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Thinking of You


[lying all alone and restless
unable to lose this image
sleepless unable to focus on
anything but your surrender]

He knew it was wrong from the very beginning. He knew that he should not have this feeling. He knew that it went against all he knew and was programmed to follow.

But to hell with it all...

Heero lay sleepless. His thoughts revolving around a certain brown haired, violet eyed boy who had the warmest, most welcoming smile... His thoughts turned towards the gutter...

'Nice bod, tight ass... all a guy could want...' he thought, feeling himself harden at his thoughts and the image they produced. Turning further towards the gutter Heero's mind produced an image of said violet eyed boy panting and moaning underneath him while he thrust into that tight virgin heat.

[tuggin a rhythm to the vision that's in my head
tuggin a beat to the sight of you lying
so delighted with a new understanding
something about a little evil that makes that
unmistakable noise i was hearing
unmistakable sound i know so well]

His hand crept down to his straining erection as he continued to view the fantasy in his head.

He squeezed himself, imagining that it was Duo's muscles clamped tight around him. He pumped, imagining that he was thrusting into the real thing.

'Ah, Duo to see you like that... that is a fantasy I wish to come true...' he thought as he continued to pleasure himself into ecstasy.


Duo lay spread out on the bed, his face flushed in anticipation. Heero leaned in and planted a rough, passionate kiss on pouty lips, making the boy moan.

Heero moved his erection to Duo's hidden entrance and rubbed himself against the puckered hole.

"Heeero... Please..." Duo panted as Heero teased him. "Pleas--unnnnhhhh!!!!" He cried out as Heero thrust into him.

Heero drove deep, striving with each thrust to reach that glowing center of heat... to the spot that would drive Duo over the edge.

He felt Duo's muscles clamp down on him, signaling that he'd hit that spot and Duo'd hit climax. As if this were a signal, Heero too climaxed, spilling his seed deep into the boy's willing body.

[spent and sighing with that look in your eye
spent and sighing with a look on your face like
sweet revelation sweet surrender]

They lay there in the aftershocks of orgasm, basking in the glow of their joining. Heero turned his head to look at his lover.

Duo sighed and nuzzled against his neck. The boy was positively glowing... he looked like he was swimming in pure joy. Heero more of that look. More of the knowledge that he had such power over the boy... that HE could cause such contentment in the merry soul of one Duo Maxwell.

"Duo...?" He asked the drowsy looking boy.

"Hmmmm?" Duo murmured, blinking sleep-heavy eyes at his lover.

"You surrender all? To me?" He asked, he knew it didn't sound quite right, but he hoped that Duo'd understand.

He was right. "Mm-hmm... all to you, Hee-chan..." Duo sighed, turning his face further into Heero's sweaty chest.

"Mine..." Heero whispered as he too drifted into sleep.

[tuggin a rhythm to the vision that's in my head
tuggin a beat to the sight of you lying
so delighted with a new understanding
something about a little evil that makes that
unmistakable noise i was hearing
unmistakable sound i know so well]

Heero awoke to the sound of the alarm clock. He lifted the offending thing and threw it across the room, efficiently silencing it. He turned back to his lover...

Only to find himself alone in his own bed.

"Damn it..." he cursed, rubbing sleep out of his eyes, "Just a damn dream..."

He dragged himself out of bed and into the adjoining bath to cleanse himself of last night's... activities.

Half an hour later, Heero emerged from the bath clean and ready for another boring day of school.

Duo bounced into school, his braid trailing along behind him. "Ohayo!" He chirped to the group at the table.

Quatre turned to look at the jovial friend. "Ohayo, Duo... You sleep well?"

Duo nodded vigorously. Everyone sweatdropped. When Duo slept well, it usually meant he'd had a particularly vivid... dream...


Everyone turned to find Heero standing behind the braided boy looking somewhat... disheveled.

"Heero, daijoubu desu ka?" Quatre asked.

"Hn..." was the answer.

