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My Broken Last Wish


This is the most pointless page of my website. My life is not very interesting. So I’m not sure why anyone would want to read about it. But I’ll try to make it as exciting and entertaining as possible. So maybe you can somehow manage to have some amusement out of it. And I’ll try to keep the suspense up by adding entries as much as possible. If I don’t write in here for a while I’m sorry but it might mean my life actually got interesting. Wait no, it’ll just mean
that I got lazy.

January 15, 2001

This is my first entry!! Wow! How exciting!! Today has been the most amazing day. Well actually it hasn’t been I’m just trying to create some interest. My English teacher always says you need a good opening paragraph to get the readers attention and make them want to read the rest. But I can’t do that. So I’ll just beg. Please, please, please read the rest of this entry. Today hasn’t been exciting at all. I woke up at noon, ate some food, and came hear to my computer to work on my webpage. You might like to note that today I added the cute picture of Raine on the music page and this annoying and stupid journal entry. Right now I am sitting at my computer in my pajamas typing this message to you. Oh, and I’m listening to AFI. I finally got the cd. Hey, this is something to write about. I’ll tell you about the adventure of getting my AFI cd. Well this story starts along time ago (about a couple of months) when my friend (I’ll call her Pinky for now because I’m not sure if she’d be okay with me using her real name, I’ll have to ask her that) So... anyway Pinky went to see Rancid (I think that was the show) and she saw the opening band AFI. She really wanted to like this band because she really liked their T-shirt they had for sale at the show and she wanted to buy it. For anyone who knows about AFI the T-shirt I am talking about is the cover art for their new cd. You know, the picture of all the creepy green guys and the one standing in a fountain. Back to the story, so Pinky wanted to buy the T-shirt but sadly she didn’t really like the band so she didn’t buy it. But about a month later she was at her friends house and they were playing some AFI. Pinky was like, “who is this?? I really like them.” She was shocked to hear it was AFI a band she thought she didn’t like. So then she decided they must just have had a bad live show that night. Then when I went to the mall with her and Bolly (another name change) and Tool guy (he’ll always be called this because this is his real nickname and I like calling him it more then I like calling him by his real name) she went into the record store there and bought the cd. After we all left the mall, she played the cd in Tool guy’s car on our way to a coffee shop. I was thinking, “Wow. AFI, they’re a pretty cool band.” Then I heard track four and I was like, “Oh my God, I love this song!” Now as if you couldn’t already tell from my page I’m not one to like punk music. I don’t mind it. Most of my friend’s are into punk so if they are playing it at a party or in their room I don’t mind. But I’ve never thought I’d actually go out and buy a punk cd to listen to at my own will. Yet I was in love with this song. So I figured why let the fact that it’s a punk cd get in my way. Pinky informed me that they are a goth punk band. I kinda like that because they are all creepy and they’re lyrics are cool. So I set out on my quest to buy the AFI cd. First I went to Media Play, cause I have one of those replay club card thingys. But I was soon to find out that Media Play was crap. I looked in the A section where the cd should have been sitting but it wasn’t there!! So then I asked the Media Play worker guy, “Do you have any AFI cds here?” And he said, “No, you have to go to other stores to get good music.” I was planning on killing him in a fit of rage but since he called it good music I decided to spare him. Then I went over to this other store that has like cds and tvs and radios and other stuff like that. I can’t remember it’s name right now but that is unimportant. They did have an AFI section and one cd but not the one I wanted. It was getting late and I was forced to go home empty handed. The next day I decided to go to the other Media Play. But that was a stupid decision because they didn’t have it either. Stupid dumb fucking Media Play!! The next day I went to the mall with Pinky the same mall she had bought her copy in. They had it cause they are cool. They had tons of them. I wanted to drag the stupid Media Play people into the store and yell at them for what they did to me. But I had my cd, so I was happy. The End. Sorry for those of you who read this. Moral to the story: Go buy the new AFI cd The Art of Drowning.

