Thursday, November 28, 2002

quizzizle mah shizzle.. (huh? wha? Ben! you bad influence you!)

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

i am smart and sexy. and i think that is cool.. but... how come the other girls were purttier? granted for the most part they were also psychotic to some degree....

Where Did Your Soul Originate?

brought to you by Quizilla

"You come from Heaven. You're the purest of pure, a saint. You're probably an angel sent directly from Heaven."
hmmm.. now that is somehow not surprising.. and yet very... o.0

aha. nope. nothing too much of note. i am soooo hungry.. hehe. i can't wait to stuff myself silly tomorrow! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

posting no longer available

Monday, November 25, 2002

*sigh* exams loom in the distance and papers march on ready for combat... 'europe my love, i will come for you!' the weary student yells as she takes up her pencil and engages her opponents. she attacks them viciously and presses on hoping one day to be free of this battle and find herself flying into the arms of her love....

hehe. you knows ima just messin'.... i really don't look at school as a hum-bugger.. i love it.. but i am eager to go to europe and to see my 'heart'...34 days and counting...

so here is my last posting from benji's journal.. as much as i enjoy the argument for arguments sake i find that it is becoming quite boring and very well shouldn 't be pursued... hence... this post..

Re: Its Drop~
2002-11-24 17:40 (link)

but you know what, as self-righteous and sometimes insulting as your apologies are, i never did nor do i now expect you to apologize. i don't see that you did anything i should need an apology for.....simply put, i merely said that you needed to mind your own business, and if for some reason you were brought into by any particular person the situation, the business as a whole still did not involve you, but rather only that aspect in which you were given confidence... hence whatever you think does not apply to anyone else except that individual who sought your thoughts. that being said, no apologies are necessary... because i am not mad nor am i mad at you having insulted me, because that merely showed your defensive and rather ignorant position... let us be done with this... it really is becoming quite a bore...

(Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)

Sunday, November 24, 2002

now that is what i am talking about... i mean, wow! major fan of Spike cause he is full of sexy goodness but i am not too sure anyone can ever take my Angel's place... David Boreanaz is a sexy beast! heh.

Who's your male Buffy soul mate?

brought to you by Quizilla

the drama never ends....

so here's a copy of the latest posts taking place at Ben's journal... an aftershock of the supposed joke that took place a few days ago... anonymous is me and well, everyone elses name is titled...

2002-11-18 17:08 (link)

okay.. whoa.. let me see... who's business is all this... MINE... AMIE's and BENS... so just everyone else stay out of it! It was a joke... my idea! not amie's... i won't apologize.. it wasn't cruel and was unfortunatly blown way out of proportion.. that is all you other ppl need to know.. so step out of what has absolutly nothing to do with you!

(Reply to this) (Thread)

I Beg to differ
2002-11-18 18:04 (link)

Hey Jayme! I think that things are put into this so called "journal" if you want to call it that, that is open to the public for other peoples advice, opinion, or so they could just play cruel jokes on one another which ever floats your boat! And you see when someone asks me for my advice and what i think i dont care who reads it because to my knowledge i am stating the truth and what i actually think. And if people have something against that SCREW THEM! Because i know i am totally 100% honest when it comes to two of my bestfriends! And for you to say its none of my buiness i totally dont agree with. Because if i see two friends getting into a fight i am going to make it my business to see it ends and that at least they make up. Thats what i call being a true friend! I dont know what you do when you have two good friends fighting you just probably let them go at it and chew eachothers head off!? I really dont call that a friend but who knows you might. So if you look at both sides of the picture here and get your head out of your ass you will see that i was being a friend, because i care! Your right i didnt know it was a joke at first so i took the steps that were neccasary as for me being a friend to try to help two of my other friends out.
Mike Tink

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2002-11-19 15:57 (link)

oh how very insightful of you michael... i am sure you must be proud. now run along...

