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illustrationillustrationWitch's Faith
Episode 31 – Judgment

Beginning of story ~ List of all 32 episodes


Elise was hiding in an abandoned funeral home, according to Spike's sources. She never met with her followers there, who numbered barely two dozen currently, but rather set a new meeting location every time. So the funeral home was her private place, and the Slayers would either find her gone, or home alone and unguarded.

As Buffy, Faith and Mrs. Betts approached the large, peeling white house, they caught a shadow slipping through the trees ahead of them. Faith ran forward. "Hey!"

The vampire turned, and Faith kicked him to the ground. Buffy joined her, and the vampire faced two stakes. Mrs. Betts stood near with her huge pickaxe. The Slayers demanded to know his business here and received answers that made little sense. The creature was insane. It appeared he was simply dropping off a small packet, though.

Buffy tore the leather pouch from around his neck and removed a one-word note, possibly written in blood. "Understood." Elise must use this mad vampire as a messenger. Very cautious. This note must be acknowledging some instruction from Elise. So most likely, Elise was home.

The vampire suddenly rolled to the side and ran for the funeral home. Faith grabbed Mrs. Betts' pickaxe and swung it in a single motion, slaying the vampire before he could warn Elise. Faith was again impressed with the perfect balance of the weapon, and handed it back reluctantly.

The party entered the building and, moving silently, searched the ground floor. All three were very nervous about the outcome of tonight's hunt. Faith fully intended to slay Elise, but she would take no joy in it. She just wanted it over with. And at the same time, like Buffy, she was afraid of being overcome by that dark vampire attraction that seemed to be the curse of Slayers. Even a moment's hesitation in front of Mrs. Betts would be a very bad thing in the Watcher's report to the Council.

They came across several coffins and opened them cautiously, but the first floor was deserted. Time to split up.

"Why don't you look upstairs, Buffy... Mrs. Betts and I will take the basement. We know how she likes to hide underground."

"You got it," said Buffy, mounting the stairs to the upper rooms. If she found Elise, she would call for Faith to slay her.

Faith and her Watcher descended into the basement. And there, in a small, dimly lit side room, they found Elise. Faith and Mrs. Betts saw her before she saw them.

The vampire lay on an embalming table, wearing a black nightie and staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. She looked as beautiful as ever, and twice as small and vulnerable. Faith wanted to touch her. No! She thought, and focussing her mind on Buffy instead, she maintained control for the moment.

Faith darted forward, and the motion caught Elise's eye. The vampire leapt to her feet and bolted for a door behind her. Faith moved faster, and kicked her legs out from under her. Elise slipped sideways and darted past Faith, feinting one way and then moving the other. Faith turned to follow her and landed a brutal kick on the side of Elise's head. She winced at the girl's cry of pain, but she had the vampire cornered at last.

Faith took a stake from her belt, and Elise stopped trying to flee. She looked coolly at Faith. "You know you can't slay me. You need me. We are meant to be together, my love!" Elise had not the slightest understanding of Faith's obsession with her, and sexual union with a woman repulsed her. But she boldly played the part, recognizing her only chance to live through yet another encounter with the Slayer.

"Shut up!" Faith was terrified to have Elise saying these things in front of Mrs. Betts. The Council would soon learn of the vampire's words. And then Faith regretted what she had said: now the Council would learn that she wanted the vampire to keep quiet, too.

Faith raised her stake, pressing it to Elise's breast. Her desire for the vampire was deep and unconscious, but her begrudging admiration was conscious. Admiration for how much Elise had achieved with so little going for her. Admiration for how fearless and determined the vampire was even though she was gifted with neither physical strength nor unusual powers. If Faith were a vampire, she could see herself being much like Elise. That brought back painful memories of how Faith had mistreated Elise, both as an ally and as an enemy. Memories of beating Elise again and again, hating herself but taking it out on this small undead girl. Memories of forcing herself on Elise in terrible and intimate ways. And now her final memory of Elise would be of driving this stake through her undead heart. Feeling the crunch of bone and flesh, and then the softer crunch of a corpse turned to dust. Seeing the pain on Elise's face just before she vanished into the air.

"Faith!" called Mrs. Betts. "What are you waiting for? Do it!" The Slayer and the vampire had simply been staring into one anothers' eyes for some time, and the Watcher did not like this one bit.

Faith was filled with emotion. The familiar self-loathing and guilt. She did not want to hurt Elise any more. But she knew her duty as a Slayer, and she knew she was on trial for her life. She pressed the stake slowly into Elise's chest.

"Don't, Faith!" cried Elise, in a small voice that revealed the terrified creature hiding behind the stony facade. The vampire's eyes filled with tears of pain and fear as the stake slowly penetrated her body. She did not try to escape, knowing that Faith would drive the sharp point home in an instant. "Please!" she begged.

