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*~*Purple Objects*~*

*~*Purple Objects*~*

~Purple Objects~
I have ALOT of
purple obects that
that make up my purple corner
Each of them have
a story behind it.
3% of the American Population likes purple.

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CAMILA can finally put pictures up on her site!!! =) I have more stuff...I'll upload them later...Thanks for coming and to everyone who gave me this stuff! I LOVE YOU!!!! =)

Purple Tall Cat:(Top left hand corner)My Mom gave this to me, it was one (1) of the first items in the CPC.

Purple Short Straw:(Top left almost left corner)I stole this from 7-Eleven.I love you 7-Eleven!

Purple Tall Straw:(Top almost left corner)My sister(Cristina) stole this as well from 7-Eleven.

Purple Tori Amos Venus and Back Album:(Top center corner)We got this from Best Buy...$22.?? something...It contains the song “Purple People”. Thanks Best Buy!

Purple Soap Gel:(Top right hand corner)I got this for my b-day....Rachel’s Mom gave it to me.

Purple Luna Head Cat:(Bottom left hand corner)We bought this from Wal*Mart, it was on sale. It was $4.95. Thanks Wal*Mart

Purple Letter N:(Bottom Center)I don’t where I got this from.

Purple Little Bear:(Bottom Center)My friend Cory gave me this, for my b-day of 2000.

Purple Letter X:(Bottom Center)N and X there one (1) of the coolest things’s a math term.

Purple Gobble:(right hand corner)I found this in the garage.

Purple Cup:(right hand corner)My older Brother gave this to me.

Purple Candle In The Jar:(right hand corner)My Mom gave me this as well.

Purple thered:(right hand corner)I got this from my Mom too!

Purple Metwo Straw:(Right hand corner)I used to love Poke’mon! =)

Purple Fat Pig:(Top left hand corner)This was owned by my GrandMom, now it belongs to my Mom, because she pass away a few years ago....R.I.P.

Purple Meimi Sanit Tail Doll:(Top Center)Ralph gave this to me.It’s one (1) of my favourite things.....THANK YOU!!! =)

Purple Balloon On NoteBook:(Top Center)Teresa gave this to me, after I beg, beg, and beg some more.

Purple NoteBook:(Top right corner)This notebook looks blue, but it’s really purple. I got this at Wal*Mart for $.25.

Purple Teddy Bear:(Bottom left hand corner)Teresa found this in the garage.

Purple Little Rat:(Bottom center)I wake up one (1) morning and it was in my purple corner. Don’t know how it got in there?

Purple Bell:(Bottom Center)Teresa, found this in the garage too!

Different Shades Of Purple Bear:(Right corner)This was one (1) favourite things too, Alma gave it to me.

Purple Grapes:(Bottom Right hand corner)This was in a wax bowl with others was fruits this is made of wax.

Purple Apple Peeler:(Top left hand corner)I stole from my kitchen...hehehhehehhe

Purple Rio Neckless:(Top Center)Camila, got this from, from the Rio! =)

Purple Scissors:(Top Right corner)I got this for school, but I never used them.

Purple NeckLess:(Bottom center)Teresa Gave me this as well. Jezz....I LOVE YOU!

Purple Little Flashlight:(Bottom Left corner)My Dad got this for me! :)

Purple Watch With Flowers:(Bottom Right corner)My ex-friend Maria gave this to me....don’t ask me why I still have it......

Purple Cowboy Bebop DVD:(Top left hand corner)I love this DVD it even has my favourite character on the cover.

Purple Lain DVD:(Top Center corner)This is a weird Anime, but it’s purple so it’s cool!

Purple Anime DVD:(Top Right corner)I’ve never seen this DVD before, so I don’t knw what’s it’s about.

Purple Sailor Moon Manga:(Bottom Left Corner)I love Sailor Moon!

Purple Animerica Magazine:(Bottom Center)Well, This a pretty cool magazine..

Purple GameBoy Advance:(Bottom Right corner)This belongs to my little brother Frankie.....He lets me keep it in my corner though.

Purple Push Pop:(Bottom Right corner)There is no candy inside...Adrian gave this to was good! =_

Purple Lolly Pop:(Bottom Right corner)I have no idea, where this came from, who gave it to me?!?!?!?!?!?

