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Just Another Rainy Day
Sunday, 20 July 2003
Oo......Naked Bambi Hunts

>< Today so far is frustrating. I woke up at 12 in the afternoon and so far have not completed my goals that I set yesterday. Oh well. I suppose I won't give up my movie idea though because I am freaking bored. Mabye though, there are other things to be done today that could be interesting. I don't really know. Maybe there is some hope that today will be better than yesterday, since nothing really bad has happened yet. Yesterday was more of a frustration and depression. Blah. How horrible.

Now onto other points though. With my daily news search I have discovered this rather startling piece of information *snorts*. ~Outraged by a Las Vegas company that claims to offer men a chance to stalk and shoot naked women in the Nevada desert with paintball guns, women's groups and government agencies were scrambling to find a way to shut down such "Bambi" hunts.~

All I can say God, I guess anything goes in Las Vegas. What nasty perverted men and other people come up with this shit? This really pisses me off. But what really makes me wonder...where the fuck do they get the women? Do these women need the money that badly in their lives? Do they even get paid for it? Well here's some anwers. The company is Real Men Outdoor Productions Inc., and it insists it is doing nothing illegal and only providing another variety of adult entertainment in a city celebrated for sin. The company has so far hosted 18 "Bambi" hunts in undisclosed locations around Las Vegas. In each, a hunter faces off with two women dressed in nothing but sneakers, each of whom receive $1,000 and can earn up to $2,500 if they make it through the hour without being struck by the paintball.

That overall to me is disgusting. I mean, no way in my freaking life, even if I was some hobo rotting in the street, in my right mind, would go naked in the woods to be shot by paintball guns. That is only not twisted,sick,and perverted, it violates those women's rights. I mean, where has our modesty gone?

I think this world is getting pretty nasty. Mabye we should all go take a look in our good books and clear our minds a bit. The answers are already there. *Sighs* Either way, people should really clean up there acts. I have my trusty book and you should too! *points finger*

Anyways, before I sound to mormon-like. *I am a christian. Got a problem with that?!* I have decided to move my subjects away for the day. I at least think I'll write another entry on how the rest of the day went, tonight.

Now for the quote of the day~ "Here today. Gone tomorrow."

Posted by goth2/see_my_tears at 5:24 PM GMT
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My Bloody Valentine
Oh hell, I'm tired. Man, today was more interesting than yesterday I suppose. My morning consisted of arguing with my sister Sarah though. She's always bugging me and gets into my stuff. What pisses me off though is that she is older than me and acts like she's my younger sibling. -- That sucks, but she is overall the coolest anyways.

Now on another subject. Fat people are suing McDonalds and other fast food restaraunts because they are blaming them for making them obese. >< God! That makes me sick! Give me a freaking break. They're saying that McD's should put up a warning that it makes people obese on its ordering menu in the drive-through. Also, they should give out pamplets for their nutrition when they already do have a website that gives out that info. But here's my point. Aren't people fat anyways because they don't exercise? I mean, there is enough junkfood in the store, but do they sue them? *The junkfood products in stores are probably next...donuts already are...* People should be able to choose what they want to eat, not some fancy fucked up lawyer who's just in it for the money. Besides, don't people have a thing called self-control? Mabye it's the people who should be suing themselves, for making themselves fat. Those idiots. Just because there so lazy that they want to get money from suing for some liposuction instead of excersizing their damn fat off, doesn't mean they should decide what's good for the rest of us. I'm a bit chubby, but I don't go blaming it on every cheesburger or french-fri I see. I get me lazy arse up and exercise. With all of the time those people spend suing the fast-food restaraunts, they could of lost that weight. It pisses me off that they'll keep suing McDonalds and other restaraunts until they win. When they do win as well, we'll have to pay extra money for our food to pay off the money they were sued for. What shit. I say give me my rights, and you...loose your weight.

Anyways I'm feeling kinda depressed today. I've been feeling that way for awhile now. I always gets bouts of depression though. Mostly in the summer. >< I act very moody and bitchy too, but you can't really notice how I'm feeling sometimes... I feel a bit better though, since I got out of the house.

Tomorrow, my plans are to walk with leslie over to Alex's and help her with her blog. Also, we're going to see LXG at woodvile. I'm not sure that Megan can go though, because she told me she has dance. I felt crappy about that because I wanted all three of us to hang out together. Oh well. I say her today though, at Media Play. I got a Hellsing Cd there and a manga. Her mother scared the shit out of me though. She just called out my name while I was in deep thought and I just got scared. I think most of it was because I had coffee though. Sugar-highs make me jumpy and giggly. The pleasant thing about coffee though is I can see my coffee shop friends and chat with them. I was told I looked more mature and older since the last time they had seen me. That was odd though. I don't feel any older and think my maturity level is pretty much non-existent. I do enjoy my coffee though.

I got home today around eight and called Leslie. I don't know what is up with me, but lately I have felt like going on late-night walking sprees. This, however never happens. For it's to late and Leslie couldn't go out even if my parents agreed for me to go out. I called Leslie anyways. She did answer back in a little bit. We chatting for a bit and then I got online on AIM to talk some more. I hope this night turns out fun. Mabye tomorrow will be even better....