Faith stepped back, and Elise fell to her knees, clutching her chest with a tortured grunt of agony that horrified the Slayer. "I can't do it," Faith whispered.

"What?!" her Watcher hissed angrily.

"I can't do it," said Faith, sadly but firmly. "You have no idea how much I have already hurt her. I have beaten her, raped her... taken my problems out on her and relished her pain. And she's not the first person I have hurt because I wanted to hurt myself." Faith spoke softly, not looking at Elise or Mrs. Betts. "That has to be behind me now, or I can't go on. I can't hurt her any more. I can't have that slaying in my memory. Not after what I've done."

Mrs. Betts was stupefied. "She is not a person, she is a vampire! You are a Slayer! Your task does not include pity! Elise already died, decades ago–centuries maybe! What's left is a soulless demon who has certainly murdered dozens if not hundreds of innocent people! And she'll keep right on doing it."

"I know. She must be destroyed." Elise had staggered to her feet but was still cornered, and still in terrible pain from the wound in her chest. "Do it quickly," Faith said. "Please."

"Me!? You are on trial here, Faith! Even if you slew her as soon as you saw her, my report already doesn't look good. Now it will even show that I had to persuade you to complete what you've supposedly been trying to do all along! And if you refuse to even complete the trial...!" Mrs. Betts shook her head, astonished and angered by Faith's self-destructive stubbornness. "Faith, I understand more than anyone the emotional problems you have had, and I know Elise is tied up with that somehow. But compassion for vampires is not what is needed here! What is the difference who does it? Just slay her!"

Faith backed away from Elise, forcing Mrs. Betts to move in and keep the girl from bolting. The Slayer dropped her stake on the ground, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I can't slay her. I won't slay her. It's not for her... it's for me. Please just do it quickly!"

Mrs. Betts did not move. The only sound was the hissing of Elise's agonized breath. Faith fell to the floor, face in her hands, sobbing. "Oh God, just do it!"

Faith could not watch. She sensed sudden movement–Elise must be fleeing–and felt the rush of air as the Watcher swung her pickaxe. Elise screamed as the point penetrated her body with a sickening crunch and protruded six inches out of her back. Faith's own body shook as though it were she who had been struck. She covered her ears with her hands, but even through her own screams and sobs, she could still her Elise shrieking in new agony. Mrs. Betts had missed the heart. Elise's cries increased as the weapon was pulled free of her flesh.

A second rush of air. A second thud of steel in flesh. Blessed silence, and the smell of dry dust. A scent that would have thrilled Faith on any other day, but today it made her sick. The dark Slayer's breath caught in her throat. She felt relief that this was all over, but mostly she felt terrible. About Elise's painful death, and about everything Faith had done. All the pain she had caused. Not just to Elise.... but to everyone she had ever hurt. So many innocent people...

"Faith," said Mrs. Betts, more gently now. "Get up. Elise is dead." Sadness and resignation had replaced the anger in the Watcher's voice. But Faith remained on the floor, crying.

Soon Faith felt a warm arm around her shoulders, and a gentle kiss on the back of her head. "It's OK, Faith," murmured Buffy. Coming down the stairs, she had heard enough of what had happened to understand that Faith had not slain Elise. And to understand why. "It's OK."

But of course, nothing was OK, now. Both girls knew what the Council would make of this. Faith had failed at the task she had been set, and betrayed her duty as a Slayer.



Willow was absolutely terrified, and yet completely filled with the most thrilling ecstasy. She was surprised to find that, when put to the test, her powers were very nearly back in full force. And she was definitely putting them to the test. While the Slayers were gone, she was in the basement opening books that she had allowed Tara to keep from her, mixing potions that came very close to being black magic, and preparing spells that most witches would never even attempt. As she had done once before, she was readying a secret arsenal of magic.

The statue was what did it. The statue, and the light in Buffy's eyes when she had proudly shown it to Willow after the Scooby meeting. The lack of a face had bothered the witch at first, but Buffy had explained that the figure was nothing more than a gesture of Faith's love. And Buffy treasured it. She and Faith were changed from just a day before... bound to each other as Willow and Tara were bound, and everyone could see it plainly. It was beautiful. And when Willow saw Buffy's simple joy at Faith's gift from the heart, she knew that she would not sit idly by and watch Faith be executed.

Willow did not want to kill Mrs. Betts, or anyone that she might bring with her when the time came. But Willow had powerful memory spells ready, and spells to conceal her friends during a fight or escape attempt. And some that could be lethal as well. Just in case.

The witch kept her potions and powders hidden behind junk in the basement, and in her dresser drawers, and in her car. Even a few under the bed she shared with Tara. She knew they wouldn't stay overlooked for long, but it didn't matter. Soon this would all be over, whatever the consequences.