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     Re: bleh.
     2002-11-19 17:26 (link)

     Oh, you noticed! Yeah i thought it was very insightful of myself also. And YES I am very proud of myself, and what I have done more then alot of my peers! Which i am very Proud of, especially with my background if you knew anything about. So Thank you. And another thing i just wanted to say i am sorry. If Ben is cool with the joke yall played then its all good, and no reason for me to hold any grudges against anyone. But it still wasnt right. At least i can admit to something when i am wrong in public.
     Mike Tink

     (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)

Drop It~
2002-11-20 07:24 (link)


I dont know why ure reacting in such a manner...??It's over and done wif..under the blood ya heard? So, there is no use for you to keep going back and forth! We talked everything out and we all kissed and made up! You have no reason to hold a grudge bc it was not intended for you! Yes, its ok to pt out sumchin that is wrong..but dont treat people like they are scum for screwing up once in a while! Later ~

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     Re: Drop It~
     2002-11-20 09:25 (link)

     haha. fun stuff. *evilness*

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            Re: Drop It~
            2002-11-21 20:15 (link)

            Um i believed i said that there was no reason to hold a grudge anymore.. So that usually means i am not holding a grudge. So why did you write that. And i did drop it! And i also apologized to JAYME bout what i said! So what in the heck are you talking about!? Nevermind dont bother in wasting your time on telling me what you meant by it. Because frankly i dont care what you have to say about.

            (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)

                  Re: Drop It~
                  2002-11-21 20:40 (link)

                  Shut Up Mike~

                  (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)

                        Re: Drop It~
                        2002-11-21 21:34 (link)

                        haha! *brilliancy*

                        (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)

                              Re: Its Drop~
                              2002-11-23 12:44 (link)

                              Amie, i am glad me and you finally put all that crap behind of us now. Jayme, i apologized to you, but to me it seems like you are having a hard time expecting my apology? But i am not really worried about it, because at least i am trying to make things betterfor everyone.

                              (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)

                                    Re: Its Drop~
                                    2002-11-24 07:10 (link)

                                    no, michael, i don't have a problem accepting your apology... i have a hardtime accepting the self-righteous attitude that comes with it...

                                    (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)

so i am actually not mad in the least...if fact, we wouldn't have even started this quarrel if he didn't get so offended by my telling him that the situation, which in no way involved him was none of his business. thus he wrote that nasty post dealing with my ass and my ironic enough, i don't need an apology and still don't.... i like michael regardless and am actually finding this quite hilarious, but neither am i going to let the issue remain stagnet... you will notice in his posts this really 'i am so good because i am apologizing' attitude which crawls under my skin...bleh. but even then i am in no way upset with michael.. just playing the game really....

[see the whole string of comments and where it all began here]

in other news... omg... last night while i was talking to my love on the phone, i heard something shuffling around my room! eeek! friday night when i had gone to bed i had heard scratching sounds and something nicking on my wall but i had managed to ignore it. well, last night i could not! when i sat up straight i saw something move and i was likt MOM! heh. *crybaby* i didn't know what it was... so my mom comes in and she hears it and jumps on my bed. haha! so my dad had to come in and he started searching around, through my dirty clothes no less.. i was like 'dad don't go through my dirt clothes that is grosse!' hehe. but to no avail... so i had decided to let my dog sleep in my room and keep my light on.. but i still didn' feel comfortable so i ended up going downstairs and sleeping... *sigh* and the couch isn't the most comfortable of all places to sleep, let me tell you...

Thursday, November 21, 2002

more quizzizles for yous!

What's your sexual appeal?

brought to you by Quizilla

i can partially conced to this result... quite happily actually...

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?

brought to you by Quizilla

no way! i am not....i don't think i am... am i?

What Kind of Virgin Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

true. maybe i am idealistic but why shouldn't i be... and why shouldn't sex be?

What sexy girl are you

brought to you by Quizilla

hmmm... interesting to say the least.

What's your brand of sexy?

brought to you by Quizilla

awww. arn't i sweet. of course, i don't know about the whole sappy thing although i do find myself hideously giddy school girl like at times...

What box do you get put in?

brought to you by Quizilla

haha.. now this was good. some things are questionable but the last three sentences are totally true! i do love classical music! yeey!

What's Your Bedroom Personality? (For Her)

brought to you by Quizilla

that is what i say! right on...

Which female sex symbol are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

of course!

it doesn't feel like a bloggity blog blog day... is more quizzy fun! happy. happy. joy. joy! ack. ploop....

Which Avril Lavigne Song Are You?

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

i just wanted to share an interesting article/essay/devotion i happened upon while surfing. It is stolen from Carrie but qtd. in Melanie's journal.

