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illustrationillustrationWitch's Faith
Episode 4 – Lovers

Beginning of story ~ List of all 32 episodes


Willow was curled up on the floor in the corner, exhausted and glassy-eyed. The evening had been... incredible. But Willow was surprised at how guilty she was feeling. Even though Tara had left her, Willow felt as though she had betrayed her former lover.

The witch lifted her head and saw that Faith had climbed into the nearest bed–although neither bed had played any role in their recent coupling. Faith had wrapped herself in a sheet and lay smiling down at Willow with her head on her arms. Willow was just too perfect to be real!

Willow didn't know what to say. She had always gotten the impression that Slayers were pretty amazing in bed–or on the coffee table and the floor as the case may be–but... Wow. Words could not describe that experience. Better than Tara? Maybe even. Very, very different from Tara in any case.

Willow smiled back shyly. She felt very exposed. "Thanks for leaving me my socks." Everything else she had been wearing was now in shreds scattered to the four walls. Faith's passion had been downright scary at times. There had been no question who was the natural predator and who was the willing prey. Willow recalled the Slayer's full weight sliding wetly on her face, pressing the back of her head hard against the floor. And yet, amazingly, Faith had been very attentive to Willow's own needs as well, bringing the witch orgasm after orgasm.

Failing to find any salvageable clothing on the floor, Willow began pulling pajamas out of a drawer.

"How 'bout you leave those alone?" suggested Faith impishly. "You're so pretty in socks!"

Willow was flattered in spite of herself, and walked to the bathroom naked to brush her teeth and get ready for bed. She decided to shower even though it was late. Faith, who had slipped into pajamas herself, was waiting for her with a towel and dried her body with a gentle touch. The attention movied Willow, who hadn't been cared for like that in some time. It surprised her, coming from Faith. She'd expected Faith to have her pleasure and then that would be that

Willow looked at the two beds. Would Faith expect her to come to her bed? Or should Willow stay in her own? Sleeping by herself suddenly seemed like a lonely prospect, but Faith saw her indecision and said nothing, so Willow climbed into her own bed.

Faith turned out the lights and slipped in beside her. Willow smiled contentedly. The Slayer was even good at cuddling! Willow's guilt began to give way to a feeling of deep peace and belonging. She felt very vulnerable sleeping nude with Faith, who was dressed in pajamas, but somehow it didn't bother her.

Faith loved the feel of her witch's warm nakedness curled up in her arms. She nuzzled the top of Willow's head in the dark. "I guess you must be gay–wish I'd known a week ago..."

"Yep. Do you remember... Tara?"

"Your witch friend? She's gay for sure. I saw her making eyes at you at the Bronze."

"Yeah. Um. She was my first female lover. We were together for a long time." Faith heard the regret in Willow's tone, and felt the tiniest twinge of unfamiliar jealousy.

"I see. I seem to recall giving her a hard time. She seemed nice I guess." Faith didn't say aloud how pitifully weak she had found the blonde witch.

"Yeah. We loved each other very much. But she dumped me. Not long ago actually. Same reason Buffy didn't want me... my magic." Willow found herself crying softly.

Faith squeezed Willow tight. "Hey... you've got yourself a Vampire Slayer, now. What does she have? Her hand!" Faith's attempts at comfort were rather clumsy. "She's crazy to dump you. Buffy too. To hell with them."

And somehow, being wanted and cared for did make Willow feel better. A lot better. Both women went to sleep feeling very, very good.



"Listen to me, Slayer, or you won't have any of us left!" Elise was arguing brazenly with Faith. And not privately, either–a half dozen of her band were watching. Elise had been a faithful ally in most regards, but Faith did not see how she could avoid punishing her attitude. Didn't Elise see how she was undermining the respect the band had for the Slayer? The vampire had more guts than brains.

Faith threw Elise to the ground and held her by the throat. She made it look more painful than it was, and she hoped Elise would take the hint. Faith loved a good, clean slaying, but causing pain for its own sake didn't thrill her like it once had. "Explain–and fast!"

Elise struggled briefly but was forced to give up. "Two days ago I had twenty-three followers. Today I have eighteen! That doesn't help either of us. Someone knows who we are and is picking us off one at a time."

"Well be more careful! Did you think you'd make friends, turning yourselves into the Slayer's spies?"

"We have been very careful, we never even approach each other outside of secret gatherings. I killed one of my demons myself for breaking that rule. This only works if nobody knows who's in the group except us. But somebody's tracking us down. We need magical protection or you may as well just slay us now."

"Does anyone know you're the leader?"

"I haven't been attacked yet–that's all I know. But I could be next. Anyone could! At this rate you can start over from scratch in a few days!"

