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Another follow-up to CV-1.


Gotta pee. I step out of my bunk onto... nothing?! I let out a small scream as I fall, pain shoots through my side, and a loud crash shakes my cell. "Shit!"

"You OK?"

Buffy turns on a light and blinks at me. I'm sprawled over my toppled night stand, butt in the air.

"Yeah." I pick myself up.

"Forget where you were again?"

"Every damn time, B!" And the floor is at least a foot lower here than in prison. Or... the bed is higher, anyway.

She gets out of bed to help me pick up the mess, taking the opportunity to caress my bottom. "Well then... Welcome home all over again!"

Buffy has the curtains open when I return. Just getting light out. I guess we're up for good now. Can't sleep in late every day. Buffy has a job, and I desperately need one before they lock me up again. The parole board would love any excuse to reel me back in.

We hear Dawn upstairs moving around while we start breakfast. Maybe my little accident woke her up. She knocks on our door, then goes inside.

"Oh my god!" she cries, "Did you two sleep at all?" She comes down to join us.

"Sorry, Creature... we tried to be quiet!"

"You were quieter than Willow and Tara usually are. But the smell in your room doesn't leave much to the imagination."

B and I blush in unison. "Sorry," says my wife. "We should have lit the potpourri."

"Guys, I lived with Willow and Tara for months. I know what potpourri in the morning means!"

Dawn and Buffy get ready for school. On their way out, Dawn hands me her laptop, yesterday's newspaper, a pad of paper, a pencil, and the phone. I struggle to hold it all. She kisses me on the cheek. "Get a job."

"Thanks, Creature. I'll try!"

I spread out the paper on the dining room table and heave a sigh. Here goes nothing.



"Faith! Glad to have you on board. Everyone... meet our newest employee!"

I roll my eyes at Giles. 'Everyone' is Anya. "Just give me something to sign for my parole officer and tell me what to do." Working for my friends doesn't cut it... but it might buy me a day or two before the parole board catches on, so I'm going to put in a few hours work.

Giles and I both sign a note that makes the job official–taxes and all–and Anya hands me a big binder. "This is the Employee Handbook. We run a very tight ship here, but if you make yourself familiar with our procedures, you'll do just fine."

I flip through the color-coded pages of Anya's little project. "How long you been waiting for someone to give this to?"

"About a year," Anya admits. Luckily, I'll have a different job by the end of the week. Even if it's making parking meters in prison again.

Anya loads a long wheeled cart full of books and carved figures and fastens a strap around my waist. "We'll start in Charms and Gifts. Don't go on to the next shelf until I say 'go.'"

I think a few hours of this is just right. I like Anya, I really do. But she's going to get on this Slayer's nerves in a hurry.

There's a big wooden chair on the cart. "What's that? A magic chair?"

"That's where I sit." She climbs on board with a delighted smile.

"Why don't you just put reins on me like a horse!"

"Giles wouldn't let me."

I pull Anya and a few hundred pounds of junk around the shop, while Giles goes over some new books. "I take it your job search hasn't yet borne fruit?" he inquires.

"Not really. I made a bunch of calls, but no job. Even the contacts my parole officer gave me aren't interested."

"Really? No leads at all? I assume you'd take anything, for the moment."

"Well, maybe one lead. We'll see." I sigh, frustrated and increasingly worried.

The sad truth is, there might just be an opportunity–a task I'm all too qualified for–but I don't think I could bring myself to do it. I've put all that behind me and that's how it has to stay. Not to mention that it would seal my reputation as the worst Slayer ever. Besides, it's not a job that would ever be written down on paper.

But if they lied for me... if they made it look like I'm working a normal job... would I do it? How much can I make myself do to stay free and build a life with Buffy?

I hope to god it doesn't come to that.



"Nothing? Nothing at all? Not even an interview?" Buffy's starting to get worried now. I guess we both thought something would come out of a solid day of searching.

