being jennifer garrett
Every day an adventure in mediocrity
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Friday, September 30    

Well, since you asked
We're on day 39 of the 100 blogs project. Believe it, people. I knew 100 was way too fucking ambitious. Luckily, I have a plethora of blogs to choose from, but I don't have a grand scheme in place here. I like to go with the prevailing mood of the day, and today's mood really suits Rock Star Boyfriend.

As usual, you nosy bitches want to know why. What is it with you? I'll tell you what it is with this guy: Cars are cool. Ink? Cool. Road rage? You know I'm digging that: "To my friends out there commuting in your Jettas, Jaguars, Corollas and the odd Chrysler LeBaron: I’d like to invite each of you to a fight. Don’t worry, SUV-people -- I didn’t forget about you. Your ridiculously aggressive driving and gas-guzzling ways make you a shoe-in for an invite. I haven’t forgotten you either, Soccer Mom."

  posted @ 5:35 PM |

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