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One Chance


The mission went the same way as all the others; move in, take out some Leos, blow up a
building or two, and move out.  Nimru Kanryou.

And it had ended the same way, much to Duo's consternation.

He re-entered the room he shared with Heero, one arm folded protectively over his stomach in
an effort to keep the first-aid supplies he'd just liberated from the infirmary hidden under
his coat.  After nudging the door shut with his foot, he turned to the narrow bed Heero
occupied and found it empty.  The Japanese boy was sitting up at his desk, typing as best he
could with one good hand and one injured one.

Duo dropped his bundle of bandages, aspirin and antiseptic on the end of Heero's bed and cast
a cold glance in his direction.  "I thought I told you to stay in bed."

"And I told you that I was fine," Heero answered softly, never looking away from the

Duo walked around the bed, and stood next to him, leaning against the desk.  "Yes, I can see
you are.  I mean, blood's trickling down your cheek and you're wincing every time you move your
right hand."


Duo sighed and watched the oblivious boy next to him.  There was only one thing to do, and he
did it.  He turned off the computer.

Heero was out of his chair in a blink, his gun pointed directly at Duo.  "What did I tell you
about messing with my laptop?"

"Yeah, yeah," Duo muttered as he grabbed the end of the barrel and pressed it against his
chest over his heart.  "So go ahead, Heero.  Kill me.  Teach me a lesson," he demanded, his
violet eyes calmly meeting the other's enraged prussian blue ones.

Time seemed to have stopped, for neither boy moved.  Then Duo felt the gun waver in his grasp,
and saw Heero's eyes glaze over.  The gun clattered to the ground when Duo released it and he
caught Heero as he fell heavily against the braided pilot.  "Maybe now you'll listen to


Duo tightened his grip on Heero and the two wobbled over to the bed.  He stretched the nearly
unconscious boy out on the mattress and retrieved the gun out from under the desk where it had
fallen.  Duo smirked when he noticed Heero hadn't bothered to release the safety latch on it.

A rustle of sheets alerted him, and he turned around to see Heero struggling to sit up.  He
quickly placed the weapon on the desk and scrambled onto the bed.  "No, Heero," he commanded
as he pressed on his chest to keep him down.  "You are going to stay in bed."

He was too weak to resist, and he leaned back on the pillows piled up against the headboard.
He closed his eyes as Duo began to gently clean the shallow cut on his forehead with some of
the antiseptic.  His gaze swept over the other's handsome face; the long lashes against tanned
skin, the curve of his lips.  For months, Duo had been in love with his roommate.  Every time
they were close like this, Duo would spend many nights afterward in the grip of the most
erotic dreams he had ever had.

His attention fell on the ever-spreading blood stain on the white shirt Heero wore, and Duo
tugged at its collar.  "Ne, Heero.  I want to take a look at your arm."

He unbuttoned the white shirt and slid it off, dropping it to the floor.  The gash on his
right shoulder caused Duo some concern at first, but it wasn't as deep as it looked.  He
figured a good dose of antiseptic and bandages would take care of it.  He could always take
Heero to Quatre's doctor if it got worse.

Duo took his time examining and dressing the wound, because it gave him a chance to feed his
fantasies.  Apart from the new cuts and old scars, the Wing pilot's skin was velvety and warm
under his hands.  As much as he hated to see Heero injured, he relished the opportunity to
touch him.

Duo's eyes raked along the firm planes of his muscled chest and stomach, and his hands longed
to trace their contours.  He raised his eyes to the boy's face once more, and found himself
staring Heero's assessing gaze.  Heero's voice fell quietly on his ears. "What are you

The braided boy bit his lip as his mind raced.  Couldn't tell him the truth, not yet anyway.
"I...was wondering why you constantly risk your life that way.  This is the fourth time in six
months I've had to patch you up."

Heero looked away. "Why does it matter to you?"

"Why doesn't it matter to *you*?"

Their eyes met, and Duo slowly lowered himself closer and desperately kissed his yielding
mouth, teasing it, coaxing it until his lips parted for him.  He swept his tongue inside, the
ache within him intensifying when Heero twined his own tongue around Duo's.  Finally he pulled
away, breathless.  To his satisfaction, he noticed Heero was flushed and breathless as

He decided to press his advantage, and placed more soft kisses over the curve of his jaw,
across his throat and collarbones.  Tentatively, he slid his hands down the sleek chest, only
to have a hand clutch fiercely at his shoulder.  He looked up into the other's face, and
frowned at the uncertain expression he saw there.  He wrapped one hand around the back of
Heero's neck.  "Let me, please," he begged softly.