Heero tugged on Duo's braid. "I need to talk to you..."

"Ok..." Duo barely got the word out of his mouth before he was dragged away by his braid.

Once they were alone, Heero turned the boy to face him. Said boy looked very surprised by his partner's actions...

'He'll be even more surprised by what I do next...' Heero thought, smirking to himself.

Duo looked at him, trying to figure out what Heero wanted to talk about... "Oi, Heero... so what'd you want to talk to me about..."

Heero stepped forward, leaned in and brushed his lips across stilled lips. He wrapped his arms around the boy, pulling him close. "Mine..." he chuckled, holding Duo tight.

"Eh... Heero..." Duo blinked and looked at him. He was breathing hard and was VERY thankful that Heero was holding him tight otherwise he would have fallen to the ground.

Heero silenced him with another kiss. This one deep and passionate.

[spent and sighing with that look in your eye
spent and sighing with a look on your face like
sweet revelation sweet surrendering
sweet revelation sweet]

Three hours later.

Duo laid wrapped in Heero's strong arms. Their clothing laid somewhere on the floor of Heero's dorm room.

Duo sighed and Heero pulled him tighter against his chest. 'There is no better heaven than this,' Duo thought as he nestled contently in Heero's embrace.

'This is how it should be,' Heero thought to himself as he drifted into sleep.

[thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you thinking
thinking of you thinking of you]

Kissing. Sucking. Licking. Nipping. Heero enjoyed every bit of his lover. All of him from the salty taste of his skin to the moans that he produced every time Heero touched him. Heero was in heaven. Not only was it warm, but it consisted of violet eyes and a long braid of chestnut hair. Pure bliss, no other way to describe it.

Heero took in all he was presented with. The long hair, the blue-violet eyes, the pouty lips... and this and more... much more. He committed it to memory, so just in case... if he every did lose his angel... he'd still have him.

He was just about to spread those long legs again when....



Heero sat up groggily and glared at the offending machine. The clock read 7:34 AM in loud red letters. Heero looked at it with dismay, feeling a little vacant.

He looked over to find that once again, he'd been dreaming.

"Ok, this time... it should be for real..." he pinched himself just to make sure. "OOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!" He crowed as he rubbed his arm. That was enough for him. He was awake.

Taking a quick, cold shower, Heero all but ran to school.

[sweet revelation sweet surrendering]

First period went by like a blur, as did second and third... Until it was time for lunch. Heero walked into the cafeteria, looking for his friends.

He spotted them at their regular table. Sans Duo.

"Hey, Heero!" Quatre called, smiling gaily at him.

"Hn..." Heero replied.

"Oi! Sorry I'm late! Stupid teacher kept me after for writing on the blackboard and sitting in the 75 chair..." Duo said, stopping beside the table.

"The what chair?" Heero asked.

"The '75 Chair'... you know... er, well if you sit in it and you aren't a staff member *grumbles* you get 75 pushups..." he rubbed his shoulders to emphasize his point.

"Hn. Baka." Heero grunted.

"Yeah, love you too, Heero..." Duo said sarcastically as he started walking up to get his lunch.

Heero grabbed the boy's braid as Duo tried to leave. "I need to talk to you... Now..."

He dragged Duo off.

"Look... Heero, whatever I did, can ya kill me for it later? I'm kind starved right now..." Duo said, looking back at the doors to the cafeteria.

"No... Duo..." Heero said, trying to get the boy to look at him. "I need to tell you something..."

"Look... Heero, I wanna eat... plus I got 3 periods worth of homework I need to do ASAP... can ya hurry it up?" Duo was getting tired of this.

Heero dropped his gaze.

Duo shrugged and walked back to the cafeteria. He popped his head back out and smiled at Heero. "Oh, and last night was great!"

Heero blinked at him.

"Love you... gotta run... talk later!" Duo said as he flung himself back into the cafeteria to eat and hurry to finish his homework.

Heero looked at where the boy'd left... and smiled.


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