Getting out of the Faith Ghetto
by Dan Buck

If I had a video store it would have one section: Movies. I’m not sure what effect that would have on business, but it would certainly reflect a lesson I’ve been learning and relearning from the moment I began thinking for myself. The lesson is this: Life is one category. It seems simple enough, and hardly Earth-shattering, but as I think about its implications I find myself awe-struck by the possibilities of a life lived from this mindset.

Do you remember how the books you read in literature courses were always set in a historical context that your English professor often felt inadequate to discuss without the help of a history professor? Have you wandered aimlessly up and down the supermarket aisle designated “Sauces” looking desperately for soy sauce only to discover that it’s actually kept in the “Ethnic Foods” aisle? And have you recently noticed that the most casual of conversations with a non-believer has an alienating "spiritual aspect" to it even though you were trying to avoid being too "Christiany"? The reason for all these quandaries is the same: Life is one category.


Postmodernism has given a shot in the arm to spirituality, but unfortunately, it has been relegated to a spot in our day timer between a stop at Starbucks and the health club. We have made God a category in our life. And we think we’re improving in our walk when we spend more time in that category: “The more often I have morning devotionals, the better Christian I am.” And while morning devotionals are important, the truth is your time in Revelation is as spiritual as your chat with a co-worker over the water cooler. Psychologist Paul Tournier says we have created an image of mankind that is, in essence a list: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Tournier would argue spirituality is not on that list but at the center of the other three. It is the source of our physical, mental and emotional output and the recipient of all input through those means as well. In other words, there is no way to be solely spiritual. Go ahead, be spiritual. Ready? … One… two… three, go! What did you do? Trying to be spiritual away from the rest of our life is like trying to eat without any food or like trying to be a really good driver without ever going down the road. We get in and study the steering wheel and gauges, then we get out of the car and start walking down the road. It is in the living out of our lives that our spirituality can be exercised. Our spiritual battle is fought a million times a day in a million different ways. It is in the effort we put into our work, its in the way we talk to our loved ones, its in the speed with which we return our neighbors borrowed hedge trimmer.


Within the Church currently there is a strange effort to counteract this effect by bringing our pseudo-spiritual subculture around with us everywhere we go. We turn the world into a large church service full of people who believe like we do and who don’t offend our sensibilities with their sinful behaviors. Opening a phone book, I can find Christian pharmacies, Christian art framing, Christian bakeries and here in my hometown someone has created a business concept out of a cheesy Christian T-shirt. The Lord’s Gym Health And Fitness Centers are dedicated to promoting “Fitness for Body & Soul” and offer classes such as Praise Dance, Body of Armor and Chariots of Fire Spin. Now, some might argue such businesses are a good model of stretching the barriers of our spiritual activity beyond Sunday morning. However, all they are doing is adding spiritual language into things that are naturally spiritual because they are part of the human experience God has created. Taking care of your body is spiritual even if you don’t play the Newsboys while working on your biceps. These “Christian” shops are doing what all the “secular” shops are doing, but to the exclusion of non-believers. Creating places like this completely removes God’s disciples from the world, which doesn’t bode well for the world, and I daresay, ends up hurting the Church as well.

What’s occurring is the creation of a ghetto. The word has long since been associated with inner city housing projects and Elvis’s worst song ever, but the ghettos have been around since the middle ages. Then they were walled sections of a city that a religious group (usually Jews) was forced to occupy as a way of keeping them from the rest of the population. Christians appear to be doing it to themselves. And within the walls of this Christian ghetto we’re not only experiencing death in the Church but in the arts as well. Go to a Christian bookstore. As you walk the aisles you’ll see shelf after shelf of Christians toys (usually of poor quality), Christians music (usually a little worse than the toys) and over on the right side, by the Christian coffee shop called “Jesus Java” you’ll see a shelf labeled “Art.” This shelf consists of a Thomas Kinkade painting, and two photo landscapes all with Bible verses or Oswald Chambers quotations emblazoned across the top right corner. Here we are, the group of people that claims to have the corner market on understanding the First and Greatest Artist and we can’t even imitate His creative nature as effectively as a world that doesn’t know Him.