"Not even an interview," I say. A half-truth. Because I did meet with someone after I left the Magic Box. In secret. Nothing so formal as an interview. No application to fill out, no dressing up to impress. Good thing–I still only have one outfit. But still, a job's a job–even if my job on paper isn't much like what I'd really be paid to do. Paid good money, and I'd work when they need me, not every day. But there's no way I can accept this offer.

"That does it, then, I'm taking tomorrow off to find you a job."

"I don't think there's anything you can do, B–" we kiss "–but I'll take all the help I can get."

She kisses down my neck. "You know what would cheer us both up?" Her hands caress my back.

"You read my mind, Buffy."

When she pulls me sideways to throw me into the wall, I'm ready. We both end up on the floor, but I get up first. Nice try, B.

As we're circling each other, Dawn comes in the door with Xander. She shakes her head with a smile. "They're like dogs," she explains to him, . "All they want to do is fight. Just like a couple of dogs."

I wouldn't say that's all we want to do, but we do love it. Xander sits on the stairs beside Dawn to watch us spar. "Cool. Do they sniff each others' butts, too?"

I shoot him a look while ducking a fist. "You really don't want to go there."

"They're cute together," muses Dawn, watching me swing Buffy into a doorframe by her hair. "Just not Willow-and-Tara cute."

Xander winces as we crash around. He knows he'll have to fix anything we break. Too bad we have an audience–I'm in the mood to let this fight get sexy. Buffy and I end up in one of our usual tense standoffs, each braced to react to the slightest movement from the other. Each knowing how the other fights... and trying to surprise our opponent anyway. We both have our feet planted firmly on the carpet, unwilling to weaken our stances until the other moves first.

"Hey, B, Dawn's taking me clothes shopping."

She eyes me warily. "She is?"

"Yeah. Want me to pick you up some real boobs while I'm out?"

"No," comments Xander, "definitely not Willow-and-Tara cute."

My wife's nostrils flare. "You said you liked small..." She stops, knowing I'm just trying to distract her. But I've gotten her to shift her weight. Is that a little daylight under your heel, B?

"Oh, Buffy... you are mine."



"So you guys really like that... the fighting," Dawn inquires on the walk to the mall.

"It's the best. Matching skills with another Slayer, almost as well-trained as me..."


"You saw me pin her. And I notice you always cheer for me!"

"I think I should cheer for Buffy next time, just to be fair. She looked a little sad when we left."

"She's just jealous. She wanted to go clothes shopping with me. But I'd already promised the trip to my new little sis!"

"I'm glad it's just us. It's fun. But I feel bad for Buffy... do you think she's jealous 'cause I talked you into going outside, and she didn't?"

"Maybe so." I've thought of that. Buffy and I both remember how she helped me face my fear and take on Kakistos when I came to Sunnydale. I think she expected she could help me through my fear again. She was determined to. But she couldn't. Only a shock from a thieving demon, plus some gentle coaxing from Dawnie, could do that.

"I just get the feeling Buffy feels left out or something."

"Really?" I stop. "But we do everything together... we go on patrol, we train, we..." Dawn raises her eyebrows, daring me to continue. "We do everything," I repeat.

"I know. It's just a feeling I get sometimes, when she looks at you."

I thought Buffy was nothing but overjoyed... we're home, we're together... "Well, thanks, Creature. I'll pay more attention. If something's bothering my wife, it's my job to fix it." We walk on.

"You guys are so good for each other. You're so lucky... I wish..." she trails away.

I put my arm through hers. She's thinking of her friend Cassie, I can tell. "You will."

"I will what?"

"You will find love like we have. Someday. I just know it."

"Thanks, Faith."

"So... are you gonna tell Cassie how you feel tonight?"

"I've been working up the nerve all day."

"Just remember, whatever she says, I say you're going to find true love. If not with her, then somebody else, some other day."

"But I don't want somebody else."

"I know." Poor Creature.



