. . : | : | : Australias / Asias' finger on the pulse: Orgy Syndrome: | : | : . .

Welcome to Orgy Syndrome!


Once again! Click on the banner below to visit my Paige appreciation site


A new story has been added! "Where Rockstars go to Die" in the slash section! Check it out! The format for "Cruelty bought thee orchids" has also been changed. The ORGY section will be worked on soon aswell!


The Jay Gordon remix of the new Linkin Park single, which I can't remember what it's called, is out now, very funky indeed!


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^0^After Midnight^0^


Hello all! This is Orgy Syndrome: the first Australian fan based website for Orgy! Hooray! Now, as you all may know, or not know, Orgy are taking their sweet time putting out their third EP rumored to be called "Andromeda" (just don't quote me on the spelling) and a very long awaited DVD special. So, as we all wait for the guys to get off their sweet, sweet candy assess, and for those in the Australia/Pacific region, wait even longer, its time to have a little fun!

PLEASE DISREGARD THE PRESENT E-MAIL ADDRESS: lostincoma@hotmail.com I'm stupid and forgot the password! SEND ALL MESSAGES TO: jaygordonslipstick@hotmail.com

In conclusion: I reflect on the words of Confucius, "He (or she) who waits, gets Orgy" or was that Master Yoda that said that?

Stay tuned for some more riveting updates.

I have been recognize by someone!











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Obligatory Disclaimer

I do not own Orgy (J. Gordon, A. Derahk, R. Shuck, P. Haley, R. Hewitt). All stories in the SLASH section are purely fictional and are in no way ment to offend the characters portrayed.