Again, the problem is categories. We have categorized ourselves out of the world. Life is one category. Good music, good art, good health and good prescription drugs are innately spiritual if they are in fact good. We don’t need to label something Christian to the exclusion of the rest of the world for it to be good and pure. Because all things that are good and pure are of God, whether the name on it is Rich Mullins or David Gray. All truth is God’s truth. If we are seeking God out in everything we do He will inevitably show up. He doesn’t need labels or categories to find us and we shouldn’t need them to find Him. Sure, there are experiences you should stay away from, but He has given us a mind, a body of believers and the Holy Spirit to help us decipher what is of Him and what is not. Our categories have become the lazy Christian’s guide to prudence. “I don’t have to worry about what messages are in this movie, it’s Christian.” Not only is that argument a dangerous fallacy, but it also leads to the exclusion of truth God is revealing to us through “non-Christian” sources. In God’s cosmic video store there is one category: Truth. It’s not supposed to be easy. Every experience, every person you meet and every choice you make is a part of the walk. It takes a lot more work and thinking on our part, but we must at least read the back of every video before determining its worth. The good news is there are no late fees. You don’t have to have all the answers. We’ll have the answers someday, but for now look for God everywhere. And yes, He might even be found in that stupid Elvis song.

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

so sorry, but this post was just a repeat. and now a delete. latta.

i know. i am posting a lot. what fun! oh joy. oh joy.

Which book of the Bible are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

what's your inner flower?

[c] s u g a r d e w

i just wanted to post a poem a friend wrote. you can find more like it @ Benjamin's Journal

Within a Lonely Heart

Within a lonely heart there dwells
a soul of untold dreams
Within a heart of love there dwells
a dreamer, so it seems

So what, per chance, resides
among the dreams left there to die?
A heart long since forgotten
in the wake of days gone by

And what, pray tell, lives in a heart
that never dreams at all?
A bitter, lonely soul it seems
that hides behind a wall

And as the wall stands firm
and lets no other heart come near
It feels not love and laughter
from the ones it should hold dear

In time the wall will crumble
giving way to love's pure light
Then once again the heart will dream
and fly to greater heights...

sadly though, like icarus
i flew to high and was caught
by the envious sun; my attempts to love
were all but for naught.

hello all. i know. you must be astonished that i am writing more than twice in one week. well... be astonished then!

how am i doing? okay. things seem to be happening lately. things i have no control over. i feel weird. and i am feeling lonely. dare i say more lest i depress the rest of you?

i think i will just post my fanatic and move on....

tuedsday threesome.
[word association - type first things that come to your mind]

1. 3 hot men
Justin Timberlake, David Boreanaz, Michael Vartan

2. 3 hot women
Britney Spears, Jennifer Connelly, Halle Barry

3. 3 hot smells
clinique happy for men, coffee, cilantro

Monday, November 18, 2002

aye yi about drama up on the internet tonight...

what started out as a very innocent trick became deadly... *announcer voice*

okay. joking. but really. so i came up with this trick to play on my friends ex cause i don't like her... well actually it initially began cause i saw this little tift going on in a prior comments section between two girls who like the same guy... it was hilarious... you can find it under the comments for Oct. 21st... anyway.. i figured it might be fun to pretend to be a girl in love with him to get his ex girl a little jelous.. please remember my dislike for her... anyways.. one of his other semi-ex gf's who we are both friends with decided to go along with it and posted an angry msg like she was pissed.. you can find it under the comments for Oct 28th. I posted as a girl named jennifer.. then she posted... and then he posted.. but he was pissed.. very very ANGRY... hehe.. so i have to straighten this whole thing out.. hilarious as it is.. and ppl were all up in it like it was their business.. der. just thought i would fill you in... hehe.. my life is not always so uneventful eh?

so yas wants me to write mores? huh? what? bleh. i was just kidding.

well this week is going to be a biggy. i have two essays due tomorrow along with a short description paper. i then also have a paper due on thursday.. and that is not to mention the west civ quiz on thur or the student gov meeting on thur... along with my tutoring sessions. i think i might have to skip the thur tutoring for the meeting. so i also have a test on mon for west civ... and a paper for both eng and phi coming up with the end of semester... and seeings how i have this test in his, i am assuming that i will have one in another class as well since they usually coincide... speaking of which... i also have more hours this week than i have had yet at work... busy bee. busy bee. right now i have to write up a brilliant paper on military spending for pol.. bleh.

the countdown is still up... with 42 days to go....!! whoohoo!

and here is the seven on sunday.