And if Willow did jump to Faith's aid, what would she do exactly? What would happen next? How could Faith ever truly escape from the Council? Willow didn't know. But she would be ready for any eventuality. Ready to take extreme and decisive action.

Willow was very much afraid that Buffy would vow the same. And in Buffy's case, her death was foretold. But Willow would use her magic to defend Buffy as well, if the need arose. She would not accept the Oracle's meaning until Buffy was really gone.



Mrs. Betts' eyes were haunted as she dropped Buffy and Faith off at home. "I have to call the Council within the hour. And email them my report. I might be back tonight if their decision is made quickly. But it must be a unanimous vote, and that could take some time. It will also take time for them to cast the spells and divine whether I am hiding anything." Faith nodded, standing outside the Watcher's car with Buffy's hand on her shoulder. "I wish I had the power to vote on this," the older woman continued, "but all I can do is make my report, and give my personal opinion. At least... as much as they allow me to. The Council wanted you... dealt with... long ago, and there are many who do not appreciate this additional evaluation I have undertaken. But I promise I will make your case as best I can."

"I know," said Faith quietly.

"And I should also warn you again not to flee. I am not the only agent of the Council in Sunnydale, and most of the others are unknown even to me. They will be expecting you to flee, and they'll have the law on their side if they need it."

"I kinda figured," said Faith, recalling the show of force the Council had already made, when Mrs. Betts had come to take her back to prison.

Mrs. Betts started to roll her window up, but she stopped and turned to Faith again. "I wish... I wish we had met under other circumstances. Whatever the Council thinks, you are a good person, Faith. I wish I were half as good."

"You're not so bad!" Faith joked weakly, forcing a smile.

Buffy said nothing, but simply stared coldly into space, not meeting the Watcher's eyes. Mrs. Betts wanted to say something to her, too–the Slayer was doomed, and Mrs. Betts hoped and prayed that Buffy's death would not become her fault. But she couldn't think of anything to say, and so she just drove away. Rounding the corner at the end of the street, she noticed a man sitting in an old, rusted station wagon, and correctly guessed that the Council's agents were closing in. Keeping watch to see that the verdict was carried out. Mrs. Betts wished it didn't fall to her to carry out the sentence. She wished Faith didn't favor execution over imprisonment. But she understood.

Faith pressed up against Buffy and kissed her. "Buffy... Promise me you will not do anything drastic on my behalf. It's no use, you know."

Buffy did not answer.

"Please, Buffy, do this for me. Promise." Faith did not like the look in Buffy's eyes. It was a look of resignation and self-sacrifice. And if Buffy were to die trying to defeat the Council, that would be the ultimate betrayal. Buffy could not leave her like that. That would be the betrayal that would break Faith's mind and spirit once and for all.

Buffy remained silent for a while longer, and then spoke softly. "You came to me for help."

Faith didn't understand. Coming to Buffy had been more a matter of waking up in her bed, helpless, after Buffy had nearly killed her. Then she realized that Buffy meant long ago. When they had first met, after Faith had fled all the way from Boston to seek her fellow Slayer out. "You did help. We avenged my Watcher's death."

"I have to protect you, you know. It's all I know how to do."

"I know, Buffy. But you can't this time. There's no sense in destroying both our lives." Faith kissed her again. "So promise me. No heroics this time."

Buffy simply initiated another kiss. Deep and passionate this time. And Faith knew she would get no answer from Buffy.

In truth, Buffy did not know what she would do. But she knew she was fated to die soon, and she wanted to do it for Faith.



Everyone stayed up late together, awaiting the fate of the Slayers, unwilling to waste whatever time remained to them. The Oracle predicted Buffy's death–or even both Slayers' deaths–and a sense of doom filled those who knew of it. Buffy wanted desperately to tell Faith about the Oracle, to get the terrible secret off her chest. But she would not make Faith suffer with that knowledge.

Dawn and Faith did not know of the Oracle, but everyone knew that Faith was likely to receive her judgment soon. And that meant death as well. Each Slayer believed she would die soon, but neither one would accept the possibility that they would die together. Willow and Tara, however, were very aware of that possibility. It was Faith who faced execution... but it was Buffy who must die to fulfill the Oracle's words.

The five girls sat together in silence, afraid, depressed... and so very tired of being afraid and depressed. Attempts at conversation floundered. Buffy felt the need to call Xander, but when she did she could think of nothing to say. It was like a funeral for someone still alive. Neither Buffy nor Faith would utter the one word that needed to be said. Goodbye.

Eventually, Dawn and the witches went to bed, knowing that sleep would be impossible but wanting to give the Slayers time alone together. Willow was grateful for Tara's presence beside her as she fought to contain the power she had allowed to build up inside her.