His confession slipped hesitantly from his lips. "'re all think about, all I dream
about.  We don't have to do anything you don't want to do, just please, let me."  He lingered
above him, hopeful.

After a long pause, Heero nodded briefly, and Duo smiled in response.  He straddled Heero's
hips, and tugged off the black t-shirt he wore, carelessly tossing it away.  Duo watched his
reaction, his grin deepening when he saw that the uncertainty in Heero's face had melted into
desire.  Duo's heart began to race as he caught the end of his braid and began to work his
hair free, draping the unbound honey-colored mass over his right shoulder.  As he had hoped he
would do, Heero gathered a handful of it up and let it slip through his fingers before
tangling them further within it.

Duo leaned over him again, and snagged one nipple between his teeth, gently biting and sucking
at it as he palmed the other.  Then he switched sides, sucking harder when he heard the series
of little gasps Heero made.  His skin was bittersweet, and Duo couldn't get enough of its
taste.  He leisurely made his way down the slim stomach, nibbling and licking the tender flesh
until he reached the waistline of Heero's jeans.  He could feel
his erection pressing against his chest, and he experimentally nuzzled the warm bulge.  Heero
moaned and clenched his hand tighter in Duo's hair.

Deftly, Duo unfastened the buttons of Heero's jeans and slid the coarse fabric down his
thighs, freeing his straining erection from its prison.  He pressed his face against the soft
skin of his hip, deeply inhaling the metallic scent of the flesh where his gun usually rested.
His hair covered Heero, and as he moved the fine strands tickled him.  Heero
twitched, trying to get away from the torment.  "Duo," he groaned.

The braided boy came out of his reverie and sat back between Heero's legs to look at him.
"Tell me what you want, Heero," he murmured as he lightly toyed with the tip of his hard
length.  "Do you like this?"  Those oh-so-talented fingers spread feathery caresses down to
the root and back, over and over, keeping time with Heero's breathing.
The dark-haired boy thrust helplessly against Duo's palm.  "More, please," he whispered.

Duo's lips twisted into a seductive grin as he gripped him tighter, the caresses roughening.
"Is this better?"  Heero cried out as he slammed harder against the sheath of Duo's hand,
tension thrumming through him.  When he was close to the edge, Duo replaced his hand with his
mouth, taking him all the way in, delighting in Heero's shocked gasp when he felt himself
surrounded by that hot wetness.  Heero moaned Duo's name like a mantra as he came.

Duo sat back again, wiping the drops of moisture at the corners of his mouth with his fingers.
"Damn! You taste so good, Heero.  I don't think I'd ever get tired of it," he sighed dreamily
as he slid Heero's jeans off before removing the rest of his own clothes.  As he fumbled
through the various medical supplies still perched on the end of the bed, Heero fixed him with
dazed eyes.  "Wh-what are you doing now?"

Duo's features lit up as his hand closed over the tube of ointment he had pilfered during his
earlier search of the infirmary.  "I'm just getting something I need," he said as he turned
back to the prone boy under him.  "I want more, Heero, and I only want it from you," he
breathed.  "Will you give it to me?"

"Anything," he sighed as he lay back, exhausted.

With trembling hands, Duo thoroughly coated two fingers and eased them inside Heero, making the
dark-blue eyes widen.  Duo could feel him tense around his digits, and he stopped moving.
"Relax, okay?  This will feel so good."

Gradually the muscles released their grip on Duo's fingers and he nudged them further in,
moving around until he found what he was searching for.  Heero's hips came off the bed, and he
could feel the blood rushing to his groin as Duo continued to stroke deep inside him.  "Ahhh,
Duo.  Don't stop."

"Oh, I won't," he said slyly as he replaced his slim fingers with his coated erection, crying
out as he plunged into the lubricated passage.  He paused long enough to allow Heero to get
used to the sensation.  Then he slid back, only to re-enter him repeatedly with long strokes.
He could feel the hardness thumping gently against his stomach with every thrust and he
gripped Heero once more, jerking his hand over the sensitive organ in time with his movements.
The two came simultaneously, their shouts and moans mingling together in the otherwise quiet

Duo pulled out when he was spent, and crushed Heero to him for one more kiss before laying
down next to him.  He turned to gaze at the still-panting boy.  "How was that?"

The tousled-haired pilot faced him.  "Searching for compliments?"

Duo shrugged.  "Maybe."

Heero, forgetting about his wounded shoulder, rolled over and bestowed a bruising kiss
on Duo's already swollen mouth.  Duo blinked in bewilderment and he found himself being
regarded with unusually gentle eyes.

"There's your compliment," Heero said softly, a smile playing over his features.


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