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The Portcullis

Yes that's right we here the players of the World Powers system have a nifty disclaimer. It isn't long or anything but for purposes of law-type stuff we have to have this here. So this is how it goes *breathes real deeply* : We are not dangerous and do not threaten your children. The World Powers System and the One World By Night system is for all purposes an improvised drama group based upon vampires, ghosts, were-wolves, et cetera. It is entirely for the interests of fun and enjoyment. Anything that we portray or speak of in the GAME we DO NOT do in real life.

Here are the basic rules, et cetera of what we do, please be so kind as to read them.

Always remember that this is JUST a game, never more than that. We are all here to have fun, if you don't have fun doing what we're doing maybe you shouldn't be here right?

No weapons OF ANY TYPE. Laptops, clothing, canes, tape recorders, everyday objects are cool. Any REAL-LOOKING object similar to a weapon in any form is completely uncool. Pop-guns, toys, flails, Gigantic Miniture Space Hamsters named "Boo" are all bad.

Don't act out what your character does. If your character falls 3 stories off a building, for heaven's sake DON'T YOU DO THAT!!!

There is to be no illegal-type substances or alcohol of any type. If you do it expect NEVER to come back and that's all I have to say about that.

If you are under the age of 18 you MUST have your parent's or guardian's permission to play. If you don't have permission it would not be a good idea to come.

Other than the basic rules stated here use your judgement on what to do and what NOT to do, it can't be easier than that.

Last but definately not least there is this. Many images shown here have been pulled from the pages of White Wolf's books and from their Official site. From this point forward ALL images, non-player created names, clans, games, ET CETERA depicted within this webpage are all REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF WHITE WOLF and are to be treated as such. Therefore I give complete credit to those guys cause if it weren't for them, well we couldn't play at all now could we?

Vampirism Just isn't for Me. This Sounds Interesting.