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Sprinkle Me With Ginger



"I don’t get it. Somehow, you always get me to do whatever you want," Trowa smirked as they stood in an electronics store checkout line.

"Oh of course. That’s the way it’s always going to be, Tro-koi," Duo said as he stuck his tongue out playfully.

"I know," he muttered as the lady at the cash register called out, "Next!" Sticking the small box-like electronic on the counter, he muttered, "I still don’t see why I need a pager."

"Oh would you like me to show you the pamphlet on our store’s selection of pagers?" she asked, trying to make a sale.

"No, no, that’s quite alright," Duo said, squeezing Trowa’s hand, "he’s buying it anyway!"

"All right, the total will be $74.39," she said quickly.

"…N-nani???" Trowa gasped as Duo quickly shoved him out of the way and paid quickly, dragging him out of the store with the pager.

As they walked into the open mall, Duo took the pager and started tinkering with it. "I wanna see. Ooh, this is nice. Definitely worth your money, Tro-koi. I’m glad you talked me into getting it for you."

"…Nani? You’re the one who talked me into getting it and I’m the one who paid $74.39 for the damn thing," Trowa growled as they sat on a bench.

"Hm, so you are," he said quickly under his breath, a smile and a kiss accompanying it. Handing the pager back to Trowa, he said, "Here you go. You know, that’s a really nice pager. Better put it somewhere where it’s safe – couldn’t begin to tell you how many people would want a really nice thing like that."

"The whole world better want it for the price I paid for it…" he muttered as he clipped it on his front pants pocket.

"You sure it’ll be safe there?" Duo asked as Trowa nodded. "Okay," he said doubtfully as he slipped past Trowa. He walked about a foot away and turned heel, shoving Trowa’s pager in his face. "That was so easy. Anyone could have taken it. You’re just lucky I’m your boyfriend," he chided as he returned the pager, kissing Trowa’s cheek. "Like, actually put it inside your pants pocket. That way, it’s safe."

"All right…" Trowa muttered as he shoved the pager into his pocket and sat back down on the bench. "Happy?"

"Very much, thank you," Duo said as he leaned over to give Trowa a kiss on the top of his head. "I have a phone call to make. Be right back!" he said as he sprinted over to the payphone.

Trowa waited patiently on the bench, watching various people go by. A few seconds later, he began shifting on the bench uncomfortably. Then he stopped…and started shifting again a couple of seconds later. All around him the mall was crowded with people…so he couldn’t very well just stand up and deal with whatever needed to be dealt with….

Casually continuously putting quarters into the payphone and pressing the same number over and over again, Duo felt strong arms quickly wrap around his waist and felt a not-so-gentle bite on his ear.

"Page me again and I’m not sure what I’ll do to you," Trowa muttered.

Turning around to face him, Duo laughed, "Just checking to see that it works!"

Suddenly, Trowa’s eyes gleamed. "Let’s do it."

"…N-nani? Here?" Duo said, staring at all the people walking past them.

"Not in this exact place…." Trowa muttered as Duo grinned mischievously.

Taking his hand, Duo skipped over to the men’s room with Trowa very close behind him. Unfortunately, however, there was a very long line. "Dammit…ever since that new Cajun place opened," Duo muttered as they walked out of the men’s room.

Closing his eyes, Trowa blindly pointed in front of him to a store. "In that one."

"Mm. Pots and Pans Galore? Come on!" Duo said as they raced into the store. Walking inside calmly and checking the aisles, he concluded as he faced Trowa, licking his lips, "No one’s here. We can do it right now…."

"Mm, yeah," Trowa muttered as Duo wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him.

With a twinkle in his eye, Duo rubbed himself against Trowa and moaned softly into his ear, his tongue reaching out to lick Trowa’s earlobe as his own neck was passionately kissed.

As Duo backed up, wanting a hard surface to be pressed against, Trowa started forward, wanting a hard surface to press Duo against. Unfortunately…them being in Pots and Pans Galore….


"May I help you?" the clerk raced to the aisle.

"Aa, nope! Just looking!" Duo said quickly, turning red right along with Trowa as he picked himself up. "You know, I don’t think we’ll be buying anything today…."

As they raced out of the store, Duo silently dragged Trowa blindly into the next one over. "Maybe we’ll have more luck here, eh koi?" he whispered seductively.

"Or not," Trowa muttered, looking ahead.

Turning around, Duo looked right into the House of Knives. "…Or not."

Clearing his throat as they stepped out of the House of Knives, Trowa muttered, "I don’t care where we do it just as long as we do it."

Duo winked and said, "Then we’ll just keep on trying." The next store was a bookstore. Sticking his tongue out playfully, he said, "We’re sure to have luck here, koibito."

"I hope so," Trowa muttered as he nipped Duo’s tongue. The bookstore was quiet and nearly empty. Sneaking off to the back of the store, which was deserted, they were immediately in each other’s arms again, kissing.

"History of Ancient Earth," Duo muttered, reading a title on one of the books as he rolled his head back, enjoying the licks, kisses, and light bites on his neck.

"No wonder this section is deserted," Trowa chuckled, nibbling on Duo’s collarbone.

