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illustrationillustrationWitch's Faith
Episode 24 – Possession

Beginning of story ~ List of all 32 episodes


Faith showered, filled with such elation that she was certain she would wake up at any moment. She hoped that Buffy would come to her again in the shower, and make love to her–this time with real sharing instead of Buffy's earlier awkward aggressiveness. But Buffy did not come.

Faith returned to Buffy's room–her room!–and stood in the doorway staring stupidly. The room was a wreck, and Buffy was kneeling on the far side of the bed, nude, with her butt high in the air. Her modestly closed slit showed no arousal but was still the cutest thing Faith had ever seen.

Buffy was evidently groping for something that had fallen on the floor. She straightened up, holding a CD, and saw Faith. "Oh! Faith... I thought you'd be gone longer...."

Faith looked around the room. There was a tray beside the bed with a bottle of wine and two mismatched glasses, partly filled. The tray itself was full of wine, too. Buffy had changed the bed, using beautiful cream-colored silk sheets and pillowcases. But it was done hastily, and was in disarray with one corner sprung loose to reveal the bare mattress. About a dozen assorted candles lay on their side on the dresser, unlit. The old sheets and the Slayers' clothes were piled on the floor. Dawn's CD player sat beside the bed, awaiting the disc Buffy had dropped. A lamp was on its side where Buffy had knocked it over plugging the CD player in. Several sticks of incense stood around the room, but only one had successfully stayed lit. The half-dead flowers from the kitchen table stood pathetically on Faith's dresser. Faith grinned at Buffy's predicament. "Need a little help, B?"

Buffy slumped sideways onto the bed, defeated. "I thought I could do all this quickly. Look at this mess! I'm sorry, I don't know how to do this!" Buffy felt frustrated and foolish. "I don't know how to be romantic for another woman."

"Yes, you do, Buffy. This is very romantic and sweet." Buffy looked absolutely incredible curled on the bed in the nude, and Faith closed the door, dropping her own towel. Buffy's next apology stuck in her throat. The first time she had been with Faith she had kept her eyes closed, and this was her first really good look at her new girlfriend. Faith's beauty left her speechless.

"Do you like it?" said Faith, lifting one leg to display her hairless genitals.

"Wow..." said Buffy, " pretty..." The words seemed foolishly inadequate to describe Faith's perfect opening. Or any other part of her for that matter. Faith's body was one of the few aspects of herself she did have confidence in, and she turned in a circle, showing off what she had to offer Buffy.

Faith joined Buffy on the jumbled bed. A deep kiss seemed to be the right first contact, and Faith needed that badly, but she knew Buffy wasn't ready for it. She kissed Buffy's cheek instead and caressed Buffy's upper arms, letting Buffy decide on the next move.

Buffy lay Faith gently back against a pillow and slid on top of her before Faith could react. "Buffy! Get off!" said Faith in an oddly strained voice, willing her body to be still and her panic to stay under control.

Buffy rolled away, hurt and confused, her eyes beginning to tear. "What did I do?"

"Nothing, Buffy... I'm sorry. It's me. I can't stand feeling trapped like that. I've never been able to take that." Faith paused, trying to explain. "I hurt poor Willow when she did that. I felt shitty about it. Plus, you're so strong... I don't know what it is." She almost added how terrified she had been when Buffy had clamped her sex over Faith's mouth in the shower, but decided that Buffy didn't need to be insecure about her own conduct right now.

"You don't trust me?" asked Buffy, quietly.

"I do, Buffy! It's not about you. In every way that matters, I trust you. Maybe on some deeper physical level I just can't trust anyone. But that's nothing to do with you. That's how I've always been. Part of me wants to be lying underneath you in the worst way... but part of me is just so afraid of that."

Buffy lay beside Faith afraid to touch her and screw things up again. Both girls felt they were doing very badly at this. "This is kinda hard, isn't it?" commented Buffy. The very idea of having a girlfriend did not entirely sit easily with her, and part of her wanted to put a stop to the whole thing quickly. But she would not let that part control her anymore.

"I guess it is," said Faith. "I'm really sorry." She too had envisioned things being perfect and easy from the start. "Do you still want to do this?" Her heart beat faster, afraid that Buffy would give up on this relationship already.

"Oh, yes, Faith. More than anything." Once again Faith wished she could kiss Buffy, to tell her what words could not. But Buffy was already pulling her close, and allowing her to move on top instead. Faith kissed Buffy's shoulders and breasts, and simply savored the soft warmth of Buffy's skin pressed against her own. Buffy did not close her eyes this time, but watched Faith's hands and lips explore her. Faith's touch was so much more pleasurable and arousing than anything she had ever felt from a man. Faith began to masturbate Buffy occasionally, and Buffy moaned at this incredibly intimate contact.

