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Most Recent - April 1, 2003

News from Rasshaik!

        I have decided that a chat channel for the Savage Circle is important.  From now on, when you log in, it would be great if you /join savage.  Or put it on /autojoin savage.  Please try to be on this channel whenever you are online.  I invite members who might be good to have in or near the guild to this channel to get to know everyone.  The Velious Knights are invited too!  So chat a little and get to know each other.

March 25, 2003

News from Rasshaik!

        I have a new e-mail address.  I made it so the guild can contact me at a separate e-mail address so nothing accidentally gets deleted.  The address is  The pages have been updated to accommodate this change.  Thank you for your understanding!

                    Rasshaik <Savage Circle>

March 23, 2003

News from Rasshaik!

        Please, please, PLEASE register for the forum.  It's not hard, and its free.  I need this so that I can assign the power level to certain people, such as officers and such.  Please post about yourself in the Savage Pack or New Members or General Discussion forum.  I need to get everyone organized.  Not many people visit this site.  Please tell the guild-mates about it!

                    Rasshaik <Savage Circle>

March 20, 2003

News from Xanik!

       For those of you wondering, Xanik has not been on much due to the War on Iraq issue.  He plans to be online at least a few minutes everyday, but the current issues take up most of his time.  If should need to get a hold of him for some reason, please talk to me first and I'll send it along to him if I feel the need.  I am Co-Leader of this guild and essentially Leader while Xanik is away.  Please contact me first!

Rasshaik <Savage Circle>


This website made by: for the Savage Circle.

Contact Me

 Last updated on 04/01/2003