First on the agenda: open a bank account and cash my check from the prison. Making parking meters doesn't bring in the big bucks, especially when you've got a lawyer to pay. But I still managed to save a little. Most of it's for Dawn to go to college, although she doesn't know it yet. But unless I want to wear the same clothes for the rest of my life, I'd better spend some on myself! And I'll need to dress up when I get real interviews for real jobs tomorrow. It have to find something tomorrow. I just have to. Or I have a very difficult decision to make.

Dawn slumps beside me bored as the woman at the bank goes over all the different kinds of accounts. It's Greek to me. The only time I've ever had money in a bank is when my Watcher in Boston set up an account for me. Which I emptied to get to California and find Buffy.

"Wait," I interrupt the woman, "what's the one with the free gift again?" She gets that page back out of the pile. "Yeah. That's the account I want." I'm not going to understand all the choices, so... may as well get a free gift! I wonder if they wrap it? I love opening gifts!

"All right, let's get the paperwork taken care of, then... name and address?"

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "Your name and address?" she repeats. I stare at her. Dawn nudges me.

"My name is Faith Summers. I live at 1630 Revello Drive."

"Summers... 1630... Revello... got it. Are you OK, honey?"

"Five by five. Why?"

"You're crying."

"I am?"

I guess I am.

Dawn squeezes my hand and reassures the woman. "Happy crying."



"You are a ho," comments Dawn as we leave the lingerie store. I've got some fun things for Buffy and me both.

"Oh, yeah, and I suppose you didn't buy that low-cut sweater just for dinner with Cassie tonight."

She shrugs. "Well I probably should wear it soon, just in case I want to take it back."


"You're one to talk, everything you bought leaves your boobs hanging out."

"I like to be able to breathe. And besides, Buffy likes to–"

The Creature stops me with a hand on my arm. "Some things can just be you-and-Buffy things."

We walk home in silence just enjoying being together. Back home I show off my loot to Buffy. Well... most of it. Some items I'll hide away for special times. Like tonight after patrol.

"Look at you," she says, "clothes and a house, you're moving up in the world."

"And a cooler!" I proudly hold up a big blue and white cooler. "A free gift from the bank! Not much of a gift... wasn't even wrapped... but it was free!"

She takes the cooler from me and wraps her arms around my waist. "You are so cute."


"So cute. You can't help it, so get used to it."

I melt against her. "Sorry you couldn't come. I promised the Creature."

"There will be other shopping trips. I call grocery shopping!"

"It's a deal. Sounds like a two person job." Slayers buy in bulk. "But not tonight. I'm helping Dawn cook for Cassie."

"Oh. That's sweet of you."

Dawn's right. Buffy does seem a little sad. Jealous of me and Dawn? "But then later, the night's all ours, B! Get in a little slaying, a little screwing..."

Her smile isn't totally convincing, but she changes the subject before I can ask what's wrong. "I hope Cassie doesn't torture Dawnie by going on about boys all night like she does."

"I just hope Dawn doesn't lose her nerve. She needs to talk to Cassie and get it done with."

"Yeah. We'll make sure they get some alone time. How about this, we'll pretend we don't want dessert, and leave them alone downstairs."

"Good idea. And we may not want dessert. I'm making the first pie of my life." I'm a disaster in the kitchen, but I don't give up easily. "I'm a little nervous to meet this Cassie. A real live precog!"

"Mostly she just sees little stuff. Other than predicting her heart attack, of course. She's a little creepy, though, for sure."



At dinner, Dawn's as jumpy as vampire in a church, babbling nervously and running into the kitchen for something every five seconds. Cassie seems nice, though. I like her. She seemed very nervous about meeting me, but afterwards she acted strangely relieved.

It's a little awkward at dinner. Dawn's having trouble just making conversation with her friend. She falls silent after a few false starts. I step in to fill the silence. "So Dawn tells me you never see her future."

"Yeah. It's weird. It's like she's not in the future... it's like she's all right now. But she is in the future... I just can't see her. It's weird, but... it's kinda cool actually."

"She's a unique creature."