Buffy used her hands to stroke and touch Faith in return, but was reluctant to touch Faith's genitals. Eventually she let Faith take her hand and press it into the dark Slayer's hot and slick opening. Faith guided Buffy's fingers in slow circles, making her own flesh roll and fold wetly in the most delicious ways. The feel of this disgusted Buffy at first–it was so wet and mushy, like feeling the insides of a person!–but soon she was finding it terribly exciting. She was also delighted and encouraged by the sounds Faith was making.

After a while, Buffy wanted to see and lick Faith's body as Faith had done to her. She pushed Faith onto her back–noticing how the girl became tense for a moment–and then crawled carefully beside her, nuzzling Faith's breasts and placing dozens of tiny little kisses.

Faith realized with surprise that Buffy was crying. "Buffy... what is it?"

"I've... all the things I've done to you, little Faith... I've hurt you so badly!" Buffy was looking at the scar where she had once stabbed Faith in the stomach, leaving her in a coma that took a year from Faith's life. "I'm so sorry, Faith, I wish I could take all that pain away from you and feel it myself!" Buffy sobbed pitifully, her tears falling on the scars her fury had given to Faith.

"Everything you have done to me I earned, Buffy. I've done terrible things to you, too. Let's not think about that... that's all over now..." she stroked Buffy's hair and the Slayer's tears slowly dried up. Buffy resumed touching and kissing Faith's body, overwhelmed by the strangeness of having another woman in her bed like this. After a while she moved nervously down Faith's body to watch as she manipulated Faith's labia. She removed her fingers and looked as them, shiny with Faith's fluids.

"Taste it," whispered Faith.

Buffy's eyes widened but she gave one finger a tiny lick. She was disgusted once again... and once again, that gave way to intense arousal. She licked and sucked her fingertips, and then returned to masturbating her friend. Eventually she found herself licking between Faith's legs. Not the wrinkly flaps that reached tantalizingly outward as if trying to kiss her. Just the nude outer lips beside them. One side then the other. Buffy paused, noticing the shiny wet trails her tongue had drawn. Somehow this mark she had left on lover's body was the most erotic detail yet. So she licked Faith more, starting with her thighs but also her stomach and chest and neck. Every few seconds, she would lift her head away to see the shiny trails that were turning cool and drying on Faith's body.

When Buffy turned her attention to Faith's nipples and began to lick and suck them, she felt the strange compulsion to find out what they felt like between her teeth. She nipped Faith's left nipple gently and Faith rolled away with a yelp.

"Did I hurt you?" Buffy had thought she had been very gentle.

"No... you just scared me." Faith tried to force a smile. "Sorry I'm such a nut case tonight!"

"Well let me find something less scary then!" Buffy smiled back, trying not to make a big deal of the incident. "I want to make you... you know. I want to eat..." She blushed, finding the words as difficult as the act.

"You want to eat me out?"

Buffy nodded, blushing. That was the crude phrase she had been thinking. She was actually very nervous about the prospect, but she felt she owed this to Faith. "Maybe sit in the chair?"

"Sure," said Faith rising and taking a seat in Buffy's cushioned chair. She spread her thighs tantalizingly.

Am I actually going to do this? thought Buffy, wondering if this were all some strange dream. And then she was kneeling between Faith's legs, her arms resting over the girl's thighs and caressing her hips. She was savoring a scent that should be offensive, not sexy–the scent of another woman's arousal! But it was sexy. And Buffy wanted to taste it too. She leaned forward and kissed Faith's pink lips, pushing them around with her own lips and sucking them slightly into her mouth. Her tongue entered Faith next, and she began an amazing journey, learning how Faith's body was the same as her own, inside and out. And learning how it was different.

At some point, Buffy's hands had taken hold of Faith wrists. Despite Buffy's current submissive pose, there was something... possessive about the way she held onto Faith. This both aroused and frightened Faith. She tried to move her hand, and to her relief Buffy let it go easily. Faith began stroking Buffy's hair with one hand, while Buffy brought her closer to orgasm. Faith was wincing now, and her breath hissed between clenched teeth. Buffy took Faith's hand off of her head and held it again by Faith's side. Only after Faith's drawn-out orgasm did she notice that Buffy was holding her wrists tightly in place. And... had Buffy bitten her lips a little, right at the end? Sensing Faith's alarm, Buffy immediately let go.

"Oh, my God," croaked Faith hoarsely after simply staring down at Buffy for several minutes, "You are so good at that! Don't even tell me that was your first time."

Buffy blushed but beamed involuntarily with pride. "Yeah, my first!"

"Well... I may not have your natural talent, but I have extensive experience to make up for it." Faith helped Buffy to her feet and traded places.

Faith performed oral sex on Buffy expertly. Her tongue brought the Slayer close to orgasm and then backed away... once, twice... three times. She kept her eyes on Buffy's face, learning the signs that would help her set the right pace. She wanted to let her tongue slip down to Buffy's anus, and spread Buffy's thighs wider to at least catch a glimpse of it. But Faith was afraid that would be a bit much for Buffy so soon, and she decided not to risk it.