Qoute for the day~ "Starzie816: farts of an angel's choir....smell of the devil." ~ Katie Martin

Posted by goth2/see_my_tears at 2:42 AM GMT
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Friday, 18 July 2003
I Like Ass
So it's like bloody freaking 6:19 in the morning and I'm blogging. Mabye now it should be considered I do not have a life. Either way I felt like I wanted to blog so I'm going to whether anyone gives a shit. Anyways it's not like someone is going to stop me.

This morning or the beginnings of it was one of grogginess and pointless drabble on the computer. I couldn't really sleep, being part insomniac, so mainly got myself up to do anything that would keep my mind occupied.

I don't really like to let my mind wander for it leads to thinking. Usually the more I think, the more difficult it is to have any chances of sleeping or doing anything. So I mainly need distraction in these moments. A cd player usually helps. Also sometimes I usually read or just mess around on the computer.

Anyways, away from the subject of my abnormalness, I have at least until August 7th before any school-related crap comes thrown my way. Whoopdie-doo. -- I absolutely hate that school invades not only my life, but the vacation time drastically needed in my life. Damn. All this summer has been was school and nothing except lazyness. I think this summer turned out kinda shitty. My summer last year wasn't that great either and I can't say much about the year before that because I don't remember.

My frosh-fest for Clay is on the 17 to the 18th I believe, which is only about two days from my birthday. That's fucked up. Ugh it makes me pissed. I don't like people intervening with my summer. I don't even know why I have one if it's going to be crammed with crap I don't even want to do.

I absolutely dread the moment I have to go back to school. I mean, I do really good in school, but when it comes down to it, I'm freaking lazy to the core like any other pointless human being. School signals the end of lazyness and the words cram, cram, cram to the brain. That's mainly why I enjoy my summer. It's the only time I don't have to worry about any grades or homework, and just simply and wonderfully be me.

Now leaving the subject of school, lets go to today.

Today is alright so far and I hope to see a movie or do something remotely interesting. My ranting gets tired to me and I suppose I should blog more about my gay life than rant about the unjustices of the world. But hey, that's just me and I have an opinion and don't think you can change it.

Leaving a qoute for the day~ "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."
--Albert Einstein

Posted by goth2/see_my_tears at 10:38 AM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 24 July 2003 10:41 PM GMT
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Tired, Hungry, WTF else?
Okay for the pleasantness of the day, I chated with Leslie-chan. My editor/friend. It made the day seem a bit more fufilling as since I haven't really done anything today besides sit on my ass.

Anyways I might come to the decision of starting a clothing business with her, as crazy as that seems. I already want to open a goth/Japanese clothing store, so it isn't really anything too new with me at the moment. It is interesting how much the creative muse flows when chatting on AIM. We at least came up with some pretty hillarious T-shirt slogans.

Now for Leslie-chan as you may wonder, is the editor of all my writings and works, as decided. As a friend she is the most bitchiest person alive and has so much wit you find it hard not to laugh. Sometimes I laugh so hard with her I think I might pee my pants. *Noting that I usually consume to many liquids when this happens* She is the most lively of my friends, or so I think. I am glad that she lives close so that I can hang out with her because I usually don't like to walk around the neighborhood alone.

Walking in the neighboorhood is another thing though. I've learned a great deal of things and have many awesome experiences from my adventures of my neighborhood. When I can, I try to visit another awesome friend, Ashlie.

Ashlie is someone I trust greatly and absolutely enjoy hanging out with. I can laugh with her and even complain about my most stupid of problems with. She will always be a close friend. One that I never hope to lose.

Now onto another friend though, one named Alex. She is the kindest and calmest person I know. Alex reminds of a mother figure since she is the wisest person I know. I can always go to her for comfort when I'm in my crappy or sad moods and she always gives the right advice. She is an awesome person to hang out with.

Now last but not least of them all, Meg. She is my total match in some ways, but seems so opposite. To me she comes off as a serious and somewhat like a person who might want to literally rip your head off, but Meg is not that at all. She's a fun and compassionate person. One who tolerates me and my faults. She shows great talent and persistance in anything she does and I clash with her alot at times. She will always and forever be one of my best friends. I could never imagine her not being a friend of mine. She is a great and loyal friend. Also she has lots of helpful knowledge too!

Anyways, this is the end of my mushy-fluff shit. Now onto other points~

For dinner tonight I am having: potatoes, turkey and gravy, and velveta chessy noodles. *Yummles*

I am so fricking starving right now. X_X This day has really worn me out and so has this entry.

But as an aftermath thought, I would like to mention my new current adventure: Short Films.

I've been inspired by the Mentos short film pun and I want to do something of the nature. I feel it will be hard in getting many of my friends to help. I really think it would be a fun experience though. Oh well.

Saying for today in closing~ "If you can't beat'em, join'em."

Posted by goth2/see_my_tears at 12:51 AM GMT
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