Purple Toe Holder:(Bottom Right corner)Once again, I have no idea how I got this...It just came one (1) day.

Purple Penny Bank:(Top left hand corner)Aunt Linda gave me this for Christmas!!! I love my Aunt! =)

Purple Wallet Thingy:(Top Center corner)Well, I have two(2) of these. I have one (1) here and the other is in my pocket.

Purple Comb:(Top Right corner)Don’t know where I got this from too! =0

Purple Hand & Body Lotion:(Left Side)Mum gave this to me! =)

Purple Bath Soap:(Bottom Center corner)Well, This a pretty cool magazine..

Purple Flute:(Almost Left Center)This is a cheap flute that cost me .10 cents....hehehe

Purple Bracelets:(Center almopst right)I won this at Sams Town. YEAH!!

Purple Small NotePad:(Center Almost right)I found this in my closest.

Purple Fizzy Pen:(Bottom Left corner)Um, Jaime gave his to me.....Isn’t pretty!

Purple Make-Up thing:(Bottom Almost left corner)I don’t wear make-up, so I really don’t know what this is called!

Purple Pen:(Bottom Center)A little cute boy gave this to me! =)

Purple Cd Holder:(Bottom Right corner)Well, my older brother gave this me. Inside contains the cd with “Purple People”.

Purple Still Orbiting:(Bottom Right corner)This cd is by Tori Amos, and it contains “Purple People” song in it! =)

Purple Grape Soda (2):(Top left hand corner)We had a praty druing Christmas, and I got two (2) sodas. =)

Purple Candle:(Top Center corner)My Mom gave me this like all the other candles I have! :o)

Purple Harry Potter Cup:(Top Right corner)Jaime gave this to me he got it at the Showcase, it’s a movies place in Las Vegas.

Purple Icee(2):(Left Bottom side)These things are good! =)

Purple Thing:(Bottom Center)I got this for my b-day, don’t ask me why!!!!! =/

Purple Pokemon Cards(Right Center)Well, I like I said before...I used to collected pokemon cards!!!! =0

Purple Big Doll:(Top left hand corner)I got this a few years back, in a Easter basket.

Purple Small Doll:(Top Left corner)This came with the big doll....It looks the same as well!

Purple Yarn Diamond:(Top Right corner)Teresa gave this to me....she also made’s made of yarn......purple and white yarn!!!

Purple Big Rio Cup:(Right side)The Rio really enjoys...the colour purple!!!

Purple Bag:(Bottom left)I got this for my b-day, TOO!!!! =)

Purple Cup:(Center)If you come to my CPC in person...I give you these candies!!!!!

Purple Candies:(Center)The candies i gave out when you visited my corner are...purple jolly ranchers, purple M&M’s, purple starbursts, or purple skittles...=)

Purple Mittens(Bottom Right Side)I got these when I was in 3rd grade...They were my favourite thing to wear, I still keep them! =)

Purple Questions & Comments Can:(Top left hand corner)Usually if you come to me CPC in person, I force you to write a Q & C.

Purple Bag:(Top Right corner)This bag is hang up so if you visit my take these papers and it tells you some info.

Purple Make-Up HolderThing:(Bottom Right corner)Eily gave me this for Christmas....I LOVE EMILY!!!!!

Purple Form:(Bottom Left side)If you come to see my CPC in person I also make you fill in this form so you made join the Purple People Club! =)

Purple Q & C Pencils:(Bottom Right)Um, the pencils are so you can write Q & C and join PPC.

Purple Q & C Paper:(Bottom Right)This is the paper you wright on to make a Q or C.

Purple Bag:(Bottom Right)This holds the purple pencils and paper.

Purple Questions & Comments Can:(Top left hand corner)Usually if you come to me CPC in person, I force you to write a Q & C.

Purple Bag:(Top Right corner)This bag is hang up so if you visit my take these papers and it tells you some info.

Purple Hawaii NeckLess:(Bottom Right corner)Adrin gave this to me

Purple Almost Pink NeckLess:(Bottom Right side)It once belong to Lily then was bought to me.