saying "Justice! Justice! Justice!"
  • You have lock pickers in your hair.
  • You find a way to keep split-ends away permanently. (Just look at Dorothy!)
  • You put on fake eyebrows that have a split at its end.
  • You search everywhere to look for the hidden mechas.
  • You actually find them.
  • You don’t find it hot to wear a mask the whole day.
  • And the best thing about that is, the mask is made of metal or thick and heavy material.
  • You have a second personality which comes only when you put on or take off your glasses.
  • You figure out just how does Lady Une ties her hair into such big buns when her hair actually looks rather thin when let down.
  • And well, by coming here and reading the trash you have been reading for the last few seconds, don’t try to deny that you’ve been watching too much of Gundam Wing!J


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