Grabbing Trowa’s hips and pushing himself against him, Duo brought his lips to Trowa’s in a hard kiss. Feeling Trowa’s tongue against his lips, Duo opened them partially and let Trowa’s tongue wrap around his own.

Rubbing himself against him, Trowa let out a soft moan as Duo broke the kiss and his tongue glided across his cheek, delving into his ear. "Mm, Duo. Feels nice."

Becoming hard since he first rubbed himself against Trowa, Duo unzipped his pants as Trowa dropped to his knees. "…Right now…" he whispered, "let’s do it."

"…I can tell you had something similar in mind for today," Trowa said in amusement, noting Duo’s lack of underwear. Opening his mouth, Trowa paused over Duo’s member, letting his warm breath touch it.

With a sigh, Duo put his hands on Trowa’s head and pushed himself into his mouth. "Trowa," he whispered.

"Mmm," Trowa murmured as his tongue ran along the shaft of it, flicking at the head. Taking just the head in his mouth, Trowa’s tongue swirled gently around it, and then pulled out.

"Trowa," Duo whispered as he tried to keep his hips from bucking. "Oh! Don’t stop…."

Taking a little more into his mouth, Trowa’s tongue swirled gently around the shaft and head. His hands ran up Duo’s legs until they reached his butt. Holding him to keep him as still as possible, Trowa took the full length of Duo in his mouth and began to suck gently.

"..Yes…!" Duo whispered, getting dizzy.

Trowa began to suck a little harder and a little faster…just wanting it all.

"Harder," he whispered breathlessly as his hips jerked spasmodically.

As he tried to cope with his hips jerking, Trowa tried to say something, but words escaped him as he sucked on Duo’s member harder.

Knowing he was near release, Duo threw his head back and let out a feral moan, running his hands through Trowa’s hair. "…Oh! Trowa!" he whispered. "Yes!"

"Whatcha doin’?"

Startled, Duo nearly fell over and Trowa fell back. At the end of the aisle, a small kid was watching them. Duo quickly zipped up his pants, turning bright, bright red.

"Whatcha doin’?" the small boy asked again.

"…No, go!" Trowa muttered angrily with a flick of his wrist, shooing the kid away with his hand.

The kid just stood there. "What were you guys doing?"

"Uhh, just…aa…reading," Duo said as he leafed through a giant book called Ancient Civilizations of the 21st Century.

"That sure was a funny way of reading," the kid remarked innocently.

"…Yeah…well…that’s the way adults read – come on Trowa," Duo muttered as they hurried out of the store.

Leaning against the wall trying to regain their composure, Trowa began laughing.

"You laugh at the strangest things, koibito."

Putting his arms around Duo’s waist, Trowa nuzzled his nose and muttered, "…I am so in the mood right now."

"I dunno," Duo started giggling. "That kid scared me."

"…The movies…would be perfect," Trowa said, looking back behind him at the mall’s theater. "We could easily have sex there."

Smirking, Duo kissed Trowa’s cheek and held his hand. "We better. I’m going to be pretty mad if one of us doesn’t get off…." Walking up to the ticket counter, Duo looked at the movie selection screen.

"I’m sorry sir. The maximum capacity for each theatre has been filled. However, we have one theatre with a movie showing in just five minutes that has some room," the ticket clerk apologized.

"Whatever," Duo said as he shrugged it off. "Doesn’t matter what we see."

Nodding the clerk gave them their tickets as Duo paid.

"So, what’s the movie?" Trowa asked curiously.

Duo shrugged. "Who cares? It’s not as if we’re going to be watching it anyway…." As they entered the theatre, they saw that it wasn’t too crowded and slipped into the last row in the darkest corner. Up until the lights dimmed and the movie started, they had been quietly kissing and whispering things to each other.

As soon as the lights dimmed and the previews began to play, Duo shifted from his seat to Trowa’s lap. Straddling his lap, Duo held onto his shirt and ran kisses from his jaw to his ear.

Chuckling, Trowa wrapped his arms around Duo’s waist and leaned back.

Leaning forward, Duo’s hands were on Trowa’s chest and rapidly sliding down to his crotch. Unzipping his pants, Duo moved Trowa’s underwear so his member was accessible. Watching Trowa’s reaction carefully, he began to stroke.

Trowa’s reaction wasn’t quite what Duo expected – "Is that Bambi????"


"The movie!" Trowa hissed as he spun Duo around.

Sure enough…yes…Bambi was playing.

"I have to admit, I’ve never even considered doing it in front of an old Disney film…." Duo muttered, scanning the audience captivated by the film. "…They’re all parents and children…."

"Perhaps," Trowa whispered, turning him back around, "that’ll make it more exciting, ne?"

Giving Trowa a delicious smirk, he leaned forward and whispered, "You’re evil…and dirty…damn, I want you." Wrapping his hands around Trowa’s member, Duo began to stroke again.

This time, instead of crying out Bambi, he silently moaned and leaned back in his seat.

"Tell me how you want it, koibito" Duo muttered, his voice heavy and sultry.

"Harder," he whispered, holding onto the armrests on the chair.

