Disclaimer: I don’t own The Gundam Boys or Crow. This is a crossover between the two. Please Enjoy. ^_^


On Velvet Wings

By Elspeth




Sometimes when someone we love is taken from us, a burning pain takes up residence within our soul. And though we hurt from the separation and long to be reunited with them, something deep within our heart will not let us rest, and to find peace we must first exact vengeance on those who saw fit to cross us and hurt our angels. Sometimes, just sometimes, if the will is strong enough, if the heart loved enough, and if fear is an unknown thing, these souls can cheat death and borrow time to put the wrong things right. They can convince the death walker to let them return and shall go under the veil of retribution, to hunt their murderers and find once more the peace they crave. These people are known as the crows; this is the story of two of them, the crows of Tokyo "buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever."


Amber eyes pierced the neon night as velvet wings carried the crow higher, soaring on the warm currents rising from the congested streets of Tokyo. Below, shining in the night like jewelled ribbons, the roads of the city weaved their way in and out of the towering obelisks of metal and glass, green houses of humanity where people were born, lived and died in their little man made labyrinths.


Diving lower, the bird cruised swiftly through the red light district, the garish lights spluttering on and off in reds, blues, and greens like a dying heartbeat. Announcing in English and kanji the wares and services available in urine stained bars and private rooms. Few noticed the midnight bird swooping past them, and those who did put it down to too much alcohol, drugs or both. A drunk business man with a pretty whore on his arm and his wedding ring hidden in his pocket, attempted with a sadistic grin to hit the soul carrier with his half empty bottle, but missed and fell drunkenly against his companions cleavage, giggling childishly with blood-shot eyes.


The velvet winged one looked neither left nor right, it flew onward, its tiny animal brain focused on delivering its cargo back once more into the world of the living. So as deaths shadow could claim those who deserve to die, so as vengeance could be sated, so as a gundam pilot could rest.


Onward through the night it flew, the shining lights of the electric city sending rainbow colours shooting through ebony silk.


With every steady beat of its wings, far away an echoing tempo answered deep within the earths embrace, both calling to each other in a vibrant tattoo, rising up into pulsing thunder as they drew nearer to each other.


Like black daggers, the crow’s wings cut through the thick mists of the Tokyo bay; its shadow falling across the sentinels of glass that lined the docks, a warning of what was to come. That soon deaths shadow would hunt the streets of Tokyo, another death walker would raise their voice to heaven, screaming a song of retribution, baptising themselves in the blood of the damned to ease a soul of pain.


Twisting and spiralling up onto the Tokyo Tower the dark one sailed, settling on the upper antennae, the back bone of the city, hunching like a gargoyle and cawing loudly, awaiting the answering cry that would signal its destination.


Below it Tokyo waited, the metal jungle spread out like a web in all directions, tiny packets of green ensnared within its grasp here and there, signifying the superstition and love of tradition the populace still resiliently clung to in the face of the modern world.


Just beyond the main city was the answering cry, ripping through the voices of Babel that was the song of the city. An old ancient call for justice pulled the crow from its perch, plunging through the glittering marble tombs and crumbling mausoleums, broken angels and decaying flowers, above ground mimicking the rot bellow.


In a flurry of feathers it landed, skipping across the still pristine black marble marker excitedly; its goal found.

Glancing heavenward into the artificial light polluted green sky it screeched hoarsely, its beak tapping viciously upon the stone, as underground something stirred.


Sinew connected to sinew, rapidly forming a fibrous mesh over yellowing bone. Muscle spun over the top, stretching then filling out, blood suddenly rushing through withered leathery veins pouring into the eroded heart, its crimson flow causing it to shudder and then once more beat. Stronger and stronger the sound grew, with every contraction, organs began to fill out, hesitantly reaching and grasping life once more, as if trying to remember how to function in the mortal world again. Black eyes snapped open, dry cracked lips gasped violently, forcing air into deflated lungs and ripping the stitches that had sewn his dead mouth shut.


Above, the harbinger hopped to the ground, eyes fixed upon the dry packed earth hungrily, ruffling its feathers impatiently as the sky suddenly wept, rain pummelling the earth into soft mud in a torrent of tears.


With a splintering sound of wood a pale hand clawed its way through the filth, fingers digging into the earth and hauling out a dark figure to the surface. A final surge of effort brought the man sprawling out across the grave gasping and shuddering, unfocused eyes blinking into the force of the rain that plastered his black hair to his head, tracing icy rivulets through his dirt encrusted face.


Moaning, he rolled onto his side heaving, tightly balling up, gripping his stomach as it wrenched brutally spewing a stinking puddle of formaldehyde onto the earth beside him as his body expelled the trappings of death.


Shakily he stood, grasping his own grave for support and shivering in the cold night air. Confused and disorientated, he glanced around the graveyard, eyes narrowing as his gaze fell upon a familiar figure who stood looking at a grave a little ways off.


The mans hair was wild and matted, hard muscle showing in his bare arms and back, carved from years of training. On his shoulder perched the black demon that had summoned him back from purgatory.


Heero Yui’s fist clenched in anger, the veins in his arms rising in temper, as he stared at the simple granite grave in front of him. Tears of rage and loss streaking his hardened face as he read the words scarred into its surface again and again


"Here lies Duo Maxwell

Friend, brother, koi,

A soul of light

Cruelly sent into the night"


As the clouds broke for a moment the moons light spilled across the pale flesh of his back, the shape of a crow carved into it, his new title scarred into his flesh in vivid purple welts. On his right temple the entrance wound of the bullet still showed, announcing to the world how his life ended.


The newly risen man stumbled toward Heero, his feet slipping in the mud as he joined his side. The Japanese man grunted briefly at the new arrival as obsidian eyes stared at the teddy bear grave next to Duo’s, widening as unknown words cut his heart like a dagger.


"Celeste Maxwell

Viciously taken from us with child,

Sister, friend and love."


With an anguished howl, he threw back his head screaming with rage. She’d been pregnant and he’d not known. He was to be a father and she’d never gotten the chance to tell him before she was killed


He sunk to his knees, hugging the grave, laying his cheek against the cool stone, willing it to become her body within his arms once more. Heero placed a hand on the warrior’s shoulder kneeling beside him as his fingers still traced the words on Duo’s headstone.


" They’ll pay" he whispered coldly. Prussian ice narrowing as the rain dripped off his dark bangs into his eyes.


" My koi and my niece," he growled. The other raised his head, his expression hardening as he nodded, standing on steady legs and turning his piercing gaze out to the city that had taken their lives, revenge beating within his breast and flowing through him like fire.


" Koroshite yaru" he breathed, the crow taking off from his grave, leaving the words Chang Wufei behind upon the stone and landing on his shoulder, knighting him with the name of the crow.


" Just paint your face in shadows smile

Slipping me away from you

It doesn’t matter how you hide

Find you if we’re wanting to

Every night I fall

Every night I scream your name

Every night I fall

Dream the crow black dream"



Chapter 2 Coming Soon!!

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