Neither Slayer could even think of going to bed. Mrs. Betts might return with a verdict at any time, and the two lovers wished to savor every remaining second together. They did not seek sex, but simply closeness and comfort. They cuddled close on the couch. Buffy softly repeated, "I love you... I love you... I love you...," nuzzling Faith's hair and holding her very tightly. Faith was terribly afraid, but not of Buffy. Being held like this was a tremendous comfort. Faith felt at least the illusion of being kept safe from harm.

Faith decided that she was ready to die. She had had a single day of pure happiness, but the price for her crimes must still be paid. She wished she had been a different person, so that she could live. So that she could awaken beside Buffy again and again and again.



Dawn gave up on trying to sleep and arose to see who else was awake. Willow and Tara's light shone under their door, but Dawn hesitated to bother them. She crept downstairs, not wanting to intrude on her sister and Faith, but at the same time wanting to be with them.

The Slayers were asleep in each others' arms. Despite their intention to remain awake, they were simply exhausted–physically and emotionally–and ended up sleeping away these precious hours. Dawn quietly went to the hall closet, took out a blanket and tucked it gently around the two lovers. Then she went back to her room to cry.



It was Willow who heard the car drive up. Her senses were magically heightened. She jumped out of Tara's arms and ran out to the window in Buffy's empty room. Mrs. Betts' car was pulled up at the curb in the dim light of dawn. A sudden adrenaline rush made Willow's fingertips and eyes glow briefly. Tara joined her after a moment and whispered, "No... not so soon!"

Dawn, who had not slept at all, heard the footsteps in the hall and emerged as well. The three descended to awaken the Slayers, and everyone peered out the front window.

Mrs. Betts did not get out of her car, but simply sat in the driver's seat with her face in her hands. Willow took a deep breath, ready to unleash terrible forces.

Willow and Buffy were not the only ones with secret plans to fight for Faith. Dawn ran upstairs and returned with a large suitcase. "We have to run away, Buffy, right now! I packed everything we need." She opened the suitcase to reveal clothing for her and for both Slayers, food she had prepared and stored in containers, and an assortment of weapons. "We'll sneak out the back! Willow and Tara can distract Mrs. Betts!"

"Oh, Dawnie... we can't run," said Faith gently. "The Council has people watching for that. We'd never get away."

"But you have to try! I can help! We'll hide and nobody will ever find us! Look, I even have my disguise packed, we can use that when we come out of hiding to buy stuff! I think we should hide under the bridge by the park first, and then get out of town tonight."

"It's no use, Dawn," Faith insisted, "but thank you so much. You are very brave."

Dawn broke into hysterics, screaming and sobbing. Tara led her up to her room and stayed there with her. Her first priority was to keep Dawn safe through whatever was about to happen. But as long as that was assured, Tara was prepared to do much more. She was ready to use magic, for the first time, in dark ways that might send her down the same path Willow had taken. Like Buffy and Willow, she had no clear plan for where such action might lead. But she too was ready to fight for Faith. She held Dawn's shaking form, and the two girls listened through Dawn's open door, waiting for whatever was coming.

Willow, Faith and Buffy watched as Mrs. Betts lifted her head and began talking on her phone. She put the phone down quickly and seemed to collapse. Then she picked the phone up again and began writing something down. After a while she simply let the phone drop from her fingers onto the floor. She fell against the steering wheel, and even in the dim morning light, the three girls could see that her shoulders were shaking from crying.

Eventually, Mrs. Betts summoned the will to get out of the car. She shut the front door and moved to the rear door, pausing with bowed head. She opened the car door and took out her pickaxe. She looked at it in her hands and began to sob again. She had been through a lot with this weapon over the years. But today it felt very different in her hands.

The Watcher composed herself and approached the house. It seemed to Buffy that it took her hours to walk those few feet from the street. Buffy did not really want to kill Mrs. Betts. The Watcher had some goodness in her hard heart. But Buffy had no idea what she would do... she would know when it happened. For now, she simply took a crossbow out of the closet and loaded it. Would she commit a murder to prevent one? Would she and Faith try somehow to flee? Would she perhaps ask Willow for magical help, despite the terrible price Willow would pay for that temptation? Buffy had no idea.

A knock sounded at the door. Nobody moved to open it. Willow sat on the couch, eyes half-closed, keeping a dozen spells ready for action. Buffy stood in front of the door, crossbow ready at her side. And to her left, Faith crouched on the floor terrified, one arm wrapped around Buffy's upper thigh. She knew now that she was not ready to die without a fight. Save me, Buffy! she thought. But at the same time she knew she could not be saved.

"Little Faith..." Buffy whispered, petting the dark Slayer's head protectively. Her eyes were as cold and hard as diamonds, staring at the closed door.

The Watcher knocked louder.


Continue to the final episode of "Witch's Faith" – Episode 32 – Fate.



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