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Savage Circle Applications

    If you are interested in becoming a member of the Savage Circle, then you must agree to our rules and regulations.  These are quite simple.  After reading through all of them carefully, you may continue to out forums, using the link from the top of the page, and post the required information in the "Interested in Joining??" forum.  The required information and charter are as followed:

Information Needed - 

1. Email

2. Character Name/Surname

3. Character Level

4. Character Race

5. Character Class

Charter - (Under Construction)

        Member applications restricted to level 10 and above right now.  When you are level 25, you have the chance to become an officer if you'd like.  

1.  Our guild is not a powerleveling guild.  We do not give out powerlevels whenever they are asked for, however if a member wants to powerlevel you out of his or her own kind heart, you may accept it.

2.  Our guild also does not just give out free items.  If you wish to get items from the bank, you need to contact the banker, and you will have to trade in an item(s) that are worth about the same value, or pay a discount price for it.  We do this to fund for our raids or outfit newer members.  A limit of 2 items, within reasonable choice, may be taken out of the bank for free.  After that, all items will need to be traded or paid for.  Also, if you have an item you will most likely sell off to a vendor or a person, see if the item may be useful for a guild member.  There is not limit as to how many items and/or money you can contribute to the guild bank.

3.  You will have to have read the Raid Basics, and can play by those terms.  That is the sequence we will use for most raids until we become bigger and we can experiment a little more.


(More to be updated)


This website made by: for the Savage Circle.

Contact Me

 Last updated on 04/01/2003