Buffy shoots me a look of warning. Dawn doesn't need me to complicate things by starting to sing her praises.

"So do you always... tell people what you see?"

"Almost never. It freaks them out."

"I bet. I was kinda worried about what you'd see in my future."

"Me too. Meeting new people is scary, 'cause sometimes I see something big, and it's not always good. But it always comes true. And I never see enough to really make sense of anything. Like, I knew I was gonna die, and something about coins... but I didn't know they'd bring me back." She and Buffy exchange smiles at their shared experience.

"I didn't see anything about you, though, Faith." Cassie helps herself to seconds of Dawn's corn-with-Cheerios. I see Dawn smile a little.

"That's a relief," says Buffy, "I was afraid to ask."

"I'll take some more of that too," I say, and Cassie passes me the corn bowl.

Suddenly her eyes get wide and she almost drops the bowl. She gives me a very odd look and reaches forward to stroke my hair. "Your hair..." she says. "So beautiful..."

OK, now she's creepy. "Um... thanks." Buffy and Dawn and I exchange worried glances. Cassie must have seen something!

Cassie sits back. "You're going to take a razor to yourself."

"What?" we all sit forward, alarmed.

"Your hair... it's so nice... Why would you shave it all off?" My... hair? Whew! That was scary for a second. Buffy heaves a sigh of relief.

"I would never shave it off." But then my blood runs cold all over again. I've only had my hair cut off once before. When I first went to prison. They gave us electric razors and we had to do it ourselves. Oh, god.... Am I going back there? Has the parole board decided I've had enough time to find a job?

"But you will shave it off. Soon."

Dawn drops her spoon. She and Buffy look at me like I've gone crazy. We all know that what Cassie sees is fate, and nothing can stop it.

"How weird," I say, starting to panic. I push my food around my plate, my mind racing. "Soon?"

"Today. Maybe tomorrow."

I'm frozen in shock. Somehow, I'm going back to prison tomorrow. Buffy looks at me, worried and confused. She hasn't figured it out. She still thinks I'm just planning an extreme new hairstyle.

And then it clicks. The prediction makes sense. I breathe again. "Well... you know," I say weakly, "if it doesn't look good, I can always grow it back." Buffy has a weird expression, trying to picture me hairless.

I'm still more than a little freaked out. Because the fact is, I was planning on shaving myself bald tonight! Just for a change. A surprise for Buffy. But Cassie's right: she doesn't see enough to make any real sense of her predictions. I'm glad she didn't see this one any clearer. It would have been very embarrassing.

It's something other than my head that I was planning to shave. But pubic hair is not dinner table talk. So for now I guess everyone will just have to think I'm crazy.



Dawn keeps looking at my head as we finish dinner. At least that little surprise snapped her out of the state she was in. She's talking with Cassie more easily now. About boys. Poor Creature! Well, maybe Cassie's bisexual...

"How about that new guy Donald in social studies?" says Cassie.

"Totally cute," says Dawn, with false enthusiasm. "He came over to talk to me too."

"Lucky you. Maybe you'll have a boyfriend in time for the prom!" She pokes Dawn's arm, teasing.

"I thought I might ask Derek," Dawn lies, her eyes not matching her smile.

"Derek's a hottie. You should go for it!"

"How about you?"

"I don't think I'm gonna go. Just have to see everyone with a man except me."

"You could ask any guy you want."

"I'm a freak and everyone knows it. I'll probably never get a boyfriend." Cassie sighs.

"Sure you will," says Dawn. I don't think Cassie notices Dawn's lip trembling. "Anyway, look at me, I never had a boyfriend yet either."

"Let's make a pact," says Cassie, "we'll both get boyfriends before we start twelfth grade! That gives us the whole summer to look."

Dawn doesn't answer for a while. Then her fake smile grows and she shakes Cassie's hand. "It's a deal."

Buffy and I get up quietly and clear the table. We bring out two pieces of apple pie–my first baking attempt didn't turn out half bad–and a plate of cookies Dawn made. Our hearts are breaking for our little Creature, but we leave the two friends to their boy talk.