Faith tried to hold Buffy's hands in the same way that the Slayer had held hers. Buffy broke free without even thinking about it, and began to rub Faith's shoulders and neck. Somehow, Buffy's gestures still created a sense of possession and power even after trading places. Faith could relate to this–she had often felt some of that towards a partner, and especially towards Willow. And even Elise, Faith thought with a shudder.

Faith remembered the excitement of making Willow's sprite watch helplessly as she took charge of the witch's body. Willow had been "hers" in a way that she just couldn't picture with Buffy. Buffy was a force of nature... someone to admire and share with and love with all her heart... but possess? It just wasn't a word that fit. But did Buffy perhaps feel that way about her? There was no sense in even asking–Faith knew that Buffy was floating through these early steps with little conscious connection to any deeper feelings. And another question: if Buffy did have possessive, controlling emotions regarding Faith, what would Faith think of that? It was really only a small step removed from the feelings of caring and protection that Faith already felt from Buffy and was grateful for. And yet it pushed all the wrong buttons: Faith's fear, her defensiveness, her weakness in comparison to Buffy... and most painful of all, the mistrust that seemed to linger in her very bones no matter what her conscious feelings might be.

Feeling a touch of her trapped feeling again, Faith tried to remove one of Buffy's hands from behind her. No problem. Buffy let Faith hold her hand and rub her lower arm. But before long, Buffy had her hand back on Faith's neck. She even pressed Faith into her as she orgasmed–but only briefly, and not very hard. Still, Faith was very aware of Buffy's superhuman strength, and was relieved when Buffy slumped limply with a sigh and let her arms fall to her sides.

"I wish we could have been doing this sooner. Think of all the years we wasted!" Faith half-joked. But Buffy's face fell and became filled with such utter misery that Faith was a little frightened. "Buffy?"

"I'm OK, Faith!" Buffy smiled to hide her terror. "Just thinking of that wasted time." Especially now that the Oracle predicted that they had so little of it left!

Faith led Buffy back to the bed for some much-needed cuddling.



After an hour or so of mutual comfort and affection, Buffy spoke for the first time in many minutes, her eyes close to Faith's. "I feel really good about this, Faith. I'm so glad we gave it a chance."

"Me too. I've never wanted anything in my life more than this."

"You know, we should tell Willow. She really helped me to see that this is what I wanted." Buffy controlled her face carefully and forced down further thoughts of the Oracle.

"She did?" Faith hadn't known that. Willow was truly wonderful. The redheaded angel who had stepped in out of the blue to give her a whole new life. "Let's go tell her now! Let's tell everyone!" Faith's heart soared when Buffy nodded eagerly–she too was ready to make this relationship public!

They found Willow downstairs. She was already running towards the staircase but stopped when she met up with the Slayers.

"Willow, we have something to announce," said Buffy, smiling.

Willow did not notice their clasped hands, or their bathrobes, or the scent of recent sex. She did not even pay attention to Buffy's words.

"Tara and Dawn!" cried Willow, "They're gone!" She held out the note from Dawn.

Buffy and Faith both realized now that the note was a fake. And the two girls had been gone far too long for one movie. In the blink of an eye, Buffy and Faith were no longer young girls savoring a new romance. They were the Slayers, grim and determined, and they sprung into action at once.

"Willow, get ahold of Xander and Anya, and Spike too... and Mrs. Betts. We'll meet at the Magic Box. Faith and I will get our gear together. We were gonna soften Elise's creeps up a little more before going after her stronghold. But too bad... if she wants trouble now, trouble is coming!"

"We'll get her back, Buffy," said Faith firmly. "We'll get them both back." Buffy nodded and ran upstairs to dress.

"Willow, we'll bring Tara home safe. I promise you." Faith held Willow's shoulders tenderly. She felt very guilty about having done... those things with Elise when she could have just slain her and put a stop to all this before it got this far.

"But... Oh, Faith! They need Dawn, they don't need Tara! Why would they keep Tara around, she's a threat! What if they... did something to her!"

"Look at me, Willow!" said Faith, moving her hands to the sides of Willow's face. "Now look inside yourself.... Is Tara alive?"

Willow's eyes lost focus for a moment. "Yes!" she smiled and sobbed all at once. "She is!" Her powers were still weak, but her bond with Tara was strong. If Tara were gone, she would know it. And Faith had realized this even before Willow did.

"Then let's go get her."


Continue to Episode 25 – Obsession.

The diminutive vampire entered the shaft at the same time Faith emerged from the storeroom. The vampire bolted for the main exit, but Faith was too quick. The Slayer tackled Elise and forced her to the ground. The vampire's small body was soft and surprisingly warm.


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