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We Just might be the Camarilla

Registered TM and Copyright of White Wolf

Ya I know it's broke, o well.

As of 5/16/02 the game is completely reset, new characters, new ideas. I hope to see you ready to go. Game is WEEKLY on Thursdays at 6PM (please try to be on time if possible) CURRENTLY AT: Becky's Apartment (Though that may be changing).

Um, the games are currently being held at Becky's for a while, until otherwise noted. If you want to find you how to get there e-mail her. Bravenet sucks, though it is back online! The Message Boards are back!!!

Hello I am your friendly neighboorhood Spiderm.. wait that's not right. I'm the Webmaster here if you want any of your character's nifty information posted it would do you well to contact me asap for it. This is the Edwardsville World Powers Presents Camarilla Live Action Role-Playing game, remember that people. :)

Jason Jahr at: arch_angel13@hotmail.com

Do remember that most all information that you get here is Out Of Character, except of course the In Character Stuff..

Also and ---HEY THIS IS IMPORTANT HERE--- please send me any important stuff that needs to be added to the site ASAP people, no need to wait to tell me of what is going 3 weeks after the fact, that isn't cool. Got it? Good.

Last thing, no really I promise, the last update for the page is... proabably TODAY, I am always adding this and that to the page so long as I get feedback from everyone.

Would you like to know who runs your game? Here they are!

Here's everyone who plays in said game.

In Character Declarations and Information.

In Character News and Other Information.

These are our House Rules, it might be good to know them.

The IC board is up and working.

The OOC board is back and ready to go.

Of course the Qoute of the Week and past Qoutes of the Past Weeks... yeah.

We got the links to other site you might just want to visit.

If you think you got the balls come on in.