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Greece, 2007

European Sport Psychology Conference

Halkidiki, Greece, Part 1

Somnolent Andrew, and way-too-perky Michelle, after 350 hours of flying to Greece
having Mythos Beer at a taverna near the conference hotel. We all crashed severely a bit later.



Greek food, souvlaki, gyros, and ubiquitous Greek salads. Lovely Jeffrey, Fi Fi La Dude
(aka, Judy Van Raalte), and the hopeless Kiwi, The Todinator, in Kallithea for lunch.



Nature shot, prickly pear.



The gorgeous and brilliant Adva, the immensely aggravating and adorable Lior, and their
own little drama queen, Adar. Adva's parents rented a villa near the conference
 and had us over for for a lovely Hungarian meal.



The whole crew, wide awake Andrew (for this pic), Michelle, Dr. Dork, Adva, Lior, and Adva's parents.



The family, and no, Lior is not drunk.



View from our hotel room.



The totally evil and fabulous Janette and Jeffrey on their trek away from all
the boring and self-absorbed psychologists at the conference. These two were
probably the sanest of the whole bunch in Greece (well, maybe not Janette).



The Aegean, no more words needed.



Janette exploring.






Sunset from our hotel room balcony.



Professor Tony Morris and Jeffrey went for lunch.
Greek salad with slab-o-feta (surprise!) and tzatziki.



Judy Van Raalte's "Squid-on-a-Plate"
Jeffrey's lunch with Tony.


Kalamari Kid Kalvin takes you to the home page.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4