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My Broken Last Wish


Music is the form of expression that appeals to me the most. Nothing else can make me feel the way it does. Don’t allow yourself to be denied this experience by believing that everything called “music” is actually music. Music is art. So much of what we call “music”is just created for a profit. It’s a product to be bought and then forgotten. Then you buy a new product. They’re making money and you’re being deceived. Don’t let them control you. Don’t let them keep you from listening to what they don’t want you to hear. Don’t let them keep you from not seeing that the world is not okay. Don’t let them keep you stupid. And don’t let them make money off your ignorance.

"All you read and wear or see and hear on TV is a product begging for your fatass dirty dollar. So...Shut up and buy my new record, send more money, fuck you, buddy." - Maynard James Keenan

Nothing else is quite like it.
Trent Reznor is truly a musical genius.

don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
the devils of truth steal the souls of the free
don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
the blind have been blessed with security
don't open your eyes take it from me
i have found you can find happiness in slavery

For more on Nine Inch Nails and Trent
My NIN Page

Maynard is one of the most amazing people in this world.
He also happens to have a very cool tattoo.
Here is a strangely disturbing picture of his back and beautiful tattoo. Enjoy!

Think for yourself. Question authority.
Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities, the political, the religious, the educational authorities who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing, forming in our minds their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness; chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.
Think for yourself. Question authority.

LOOK!! More Maynard!

You're such an inspiration for the ways that I'll never ever choose to be.

If you don't know who this is. Or you don't know who Placebo is. Then, I would like you to find some sick form of punishment for yourself and then you must visit the Brick Shithouse. (a link has been provided at the bottom of this page for all you idiots)

"It's not actually a case of saying that you're trying to look like a women. It's more like you are what you are, that you're choosing to dress the way that you please. And it's a kind of self-confidence that allows you to pull that off." - Brian Molko

"wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious arractiveness of others." - oscar wilde

This is the beautiful twiggy. Isn't he the most adorable thing you ever saw? Ohhh . . . so cute. I just want to pet him.

Visual Audio Sensery Theatre

VAST is the beautiful music of Jon Crosby.

They are racing to a prison They will never leave
Worshipping a system I just don't believe

"The great magic of human experience is to snatch the eternal from the desperately fleating" - Justin Cotta

When I'm forty something I want to be as cool as Bono. I mean look at him he's awesome.
Those cool shades and his styling clothes. Not to mention that he's a rock star in one of the biggest bands ever, U2.
You Rock Bono!!

"Rock music says you can change the world . . . Pop music says, 'Why bother? Everything's Okay.'" - bono

I can float here forever
in this room
we can't touch the floor
in here we're all anemic
in here anemic and sweet so

If you ever have the chance to see the Deftones live, you should. They were one of the best shows I've
ever been to. And I even say that when I factor in all the bruises I had the next morning.

More women need to be involved in rock music. But Ranya is fighting for the cause. And I hope to be someday too.

Did you say make it rain for you?
I'd make it storm with a wind like you've never seen before.
Did you say move that mountain for you?
I'd make it all but crumble away today.

I've always been a huge fan of Orgy. Yet their new album vapor transmission is truly amazing. Do you dream in digital?

You're just another pretty face in a room full of whores
No you don't mean much used to be so naive
Catatonic now you seem to be so much better than before
Now you've made a mess of yourself, you've made a mess of everything
You're a mess, a fuckin' mess
Dumb dumb dizzy dizzy dumb dumb dizzy dizzy

This is Raine, the singer with the amazing vocie from Our Lady Peace. Sprital Machines, their new ablum is incredible. I'm in love with it. Sadly it hasn't been released in the states yet. But you should buy it the day it is finally released. And if you live in Canada, then you should already have it.

the telephone is ringing, disconnect the line
the tension is building but I'm alright
the stars are colliding, so you might as well let me go

the television is burning because I set it on fire
the wheels they keep turning, but i'm fine
what about the questions we have locked up inside

somewhere, somehow
we've been denied
hand in hand we walk behind pretending,
defending while our souls are tied

It's only the third hour, my conscience subsides
But something reminds me that you lied
What about the consequences?
This can't be right

This is Kasson, the keyboardist and theremin player of Splashdown. The theremin is the coolest instrament ever. I want to learn to play it. I saw Splashdown live and it was amazing to see Kasson play so close up. If you play the theremin please tell me, cause then you are so cool.

Look at Trevor jump! I saw Econoline Crush live last summer. They were amazing and had so much live energy (especially Trevor, the singer). It's been a long time since any new stuff has come out. But the new album Brand New History is due out this spring and I can't wait.

delicate love, precious and pale
tempted and torn
broken and failed
don't leave me here
don't leave me alone
i am the one
the devil you know

Snake River Conspirasy

This is Tobey from SRC. Sonic Jihad is one of those fun records. You know to put on at a party or something. Yet, there are some really good songs on this album. SRC's origanal single Vulcan and their cover of the Cure's Lovesong are amazing. But their new single a cover of the Smith's How Soon Is Now? isn't anything great. Yet, I don't mind skipping a song or two to get to the good stuff.

i'm a pixie
i'm a paperdoll
i'm a cartoon
i'm a chipper cheerful free for all
and i light up a room
i'm the color me happy girl
miss live and let live
and when they're out for blood
i always give

when i look down
i miss all the good stuff
and when i look up
i just trip over things

a little bird told me
that jumping is easy
that falling is fun
right up until you hit the sidewalk
shivering and stunned

Ani Difranco is amazing. The proof is right up there.

Audra is an amazing band. Well actually it's two brothers so I don't know if you'd call that a band. But they are a new love of mine. And you should go check them out.

This is Debra from Diva Destruction. I love this band they are so good.

Enslaved by your beauty
Enslaved by your touch
Enslaved by this feeling
that tempts me too much

So pick your poison
And choose your passion's price
Forever drowning
in these endless escapes

So let go and fly
As we let go and die
When you love the one you hate
That sadist is your soulmate
When you love the one you hate

Trapped in this torture
Used to these tears
Forever are our games
the drama's all the same

Hiding a double life
You deny your death

So let go and fly
As we let go and die

When you love the one you hate
That sadist is your soulmate
When you love the one you hate

The Smiths

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way?
I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

There's a club, if you'd like to go
You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go, and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home, and you cry
And you want to die

When you say it's gonna happen "now"
Well, when exactly do you mean?
See I've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone

For more lyrics go to...
The Random Smiths Lyrics Generator

Meat Beat Manifesto or Jack Dangers
MBM is amazing and I love it. I have been listening for a long time now and MBM is one of my favorites.

The Cure

Never fade never die
You give me flowers of love
Always fade always die
I let fall flowers of blood

Get Sucked Back

Flutter Over To Poetry

Crawl Over To Films

Skip Over To Read My Journal