Useful Kosplay Links

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~Fan Sites~ (in alphabetical order)

A Fan's View - Kevin Lillard's page of cosplay from many U.S. conventions.

Broken Wings - Khamryn is another cosplayer from Colorado that I met at NDK 01.  She is a great Gackt.  Go see!

Denver Cosplay Picnic - Held throughout the summer, and hopefully organizing more events, this site gives information about a series of cosplay picnics held in Denver, Colorado.

Dust to Dust Cosplay - Belonging to a cosplayer named Shelby, who has some awesome outfits.  

Cosplay.Com - Cosplayers can gather here, either by joining or lurking, but they have great con photos. - Another cosplay forum, but with ease to post pictures of completed costumes, find other cosplayers, and is easy to use.

Girls in....  - Cosplayers based in Illinois, who did the cutest Ein/Hello Kitty cosplay ever!  I highly recommend seeing their costumes.

Knock-Turn Network - Owned by my friend Rose, you can find her Indie Cosplay site, as well as the biggest and best Klaha-oriented site on the Net.

Masquerade! - My cosplay partner Mnemosyne runs this site!  She's got some great stuff in here (plus the layout is adorable).  Her technique is so top notch, I'm jealous. 

New Moon Rising  - Run by Beverly Alliss, a Denver-based cosplayer.  Contains links to many Denver cosplay pages.  Beverly also runs Method: Cosplay, a cosplay advice page for anyone with questions about how-tos, and how-dos. - This man takes beautiful cosplayer photos that are bright and colorful.

Usagichan Company Search and Rescue - Despite the wonky sounding name, this page has amazing pictures from many different conventions, including a comic con in Tokyo. Prepare to be amazed.

Ziggy's Cam and Cosplay - Ziggy is a cosplayer I met at Anime Central 2003.  Check out his site.  He's got a very cool Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore reference page for cosplayers to use, and his own array of fun cosplay pics.

~Fabric/Costume Sites~ (in alphabetical order)

Denver Fabrics - Well, as I'm in Colorado, this page is perfect for me, but I believe they do have Internet orders now. A wide variety of fabrics that even Jo-Ann's can't sneeze at.

Jo-Ann Fabrics - A very good craft/fabric store. *sniff* Jo-Ann, you have served me well!

~Cosplay Mailing Lists~ (in alphabetical order)

Colorado Cosplayers - Chatty, fun, and helpful, if you're in Colorado, a must join!

Cosplay - A large cosplay mailing list. People are always willing to answer any questions about sewing, conventions, or ideas.

MMcosplay - A Malice Mizer cosplay list. 

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