Seven things you love about Winter (and if you dislike winter, just do seven things you don't love) ;)

that cozy feeling
that fresh winter air
the winter romance
christmas (w/ candles & presents & stories & food & colors)
the clothes! heh.
celebration of my saviors birth **


did i cover everything? my busy but still somehow not very eventfull my countdown for what is soon to be the best trip in my love of winter and while i do truly love it i would like to add that i hate having to freeze my tushy off and spend several years scrapping ice off of my car... ck. okay. guess that covers it... happy holidays or soon to be! *g*

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

okey dokey....

frist things first.... i had to create a new blogger because the other just wouldn't let me post anymore.. something about an error 503 which was within the blogger system. blah. blah. only i can't get any help from those that run blogger cause they only sign you up on some 'notify me of changes' ... it just got really annoying because the last time i recently tried to blog it wouldn't post at all when usually it will at least post after a dozen or so attempts... argh. so anyway...

next on the agenda is letting everyone know that while i recently added the november archive section... you will also notice the new blue icon under my album heading... NEW PICTURES! yey! i posted some recently aquired pictures from my travels this summer.. take a look if you are at all interested...

the countdown for my trip to europe is still ticking! 47 days today... and then i will 'party hardy' in amsterdam for new years! heh. just so no one gets the wrong idea... i mean to do so in a very responsible way with others who i know to be of a responsible nature. i have heard horror stories about amsterdam so i will definitly be careful.... the anticipation is mounting! i am very eager!

without furtheradooooooo..... the most recent tuesday threesome.

1. Do you like to travel?
*cough* uh. yeah. i am huge on travel! but i only recently have been able to start traveling leisurely... i have been to NYC, Honolulu, Seattle... and i took a road trip this past summer down the east coast as far as AZ... and this winter i will be spending new years in Amsterdam and then i will be off to Brussels, Paris, & London... -.^

2. Do you set your VCR to tape your fave shows when scheduled to be gone?
no. as much as i like my shows... if i am not here i don't think it is life or death. there are always re-runs.... crazy as i may be i havn't caught the last two episodes of CSI, Alias, Without A Trace... and i missed yesterdays Gilmore Girls & Smallville...oops!

3. Have you ever forgotten an important item(s) when returning home?
i forgot my shampoo when i traveled to indianapolis recently... that sucked because i wasn't going directly home... and i had to borrow other ppls shampoo.. bleh.

furthermore, i also wanted to present a skit written by my buddy ben... *applause*


Ben~ my middle name is don juan, and i love N'sync(said with the lisp from the boyfriend off of American Sweethearts)... i would like to request Midnight at the Oasis by the Seagull's.

Carson~ the Seagull's didn't sing that song---

Ben~ silence you patheitc worm, play my song now...

Carson~ umm moron this is TRL, not VH1 where are they now countdown!

Ben~ insolent beggar, bow before King Arh'Fognu

Carson~ caller, please for the love of Mary... stop sniffing the paint
chips. (awkward smile while he faces the TV screen)

Ben~ Yub Yub, ichak a nub nub, toby ka natchy nowa, toby yub yub, celebrate the love celebrate the love fray nu wa...

Carson~ ummm caller, are you speaking Ewokish?!? *desperate looking smile*

King Arh'Fognu~ all will bow to the will of King Arh'Fognu!!!

Carson~ okay, the original question wa...

King Arh'Fognu~ Silence!

Carson~ bu...

King Arh'Fognu~ Ah! Silence!

Carson~ you...

King Far'Fognu~ King Far'Fognu does not stutter!

[phone lines go dead....... and then 3 months later]

King Far'Fognu~ welcome to TRL, what song are you juUust craz-iee for caller.

Oblivious 13 yr. old caller~ Umm, yeah where is Carson?!? Like really?!?

King Far'Fognu~ i sent him on some errands.

Oblivious 13 yr. old caller~ riiight, if that were true than wouldn't he have been back by now?

King Far'Fognu~ SILENCE! on with the next song, this singer is a doll, she is from the native lands of Scandanavia. She finds peace in a roll of quarters and tranquility in Trout Bars *drum roll* at #1 for the last 6 months here she is folks voted by you the viewers ~>

Audience~ *cricket symphony*

King Far'Fognu~ clap or you will lose another finger!


End Transmission