January 17, 2001

Wow, I’m not going to write as much as I did last time. I shouldn’t have set that standard for myself. Oh well. So I figured you might like to know a little about me. Wait, updates on site are some new poems have been added on the poetry page (some of my poems are there now) and on the films page I now have info on Interview with the Vampire and American Beauty. Okay, back to telling you something about me. Ummm Well let’s see important stuff to say about myself. Oh, you might like to know that I’m 42 % dead. Okay that sounds really weird. I guess this needs some explaining. See I have these really funky hands. They are always cold and they change colors too. Well not always, I mean sometimes they look very normal and you wouldn’t know that really they are not normal at all, that they are really weird hands. Even if it’s warm my hands might turn blue or maybe white. So me and Pinky (remember her from my last entry) decided that it was because I have no circulation. My blood just “floats” and that is why my hands are always cold. Today, after school, me and Pinky and London (new nickname, I’ve discovered that my friends really don’t care if I use their names but it sounds more fun this way) and Tool guy were discussing this in detail. Facts about how blood moves if person has no circulation. Fact One: circulation is something that qualifies a body as being alive so if a body has no circulation then it is 42 % dead (the reason that it is 42 % derives from a long complicated confusing math equation, I will spare you from having your mind scrambled) Fact Two: If one with no circulation is to jump then the blood will rush to the head while body is airborne and rush to the feet as body lands. This may cause dizziness. Fact Three: If one with no circulation is to get cut on the hand then raise hand above head and blood will not bleed out. Do not allow hand to be at ones side or massive amounts of blood will be lost. There are more facts on this strange disorder but these are the most interesting (actually these are the only ones that come to my head right now). So there is a little piece of information about me. If you are really nice, I might tell you more.

January 23, 2001

Being single can really suck sometimes. Especially on Valentine’s day. “I’m killing time on Valentine’s, waiting for the day to end.” So since Valentine’s day is just around the corner, I’m starting a dating service on this page for all you lonely single people out there. Today I have Jacob, a nice young handsome man. A real catch for all you ladies. He’s 6'3" and 215 lbs. This little cutie has short blonde hair and green eyes. Jacob is super sweet, cute, smart, and an all around nice guy. He’s single and looking for the women of his dreams. All you hardcore chicks out there who enjoy the music of disturbed, coal chamber, korn, tool, fear factory, mudvayne, and sevendust should take notice of Jacob here. But any girls who like slipknot pay no attention to Jacob. He needs himself a slipknot hating kinda girl so he will hate slipknot too. Jacob here likes slipknot and he needs someone who will show him the errors of his ways. Because we all know that slipknot is the bsb of rock. Slipknot is the devil, wait no they are just a tool of the devil, to brainwash you all into being the same. Slipknot is not smart enough to be the devil. Okay enough with the slipknot bashing, back to Jacob. So he’s looking for a loving lady who is smart, funny, with a great personality, fun to be with, honest, trustworthy, and caring. He says and I quote, “maybe if I was a girl I would but I’m a guy so...” Wait that has nothing to do with this! And you don’t really need to know what that was all about or how that sentence ended. Jacob is a kinky little guy. So to summerize: Hot hardcore chicks come give some lovin’ to Jacob. If you are interested call 1-800-SLIPKNOTSUCKS or say you want Jacob on the guestbook of this site. Side notes that are unimportant to this journal: Lost Highway info has been added to the films page. Jacob thanks you for your time.