I reluctantly leave Buffy in the tub and come downstairs later to check on the girls. I find Dawn packing up some leftover corn-and-Cheerios for her friend to take. Both girls seem a little quiet. Avoiding each other? Did Dawn talk to Cassie about her feelings after all?

When Cassie leaves the kitchen I put a comforting hand on Dawn's shoulder and whisper to her. "Did you tell her?"

"Of course not," she says, near tears. "She was my best friend. But I don't even know if I can be around her anymore."

I feel just awful. Buffy and I put her up to this let-down.

We join Cassie in the hall and she smiles nervously. "Bye, guys. Um... nice meeting you, Faith. Hope the hair thing works out." She walks past Dawn to leave. They exchange equally fake smiles. Cassie hesitates at the door, turns slowly and puts a folded piece of paper in Dawn's hand, and then hurries out without a word.

Dawn opens it, stares at it for a long time, and then lowers it slowly to her side. She's too quiet.

"Dawn? Creature?"

She turns to me, tears falling silently. "That love poem on her web site. You were right. It wasn't about me."

"I'm so sorry, Dawnie." I move to hug her but she hands me the paper.

"This one is."

And this time I have to agree. It's titled "Beautiful Dawn," for one thing, and for another... you can just tell from reading that it has to be about my Creature. It's pretty good, written by somebody who really knows Dawn and sees what a great person she is. Which is different from loving her. But by the end there's no doubt. It's not even dark like everything else I've seen of Cassie' most, it's a little intense. But not dark. It's a love poem from Cassie to Dawn. This is something very personal Dawnie has shared with me.

I hand it back and hug her. "She's a really sweet girl, Dawn."

"I know." She sniffles. "Why did she always go on about boys so much?"

There was something weird about Dawn and Cassie discussing boys. I couldn't put my finger on it before, but... "You were going on about boys too, Creature."

"Well yeah, but I had something to hide."

"She did too."

I see it in her eyes as she figures it out. "You mean... all this time, all these months... we've been talking about boys... just to hide from each other?"

"It's kind of funny, if you think about it."

"It's awful!" Dawn looks horrified. "Do you think she knows I love her too? What if she doesn't know!"

"You love her? Really love her?"

"Yeah. Really."

Wow. My little Creature has someone. "I'm so happy for you." I think about the poem. "Yes, I think she knows. But that's not the same as knowing... you know what I mean?"

She nods thoughtfully. "I better call her tonight. She's probably freaking out wondering what I'll do." A smile has been slowly forming on her lips. "Faith.... Cassie loves me!" She breaks into fresh tears.

"Can't blame her." I hug her again and brush a tear from her cheek. Then I fetch a pair of sunglasses off the hall table. "I think she forgot her sunglasses." I hand them to Dawn. "We ought to get these back to her."

She looks at me like I'm crazy. "Faith... those are yours, I helped you pick them out!"

Was I talking too fast to understand? "I said, I think she forgot her sunglasses."

She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out for a while. "Oh. Thanks, Faith."

"It's getting dark. I'll walk you over and keep her parents busy while you talk to her."

"Just her mom. They're divorced."

"I'll make my best good impression. Does she know about me and Buffy?"

"Yeah, she's cool with that... the ex-con thing might be another story. Hey... take her the rest of the cookies I made today. You can say you made 'em."

"I can't lie, Dawn."

She snorts. "Oh, please." OK, fair enough. I'm no saint.

I collect the cookies. "Let's go. Your girlfriend doesn't even know she's your girlfriend yet!"

"My girlfriend." Dawn grins at the sound of it. "My girlfriend Cassie!"

On the way out the door she suddenly hugs me, really tight. "Faith, I love you so much."

"You too, Creature. You too."


~ Continued with "CV-23" ~


If you're enjoying this story, try I Have Never Been to Boston. Dawn sets out to say goodbye to someone she loves–but who she knows never even existed!

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