Applying more pressure as he stroked, Duo leaned forward and nibbled on Trowa’s jaw, continuously stroking him. "Like that?"

Breathing heavy, Trowa muttered, "…Yeah…oh!" His hips started to jerk a little as he quickly breathed, "Faster."

Hot himself, Duo could see from the reflection of the film playing that Trowa was sweating. His moved his hands faster and began a hard caress. "Tell me more," he whispered.

His mouth moving to say something, he finally muttered breathlessly as he threw his head back, "Do anything to me – play with me, fuck me, hurt me, go faster, harder, I don’t care! Just don’t stop!"

Frantically, Duo unzipped his pants and rubbed himself hurriedly against Trowa’s member. His hands flew to Trowa’s cheeks as he kissed him passionately, both of them moaning and nearing an inevitable release. They refused to think about how to deal with the fact after it happened. Their hips were moving against each other, trying to get the most pressure and friction.

Biting Duo’s cheek, Trowa had to keep himself from crying out his lover’s name.

Inhaling sharply in pain and ecstasy, Duo began moaning loudly and was so close….

The screams of little kids, however, drowned out Duo’s moaning and shot the chance of the two of them getting off together to hell.

Looking on the screen and watching the image of Bambi and his friends burning, Trowa felt quite elevated as he said, "Film caught on fire." He wasn’t sure if his elevated feeling was because he was fooling around with Duo during a Disney movie or because of the simple fact that Bambi and his little friends were burning. He was convinced it was both.

As the parents rushed their traumatized children out of the theatre, a man on the loudspeaker announced, "Due to technical difficulties, the film featured will not be showing. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Even long before they were the last in the theatre, Trowa was laughing hysterically.


"Oo, this store smells nice," Duo remarked as they walked past an herbal spice shop.

Nodding, Trowa yawned and agreed.

Since they had been the only ones left in the movie theatre….

"I bet I could get you to buy something completely useless and expensive for me right now…." Duo smirked. It seemed that Trowa was more prone to the Post-Coital Sleeping Syndrome than he was.

Nodding, Trowa agreed.

"Come on," Duo said as he dragged Trowa into the shop. "Let’s see what they have."

Three feet was all they took and already, the fragrance mixed together was enough to have your eyes watering for weeks. Staying away from the potent potpourri, they ventured over to the spices.

"Chile Pepper," Duo muttered as he sniffed the open box and sneezed. He sniffed another box. "Oo, this one’s nice. Nutmeg."

"Hn?" Trowa grunted as he leaned over to smell the box. Like Duo with the Chile Pepper, he sneezed.

"You allergic to nutmeg?" Duo asked curiously as Trowa’s eyes watered.

"…I duddo," Trowa said through a stuffy nose.

Duo snickered.

"Before you bade be sdiff de nubeg, dis ode was dice," Trowa said as he sneezed again. The powdered spice in the box flew all over him.

Getting him a tissue, Duo snickered again. Then he caught a whiff of the spice Trowa had liked. Like in the theatre when they were fooling around among many other intimate times with Trowa, he felt himself grow a little hot. There was something vaguely familiar about the scent. It…it reminded him of the cologne Trowa put on when they went out on a date. "Hey, Trowa, what’s that spice called?"

Sniffing after a lady at the counter gave him Jalapeno Pepper to clear up his sinuses, Trowa muttered, noting that he was covered in it, "Ginger."

"…Ginger…. I like it a lot," Duo said, feeling a little self-conscious for some reason. It was just as if he was out on one of his first dates with Trowa. But that…that was so long ago…. Picking up a box of it, he kissed Trowa’s lips and muttered, "I think I’m going to buy it…."

Taking the box from him and getting out his wallet, Trowa said, "No. This is on me."

"…B-but I already cost you, what, over seventy bucks already because of the pager?" Duo muttered. Something about that smell just…just…he had no idea…. "I mean, the box isn’t cheap at all…."

"Yeah…but you want it, so I’ll buy it for you," Trowa said as he paid for it, handing the box back to Duo. He put his arm around his shoulder and kissed the top of his head. "Besides, I like ginger, too."

"Aa, I am so ready to get back home," Duo said, trying to take his mind off the wonderful smell that was called Ginger-Covered-Trowa.

"Me, too," Trowa yawned.

Hugging him, Duo buried his head in Trowa’s chest and said, "I love you."


Trowa had been sitting in his favorite chair watching the news for quite some time when all of a sudden he began to fidget. Thinking that he’d get it later, he left it alone after it stopped. However….

Coming into their bedroom, Trowa found Duo with the telephone. He had a simply evil look on his face.

"You page me one more time…" Trowa said tersely as he got close to Duo. His expression softened dramatically as he kissed Duo’s nose and said, "…I’ll sprinkle you with ginger."

Moaning softly as he put his arms around Trowa’s neck, he kissed him passionately with the phone still in his hand.

Laying Duo on the bed and climbing on top of him, Trowa began to undress himself and Duo.

His eyes twinkling, Duo hit redial on the phone.


Fin. That wasn’t so bad now was it? Not bad for my first lemony type fic…though it’s really lacking in plot…hehe, oh well!

[Rei-chan's Dirty Books]