"Meet me back here–alone–in two hours." Faith released the girl, but gave her a brutal kick in the ribs before stalking away into the night.

Faith brought Willow to the rendezvous later that night. Elise was still fuming at the treatment she had received. "Don't forget you need me, Slayer!"

Faith put her hands on her hips. "Like hell. I could stake you right now and your filthy minions would find another leader by daybreak. You've come a long way in a short time, Elise, but if you expect to be a leader you'd better start respecting the one who holds your leash." The Slayer got up close in Elise's face. "Don't ever argue with me again in front of witnesses. Am I making myself clear?"

Elise was catching on finally. "Yes, Slayer."

"Good." Faith punched Elise to the ground and Willow winced. And she thought the Scooby gang had friction! "Get up," said Faith, "My witch has a spell for you."

Willow took out a bag of gray powder which she had prepared and offered it to Elise.

"This looks like..."

"It is. Vampire dust... among other things. I've put a powerful spell on it. Black magic."

"Don't worry, it's probably nobody you know!" Faith said, taunting the vampire.

"What do I do with this?"

"Eat it," said the witch, "Just a few grains will do the trick. And your followers too. Make it last–some of the ingredients for this stuff are very hard to come by."

"Fine. What will it do for us?"

"Other vampires and demons won't remember you anymore. If they see you, they won't remember it. If they talk to you, they'll forget the conversation within minutes. If they were hunting for you, they'll give it up."

"You're sure about this?"

"Absolutely," Willow lied. She was reasonably certain she had the spell right... but she'd made mistakes before. Faith insisted that she pretend to be certain, though.

"What about humans? We still need to feed. Will this help us escape detection? Can we feed with witnesses now, and they'll forget what they saw?"

"No! It only works on your own kind." Willow hated being reminded of the type of creatures they were allied with. This was a band of killers. How many people had they killed since Faith and Willow started protecting them? Surely far fewer than the lives Faith and Willow had saved using the intelligence that was brought to them. Surely.



Willow was exhausted after patrolling, but Faith returned energized. It was often the same way with Buffy. Only Buffy had never demanded sex...

"I just can't, Faith... I'm beat." Willow had barely had the energy to shower and lift herself into bed. But she was afraid that the Slayer would have her way with or without cooperation.

Luckily, Faith did not turn her need into violence, but opted instead for her second-favorite tool: seduction. "Fine. Might help you sleep, but whatever." She undressed slowly in front of the bed where Willow was tucked in, peeling her tight pants and tank top away from her body in a highly suggestive manner. She slithered off to the shower, and returned–just as Willow was drifting off to sleep–to towel off in front of the witch.

Willow laughed. "You're dripping all over the floor!"

"Oops! Sorry!" said Faith with a gleam in her eye, and stood on the bed straddling Willow. She made a point of slowly rubbing her neatly-trimmed pubic region with the towel. "I just can't seem to get dry...." After slowly toweling her entire body, she sat down nude right in front of Willow's face and blow-dried her hair. She trusted that the obnoxious noise would help with Willow's troublesome sleepiness.

Finally, she climbed under the covers and pressed herself against Willow from end to end. Her soft breasts rested against Willow's arm and one leg curled over Willow's upper thighs. The witch was wearing only underwear, and Faith's pubic hair tickled her hip. She nuzzled Willow's ear. "Good night!" And she rolled away to her side of the bed, reaching to turn out the light.

Willow shook her head, smiling ruefully. "OK, get back here!" she sighed.

Faith stopped reaching for the lamp. "What?" she said innocently.

Willow threw her panties at her new lover.

"Oh," said Faith, "well, if you insist." She pulled Willow into a long, slow kiss that quickly turned into Faith's usual uncontrolled passion. She squeezed the witch's breasts rather roughly, and Willow hurriedly unclasped her bra before it could become Faith's latest victim. Willow tried to press her wetness into Faith's body, but they were embracing side by side and she couldn't achieve any satisfaction that way.

There was something Willow desperately wanted to do with Faith. Something Tara had taught her that she knew would delight the dark Slayer. She had been cautious about bringing up the subject since Faith had such an aversion to having magic used on her. But maybe tonight would be the night!

Willow rolled on top of Faith, pushing Faith gently onto her back. And received a painful reminder of how unpredictable and dangerous this Slayer really was. Faith flung her through the air and she hit the wall beyond the foot of the bed hard enough to shake a picture loose. It was pure luck there had no been no furniture in the way or Willow knew she'd have been badly injured. She crumpled to the floor in agony, unable to breathe. She was getting more bruises from her partner than from going out slaying!