January 29, 2001

This entry is a continuation from a previous entry on the condition of having no circulation. I have to say that I’m no longer 42% dead but now I’m 43% dead. The other day I went to the mall with Pinky, Tool guy, and Gwenabie. It was a very cold and stupid night. Since I live in Buffalo there are many cold and stupid snow-filled nights. This was one of those days. I had my coat on in Tool guy’s car but having a coat while shopping is kinda annoying plus I wanted everyone to see the NIN shirt I was wearing. So I opted to leave my coat in the car. Of coarse we decided to go to the mall on a Friday night and there was absolutely no parking spaces anywhere near any entrance. So we had to park in the dead deserted part of the mall parking lots (very scary). Not noticing this or not thinking (which is often the case with me) I left my coat in the car. The second I stepped out of the car I noticed that this was a very bad idea but it was too late the car door had already swung shut and Tool guy had already locked the doors. Instead of making him open it up again I attempted to make it to the mall entrance doors alive. As I mentioned before I was wearing one of my NIN shirts and all my NIN shirts are T-shirts so basically I was freezing. I grabbed Pinky’s hand and we started running for the door. But both of us aren’t big fans of gym class so about half way there we couldn’t run anymore. When I finally got to the door my hands were numbing. With my condition, exposing myself to severe conditions is very bad. And due to this little experience I lost a percent of my life. So now I have a worse case and am no longer 42% dead. Now I’m 43% dead. Luckily on the way out Tool guy gave me his coat and I didn’t lose any more of my life. This story also has a moral and it is . . . hold on it’s escaping me . . . oh yeah never leave your coat in the car! The guest of this show, the NIN T-shirt would like to inform you that an entire page of this website has been dedicated to Nine Inch Nails and Trenty. So to view this wonderful page go to the music page and then go the section on Nine Inch Nails and click on “view my NIN page.” Also, pictures and info on the bands Splashdown and Econoline Crush have been added to the music page. And my website now has a secrete.

Febuary 27, 2001

Wow almost a whole month of laziness. But I have added to my website. Today...well it's dark so tonight I would like to tell you about my cute little boyfriend. His name is Johnny. He's really cool and has a comic book all about him (everything in there is true...but I'm not in the comic book because I want my Johnny to get the whole spotlight...cause I love him so much he's so cute awww). The comic book is entitled "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac". I love my Johnny, I call him Nny for short. Here is a adorably cute picture of him My lovable Johnny and another awwww Sweet cute Nny. He is so tormented and troubled and noone understands him but me. Even though he is a homicidal maniac and has killed many many people and has a tendency to snap and disembowel you with a spork...I still think he's so great. Cause see he's really weak and fragile and sweet inside he's just had to put up with a lot of shit and feels lonely. So I mean it's understandable. (right? RIGHT!) Johnny never hurts me or would even think of harming me because he loves me so much. I even tested him once... I looked him right in the eye and said "Wacky" and all he did was smile (his smile is so cute) and said "I love that word." But the next second some lady was commenting on a hair cut of her friends and she said, "'s Wacky." and Johnny overheard and flipped out. He was screaming at her but I took his spork away...I didn't want to ruin the moment. Johnny is so cool cause he will kill off anyone I don't like. There was this one time in gym class and my teacher was making us play a really stupid game. Johnny came to school with me that day and it was a great day (Johnny gave me a dead black rose even though it had a little blood on it was still so cute and when my teacher got mad that I had forgot my homework, Johnny stabled him to the chalk board so we had a free mod instead of class) but my stupid gym teacher wanted to ruin my perfect day. And Johnny wouldn't stand for that...he said, "Who do you think you are forcing these students to play pointless physical activities that involve nets and balls and bats!! Do you promote kids to have low self esteem and believe that beauty is skin deep and that your physical appearance is important? Do you want kids to waste their short pathetic lives on stupid mindless games? Do you want to ruin my Jenny's wonderful day and the day of all these other harmless students? Do you?! Do you!! Do you!!!" then he wrapped her up in a volley ball net and shoved a baseball bat up her ass and hung her from the basketball hoop. And I said, "Awww Johnny you are so brutally murdered my gym teacher for me...that's so sweet." Then we made out for the rest of that class. And it was so nice that all my friends left so fast so we could be alone. Johnny is so amazing. I love him so much. Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny...... Now that you think I'm a total freak I would just like to say that Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is a cool comic. And ummmm Johnny would like to say, "Did the dog send you?!"

Get Sucked Back

Flutter Over To Poetry

Mosh Over To Music

Crawl Over To Films