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Andromeda Rainne

Wednesday, 10 December 2003

These wounds; they will not heal...
Sometimes, I just hate me.

It's been another one of those days... And man, they suck so bad. It's been awhile since my last entry... I guess an update is in order...?

I moved back in with my mother just over a week ago (on the first). What a pain in the ass. I had to quit smoking, partying, everything. Now, I feel like such a goody-goody, it's pathetic. I mean, I am just sick of being who everyone wants me to be. I like to wear what I want, say whatever I want to say, just be who I am! And everyone else... Well, they want me to graduate, and I want to get my G.E.D., and take college classes. They want me to wear colors and be happy... They want me to wake up, and take a walk in the sunshine. They want me to bring my head out of my art and stop typing and... I just can't. I have scars all over my arm from trying to let out who I am... And be what they want me to be... I just can't. I never could. I wear black, and sit in my room or on the couch... Reading, drawing, typing, and Wicca... That is my life... I don't have much to be happy about. I love Kage... But I am never sure about how he feels about me. I don't even care about fitting in at school or whatever; just going through my day, and finally, at night, I feed off the energy of the night... And sleep. I sleep until one in the afternoon, and I don't care that it is just escapism again... just like before. I don't care anymore...

I left behind a few good friends, in Oregon... Devon was one... Oh Goddess, I love him. ^_^ As a friend, though. He is the sweetest guy I know. He has saved me from myself more than once, and for that I thank him. I really connect with him, and every moment spent with him is like a dream. I really enjoy being around him.

Another was Andrea. She is like an older sister to me, I guess. ^.^ She is so interesting just to talk to, and I enjoy her openness and straight-forward-ness. I really don't know what I can say about Andrea. Her fiancé, Andy, is so adorable, and so sweet. I like hanging out with all the people in that house - including Devon, JT, Tim, Andy, Andrea, Billy, whoever else shows up, the kittens, etc... - when they gather in the living room to play video games. That's always interesting. :)

Corrin was a really sweet girl. She believed me when noone else would, even though I was telling the truth. That helped a lot more than she knows.

Same with Brenna. I liked her a lot. We hung out, sometimes, one of us would have a pack of menthol cigarettes or Camel's, so we'd chill and have a smoke break. ^_^ She was adorable, and sweet, and always there to listen and try to cheer me up.

I went out with this guy... Joseph... I liked him, more than he ever knew... I liked being around him so much, and we could talk about pretty much anything, like sex, even though we never "did it" or whatever... He was a good kisser, though. ^.~ And he knew just what to say to cheer me up, as corny as that may sound (or be). I miss him...

I went to a treatment center in Corvallis, and it sucked so bad...It was around my favorite holiday - Samhain (Halloween).. I met this girl there, Kay... She was cool. We both liked singing, and when we got a chance to sing karaeoke together, everyone just sat and stared. *.* It was odd. Then someone finally said,"Wow..." and then everyone cheered and such... That was the best part about my two weeks there...

Now, I'm home. I'm trying to be happy. I want to get on with my life, but right now, I just want to sleep. All the time, that's what I want to do. I think I've become anemic again... I havent been eating much meat, or eating much at all, for that matter... >.> I'm tired alot, and depressed... Well, maybe that's it. The tired-ness and not having an appetite may be from that... Whatever.

I'm going to bed... It's, like, oh-dark-thirty in the morning, and Rei is supposed to pick me up in a few hours so I can go see the counselor at AHS about getting a Visitor's Pass so I can see Rei and Kage and... People.

Goodnight, morning, whatever you will.

Blessed Be. Goddess Graces... - Rainne, the tired one... -

Posted by goth2/andromeda_rainne at 3:15 AM PST
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Thursday, 24 July 2003

Guilty by association...
Hmm.. I wonder if I can stay up until nine in the morning. Packing... >.<


Catnip is gone. My kitty. I let Jaycee take her. And now I feel lonely. I'm so sad... *cries* ME KITTY IS GONE-NESS!!

More packing to do... Obsessive cravings for good music to satisfy... Linkin Park right now; System of a Down next. ^.^

Must take note: Guys go crazy over t*ts... It's true!

But I think I am going to miss Kage. A lot. I mean, yeah, I'll meet other guys, and I already have a really great one all my own, but my friendship and relationship with Kage was a once-in-a-lifetime-type thing. And I will miss it.

Goodnight, all. Have a blessed slumber.

Watching everything spin... - Rainne -

Posted by goth2/andromeda_rainne at 11:49 PM PDT
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Monkeys and Me Undies
Well, time to leave. Tomorrow I will make the 8-hour trip with my grandmother to my new home.

I just hope it's everything I wanted.

On Saturday, I'll get my new library card. Fun. I can check out shtuff. >.>

Well... Lesse.. Some stuffs about me?

Hmm.. Well, my name is Andromeda. Or Andrea, if you prefer. Andy, Meda, Meya, I've been called many things. This is my first entry, and it has taken me all day to figure this crap out. My friends describe me as gothic, or 'wanna-be gothic'. I guess I tend to go for gothy clothes sometimes... Why dwell on fashion anyway? I wear what I like, and whatever is comfortable at the time. As my friend Rachel says, I'm,"Slutty, and bitchy. Occasionally acts sweet and innocent, but then goes back to bitchy." Ouch. That hurts. v.v

I am upset. I am on the phone with Rachel, and I can't even see her before I leave. This blows. But I guess I'll see her around her birthday?... I hope so...

Now I am a moldy candy-cane... F*** it.

Watching everything spin.. - a.r. -

Posted by goth2/andromeda_rainne at 7:07 PM PDT
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