Faith jumped on her in a flash, and Willow held her arm up uselessly in defense. But Faith picked her up under her knees and shoulders and laid her gently back in the bed. "I'm so sorry, Willow! I should have told you..."

"Wh... what?!" gasped Willow, barely catching her breath now. She was hurt and confused.

"You can't ever get on top of me like that! I've never let anyone do that, man or woman."

"What do you think I'm gonna do to you? Look how strong you are, my god, Faith!"

"I know. I just can't do it. I can't stand that feeling. I need to be in control, or this just isn't going to happen." Faith was insistent, but also concerned. "Are you OK?"

"I will be." This was not the easiest relationship Willow had ever embarked on. Definitely not the night to suggest any sex magic.

Faith hugged Willow, careful not to squeeze her body hard, and then began kissing her breasts. Willow stiffened. Surely Faith wasn't still interested in sex.

But this was part of Faith's clumsy apology, and in fact, it wasn't long before Willow herself was aroused again as well. Somehow, knowing her lover had such absolute power over her excited her–and, paradoxically, made her feel safe and comforted.

Faith began licking Willow like a cat. Down her neck, along her her collarbones, down her cleavage. The Slayer licked slowly around Willow's chest and stomach, spending time with each nipple and keeping the pace slow despite the urgent need inside of her. Willow began to wonder if Slayers had some kind of super salivary glands–how could Faith's tongue still be wet? Faith licked lower, tracing tickling lines over Willow's thighs, but not where Willow wanted it most.

Faith flipped Willow onto her stomach so quickly that Willow didn't know what had happened at first. The Slayer licked Willow's ear and then down her spine. She was attending only to Willow's pleasure for now, perhaps to atone for her violence.

Her tongue moved past the witch's tailbone to enter the cleft of her buttocks. Suddenly her tongue was gliding over some very private territory, and Willow yelped. "You don't like it?" asked Faith. The Slayer herself loved having her anus pleasured.

"I... no... it's..." Willow stammered, shocked, and yet... "yeah, I like it."

The Slayer's tongue pressed hard, sliding back and forth over Willow's tight, wrinkled anus. The witch's expression hovered somewhere between horror and ecstasy. Faith moved to an easier position, kneeling astride Willow's head and lying forward with her breasts pressed into the redhead's lower back. Willow's head was forced sideways into the pillow and she relaxed, letting the Slayer have her way.

Faith moved her tongue lower, dipping it between Willow's engorged folds to taste the wetness within. Then she turned at long last to the clitoris.

The Slayer finally demanded her own pleasure as well. She began humping her pelvis against the back and side of Willow's head. Willow's hair quickly became sticky and matted, and the friction pulled at her locks painfully. She stroked Faith's thighs with both hands, but there wasn't much else she could do, pinned on her belly like this.

Faith's tongue danced over Willow's clitoris, then glided through her slit to tease the girl's anus again. She alternated the two stimulations expertly, attuned to Willow's every twitch and gasp. When Willow came, Faith prolonged it excruciatingly. Then she allowed herself to climax, pressing hard against Willow's head and relishing the feel of the witch's tangled, wet hair.

Afterwards they turned out the lights and Faith cuddled Willow against her chest. Both girls were tired now, but neither wanted to fall asleep too quickly and end this comfortable intimacy. Faith could smell her own sex in Willow's matted hair as she gently pulled out the tangles.

"Faith," said Willow sleepily, "there's something I want to show you next time we have sex. It's magic, but it's for your body, not your mind... I think you'd really like it. We should try it."

"We'll see," Faith whispered.

Faith didn't suppose she had ever loved anyone, not since she was a small child. And she had no interest in doing so. But she realized that she really did care deeply about Willow Rosenberg. It was a strange feeling, and Faith wasn't sure she liked it. But it wasn't half as strange as the other feeling the Slayer couldn't shake. That Willow really did care about her.



"Have you gone round the bend, Buffy?"

"Have you?"

Spike and Buffy stared at each other in disbelief.

Spike couldn't understand what Buffy was talking about. "You're trying to tell me that we're chasing a demon. Right now... you and I."

"He just knocked you into a gravestone and kicked you in the gut. But I don't recall him touching your head! How do you feel?"

"Rather sore, as it happens, but I haven't a clue why."

"Well we're not just out tonight enjoying the lovely rain! It was you who told me about this creep in the first place. Something's wrong here."

There was no point in trying to continue the chase. Buffy supposed that something must be wrong with the chip in the vampire's head.


Continue to Episode 5 – Oracle.

Tara's laugh turned quickly to quiet sadness. It didn't take much to get her thinking of Willow. Why had Willow cut off contact so suddenly and completely? Even Amy hadn't heard from her at all. Everyone was very worried that she had hurt herself with her careless use of witchcraft.


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