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Links that pay!!

Daily links

Paid to read

Paid to chat

Paid opinions

Paid to play

Wall of shame

Prizee: Free Games and Presents!

Paid to read!

These sites require a little more work but offer faster earning opportunities and several payments per month!

They send you an email, you open the link in the email and do a search then click on any other link and you get paid - simple!

Although a few pop up ads occur (easy to block) these sites DON'T send spam and you don't have to click and search everyday if you don't want to!
Sends around 10-30 emails a day and around 20-30 clickable links on their site, every 24 hours. Pays from £0.025 to 1p - good site and reliable for payment (they send cheques and amazon vouchers as well as paypal.

Sends anything from 10 - 100 emails per day, every email pays 0.5 cents so its quick to earn. Redemption is $5 and is very reliable, usually within 48 hours by paypal.
Send around 40+ mails for active members, redemption is at $3 and made within 48 hours, through paypal only. Most emails pay 0.75 cents so another quick earner.
Very good site, most emails are search but the more you search the more they send so its very quick to achieve minimum payout, most mails are 0.75 cents.
Send regular paid to read and some paid to search mails, most pay 0.8 cents Redemption is $5. A good site!

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