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This site is not intended for a younger audience. Explicit language is used, and used frequently. Anyone under the age of 18 should have parental permission before entering this site, as it is the parents responsibility to monitor what their children look at and read on the internet. The entire staff at (Nosferatu) will not be held responsible for any content found on this site.

The comments provided by me are solely my thoughts and/or opinions, and are not necessarily shared by anybody else. I am solely responsible for my own actions, and any reprecussions that follow.

All images of Psychopathic artists, Juggalos and other things found on this website are property of their respected owners. I do not make any profit from my site, and this page is for entertainment and informative purposes in an attempt to do absolutely nothing. In short I am trying to cover myself against any legal problems. Plus I do not have any money so trying to sue me would be a waste of time.


Will reopen in April-May

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